I've been on the fence whether to do the traditional wedding ceremony + reception or the very small city hall marriage and dinner with close family/friends after.
My fiance and I are going to be paying for the wedding ourselves, I don't want to ask for help from families unless they offer on their own.
We just bought a house together this past May, I'm saving up to buy my own car, so money is tight and limited.
The city hall marriage is definitely more appealing financially, yet I don't want to go through with it and regret not doing the traditional way. Currently I have 19 Sub-Categories for Wedding in my Pinterest account, clearly I got excited with the planning and decor aspect of the wedding.
We got engaged in Jan 2019 and have decided to push getting married (if we do traditional way) to 2022.
I just want to hear other stories if anyone has regretted doing the city hall route and vice versa.
Please and Thanks