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VIP November 2016 British Columbia

Bam- wedding advice

Samtam, on November 24, 2016 at 03:19 Posted in Just married 0 11 Cont...

There were things that went wrong along the way and that I wish I could change but it was the happiest day of our lives and I’m so glad that we’re finally husband and wife! All the stress and hard work during the past 2.5 years was worth it and now we get to spend the rest of our lives together! I hope that you all have a wonderful day and I look forward to hearing more about your plans and helping with advice where I can! Smiley heart

My advice:

-Stay true to your decisions! You do not make them lightly and you made them for a reason so stay true to yourself and don’t cave just because it’s easier! When we picked our date 2.5 years ago, we didn’t know that it was going to be around such a controversial election and while that did add some unanticipated stress, I still love the date we chose because it was 5 years and 1 day after our first date and held meaning for us. We had so many people tell us that we shouldn’t be getting married in Vancouver (mainly close family members) but once they got there and saw the experience we put together and that it was a once-in-a-lifetime chance, they loved it and they finally understood our vision! I can’t tell you how rewarding it was to have people recognize the work that we put into the little details and to say that it couldn’t have been more perfect! (My MOH had been advocating for black shoes instead of purple and we were having a hard time finding a pair that would work for everyone but we did a couple months before the wedding! She told me after the wedding that she was so glad I stood my ground because the shoes really popped and matched the bouquets perfectly! My mom also apologized after the wedding for doubting me and said that I should look at doing wedding planning as a career! I’m seriously considering it actually because I’ve been trying to break into the event planning field and found out that I really love wedding planning!)

-Test out your ideas in the space if you can. There are always going to be things that are different than what you imagine so if you can replicate the conditions as close as possible, you can figure out solutions in advance, rather than on the fly the day of the wedding!

-Make sure to get a day-of contact for your venues! The people you’ve been working with may not be there on the day of your wedding so make sure to find out from them who will be your point person!

-Be as present as possible! I definitely feel like I was and I was so glad that our wedding day didn’t go by in a blur!

-Do not assume anything with your vendors! I don’t know how many times I had to drill that into my husband. It is better to over-remind them than to assume they’ll remember something and have it slip through the cracks. With each of our vendors, there was something that they would have forgotten if I hadn’t brought it up. Even though we’d discussed it at multiple meetings, even though it was agreed upon in our contract!

-Bring flats to change into at the reception! After walking all over Granville Island for pictures, my feet were dying even though the heels were super comfy and I added extra cushioning so when we got to the reception, I had to sit down for about 15 min. I had bought my bridesmaids Talaria flats as their gift and they were all so grateful to have them for the reception! I bought myself a pair just because and thought about not bringing them but I was so glad I did! I made it almost all night but finally had to change after dancing up a storm. If I hadn’t changed, I def would have been hobbling to our suite at the end of the night! So romantic! Smiley tongue


Latest activity by Carolyne, on February 23, 2017 at 18:36
  • Carolyne
    Super June 2018 Quebec
    Carolyne ·
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    There such a good advice! I always love reading your advice!
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  • Tiffany
    Devoted September 2018 Quebec
    Tiffany ·
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    Sounds like your day was wonderful! Thank you for the advice. I wouldn't have thought of some of them!
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  • Samtam
    VIP November 2016 British Columbia
    Samtam ·
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    Thanks Laura! I hope that it helps everyone! Can't wait for you to have your special day and share your BAM too!

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  • Laura
    Super September 2017 Alberta
    Laura ·
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    1. Congratulations!!! Smiley heart

    2.Thank you for taking the time to write all of this out! Your wedding day sounds amazing and you have some great pointers and everything looks and sounds so beautiful! Smiley smile

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  • Melissa
    VIP June 2017 Ontario
    Melissa ·
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    I can't wait to use the Bride Card as a position of power!

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  • Samtam
    VIP November 2016 British Columbia
    Samtam ·
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    Happy to help! I should have known better with my event planning background to get a day-of contact but we were supposed to be setting up the night before so I figured it was one less thing to worry about. So instead I just had to pull the Bride card and force my way in the morning of the wedding! Smiley xd

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  • Samtam
    VIP November 2016 British Columbia
    Samtam ·
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    I'm happy to help my fellow brides and grooms! A wedding is not something you plan every day so we brides and grooms need to stick together and help each other out! Smiley shame

    This week is Thanksgiving in the US so we are going at end of next week! We fly out the night of Dec 2 and it still hasn't really sunk in yet that we're going to St. Lucia! So unreal!

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  • Valerie
    VIP April 2017 Ontario
    Valerie ·
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    Thanks for writing this Sam... so helpful!!!

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  • Melissa
    VIP June 2017 Ontario
    Melissa ·
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    Thank you for the advice! I don't think it ever crossed my mind that my vendor contacts might not be the same the day of

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  • Emilie
    Featured Quebec
    Emilie ·
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    I'm so glad you had such an amazing day Sam!! Congrats hun!! Smiley heart I'm so happy you had the best day of your lives! I wish you many more of those happy days! Thanks so much for your advice, I'll definitely pass it on to other brides! Smiley smile I'm so glad you keep participating in here, you're input is so valuable and love your energy Smiley heart Are you leaving on you honeymoon this weekend?

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  • Lisa
    VIP May 2018 Ontario
    Lisa ·
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    Thank you for taking the time to write this! These are great pointers! Will keep all this in mind!!!!!
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