Half of our guests(~50 ppl) will be travelling from SK to ON and our wedding date is Sept 2020.
We will be sending out Save the dates in Feb 2019 and our invites in October 2019, almost all our guests know our wedding date already. Our hotel blocks can't give out of our booking code until a year before the wedding (Sept 2019). Our guests travelling already asked us for the hotels. Now my thoughts are:
Do we add the wedding website on our Save the Dates with the hotel address but no code yet and update the site when we know? Or leave out the website on the save the dates, and add it to the invites when we know the code.
Also, we are having no kids, so should we put on the save the dates a phrase for adults only so that when the invite comes they aren't surprised?
I know this is confusing but any advice would help