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Frequent user April 2020 Alberta

Am I alone?

Kirsten, on January 6, 2020 at 18:27 Posted in Before the wedding 0 13
I am 3.5months out from my wedding and it's starting to kick in....I am getting married. I am changing the last name I have had my entire life. I have ZERO doubts about my fiance, i love him so much and I am having no doubts I want to be his wife. And I know I want to change my last name but i also feel like I'm having an identity crisis I won't be a Stevens anymore, the name I have had for 28yrs...I am going to be a wife. It is sinking in at this point and omg I'm anxious lol....I have been do calm and collected to this point. It isn't about my fiance, it's about the complete change in my life. Am I alone in this? Lol


Latest activity by Kirsten, on January 8, 2020 at 11:57
  • Kirsten
    Frequent user April 2020 Alberta
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    I don't have the option of going by my married last name at work until everything is legally changed over because I sign tickets and legal documents and what I put on those documents have to be what my identification card says, which will be my legal name
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  • Casey
    Master October 2019 Ontario
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    You are for sure not alone. We just got our marriage certificate in the mail a couple weeks ago, and I have been too busy to change everything. But as Tori said, you can assume your FH's last name and that doesn't change the name on your birth certificate.

    When giving information, I give my married name now, even though it isn't legally changed just so its done.

    It takes some time. I think its still weird when someone calls me by my married last name and its only been 3 months

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  • Kirsten
    Frequent user April 2020 Alberta
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    Once I make the step to get my license changed I need to change my provincial work identification cards. I'll no longer be "officer Stevens" which is going to be hard. In my line of work everyone calls you by your last name and you identify yourself with your last name so it is going to be a shock
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  • Stephanie
    Master July 2018 Alberta
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    I changed everything slowly. Started with my email. Then when I got the marriage certificate, I changed my license, then health card—one document at a time. I was married a year in July, and in September I started changing over everything at work. Small steps but I got used to it!
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  • Sasha
    Frequent user June 2020 Ontario
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    5 months away as well!! same month. ahhh!Smiley smile

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  • Tori
    Top October 2019 Manitoba
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    Not alone in it at all! I got married back in October - and although I go by my new last name of Tori Doll instead of Tori Kamfoly... it's just weird man!! lol (to be fair my name isn't legally changed... need to have a marriage certificate for that and our province is MONTHS behind... currently working on weddings that occured the last week of September so I'm sure mine will be in the mail next month!)

    Instead of making a legal name change Manitoba lets you assume your SO's last name so that's what I will do so that my birth certificate stays the same (or at least this is what I'm told happens... hard to say because I'm the first of my friends to get married since I'm only 22) and then I'm going to add my maiden name as a second middle name!

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  • Chelsea
    Super June 2020 Alberta
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    I’m 5 months from the big day today and i know exactly how you’re feeling!
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  • Kirsten
    Frequent user April 2020 Alberta
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    Stevens is a pretty awesome name! I totally get that lol, I am excited to be a Veinot but it still feels like a piece of me is leaving

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  • Caitlyn
    Super January 2020 Ontario
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    I’m getting married in less than two weeks and it really has hit me that my last name will be changing (btw my last name is Stevens too so we can mourn not being Stevens anymore together). I feel somewhat apprehensive now, but I know deep down I do want to change my name, it’s just that change in general freaks me out.
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  • Kirsten
    Frequent user April 2020 Alberta
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    I totally would but that would require a legal name change on all my documents and there are 3 issues with that for me.

    1) It is more work to do a full legal name change

    2) I want my birth certificate to remain with my maiden name, which with a name change it won't but with assuming his name my birth certificate remains in my maiden name

    3) My birth certificate was issued in Germany to us on a Canadian military base and I think it would be a lot more work for me to go through with a full name change with that

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  • Amelia
    Master October 2020 New Brunswick
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    Totally with you. I love Taylor's family, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to give up my name.

    My plan is to talk to my parents and see how they feel about me making my last name my middle name. Then I can have both without hyphenating!
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  • Kirsten
    Frequent user April 2020 Alberta
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    We are legally marrying 2 days before our wedding. I am super excited to be a Veinot, it is such a cook and unique last name. I am actually excited! It just feels like so much that seemed like non big deal before is starting to change. We are talking about kids, my name is going to change, i am going to be a wife now and it just seems like so much that I honestly never expected to have or even thought of before I met my fiance. Feels like I am counting down to the begining of a different life if that makes sense lol. My fiance is amazing, zero doubts there as I said and I don't want it to be mistaken as cold feet because it's not.....but it is so much! lol

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  • Madisyn
    Expert February 2020 Ontario
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    You are totally not alone! Our wedding is in 3 months, but we will be legally married in 5 weeks. I'm changing my name and I love my new last name, I'm so excited to have it as my own, but I always say I'm having an identity crisis. Every time I sign up for something new, or update an existing card or service, I think about how I have to change it all, and people won't know me as a LeBreton anymore. I'm also losing the little bit of French heritage in my name and that makes me sad! It's a crazy time, but I'm sure once we have everything changed over we will start to adjust to the new normal. 😊
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