Winnipeg, Manitoba · From February 2017
- Super
- 2,839 points
Happily married 🎉
September 30, 2017
I earned a badge!
2671 days agoRound of Applause
We're giving you a round of applause! You know what people like to hear and have earned this badge for creating 20 discussions.
I earned a badge!
2679 days agoPlanning Overtime
You're never off the clock! Planning is like a full time job for you, which is how you've managed to make the first comment of the day.
I earned a badge!
2694 days agoSmooth Operator
You have answers for everyone! You've already posted 20 times within 24 hours. No need to ask for your help, you're a smooth operator!
I earned a badge!
2737 days agoThe Deep End
We see you jumping right on into the deep end! You're cool and confident and know your way all around this community, now that you've posted 50 times.
I earned a badge!
2748 days agoFirst Look
A wedding first look is a beautiful photo of the couple seeing each other for the first time. You gave our community a beautiful first look by sharing the first picture of the day!
I earned a badge!
2750 days agoTroubleshooter
When members have questions, you have answers. You've earned the Troubleshooter badge for chiming in with your great ideas and being an awesome resource for your friends around the community.
I earned a badge!
2771 days agoConversation Starter
You, my friend, have the gift of the gab. You've gotten our members chatting by already creating 10 discussions! Thanks for being an amazing conversation starter and getting us mingling.
I earned a badge!
2828 days agoJump On In
It seems like only yesterday you were just getting started, but since then you've jumped right in and have now commented 20 times in the community. You're really making a splash!
I earned a badge!
2860 days agoExtrovert
You've made a huge step in the Community, you've decided to contact someone from the forum for the first time. You've won this medal for being so extroverted.
I earned a badge!
2871 days agoHead Table
You're obsessed with all things wedding and we love that! You’ve posted in 50 different discussions. Take your special seat at the head table!
I earned a badge!
2901 days agoSpread the Love
The community knows and loves you, because they see you posting all over! You've spread the love in 20 different discussions.
I earned a badge!
2902 days agoHot Streak
Hot streak! You can't get enough of the WeddingWire community, can you? Thanks for being a loyal community member and visiting us 5 days in a row.
I earned a badge!
2902 days agoTesting the Water
You're warming up to our community and getting to know the ropes. Today you've taken your first step and tested the water by making your first ever comment.
I earned a badge!
2905 days agoSocial Butterfly
You've shown your dedication by posting 10 times in the community already today! You're a super social sharer who is making waves, and we can't wait to hear even more from you.
I earned a badge!
2906 days agoBreak the Ice
We were hoping to hear what you had to say! You've broken the ice by sharing your thoughts in your very first discussion. We can't wait to see where the conversation goes.