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Master August 2017 Manitoba

1st wedding party meeting

Simone, on March 26, 2017 at 21:14 Posted in Plan a wedding 0 6
Hi everyone,Yesterday, we had our meeting with the wedding party. The overall meeting was good, but we noticed that two people in my bridal party were mostly interacting with each other than the rest for night. One did apologize for their actions as they were getting out of hand, while the other did not see happy but was questioning things about the wedding and wedding social. I gave her answers. My PBA (Personal Bride Assistant) was one of the stars of the night and made it clear that she is the point of contact, no one is to asks us any questions on the day off the wedding but only say positive things to us. This made FH and I extremely happy. Our best man was the other star of night and said a very nice introduction about my FH and I. The night involed introducing everyone and going over the details of the wedding social, mostly, and the overview of the wedding. Hoping next meeting will be better!

1st wedding party meeting - 1

1st wedding party meeting - 2


Latest activity by Simone, on March 28, 2017 at 08:46
  • Simone
    Master August 2017 Manitoba
    Simone ·
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    Thank Fikayo. It's great to have a PBA as I think I would have been lost during the wedding and social process. I agree with you, it can only get better.
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  • Simone
    Master August 2017 Manitoba
    Simone ·
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    Thanks Kacy! I hope for a better outcome for possible future messages. The memes are hilarious and I'm glad you love them. Smiley winking
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  • Kenny & Fikayo
    Frequent user April 2017 Alberta
    Kenny & Fikayo ·
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    Smiley xd PBA, I love that! Every bride should have one of those. I'm glad the evening was productive despite the distractions. It can only get better. Smiley smile

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  • Kacy
    VIP February 2019 Quebec
    Kacy ·
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    Ah that's hard!! Glad to hear that at least one of them was aware of their less-than-ideal behaviour, and hopefully they will be conscious of their behaviour at the next meeting, if you decide to have another, or at the social! P.S. Totally love your memes hahah
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  • Simone
    Master August 2017 Manitoba
    Simone ·
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    Hey Emilie,
    Thanks. We meet at a restaurant and we booked a private room. It was just more quiet and we can all interact with each other. Out hope for the night was everyone interacting with others. I find its a challenge to have to confront people on bad behaviour as it has to be done in the proper matter without shaming someone. I'm still debating if I want to even have another one before the social as we can do without any more stress before the event.
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  • Emilie
    Featured Quebec
    Emilie ·
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    Hey Simone! I'm sorry the meeting was not what you had imagined. I guess everyone knows each other now and it can all get better from here! Smiley smile Where did you all meet? Did you organize this in a restaurant or at home?

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