Montreal, Quebec · From July 2016
I'm a 27 year old bride. I have been with my best friend for almost 5 years. He proposed on a beach in Mexico. Can't wait!
- Devoted
- 1,174 points
Happily married 🎉
September 9, 2017

Hi Louise! Are you Innocent or Guilty of these planning habits? Come fess up in this week's game: https://www.weddingwire.ca/forums/are-you-innocent-or-guilty-new-game--t9411
Hi there! How is the planning going? I made this discussion and I thought you might like it. 😊 It’s about the 10 steps every bride goes through. https://www.weddingwire.ca/forums/10-stages-every-bride-goes-through--t4916 Let me know if you like it. xx
Hi Louise! I saw that you like the games I made in the community and thought you might like this one too :) https://www.weddingwire.ca/forums/5-questions-to-get-to-know-the-bride--t4133 I’m letting you discover what it’s about! I hope you’ll like it. Big hug! xx
Hi dear! I created these discussions to share our inspirations this week and give ideas to each other: https://www.weddingwire.ca/forums/inspiration-of-the-week--t3884 I can't wait to see more of your pictures! Have you been looking for anything specific lately?
Hey love! Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! Today I thought we could all share ideas in green for brides in the community: https://www.weddingwire.ca/forums/green-wedding-ideas-for-saint-patricks-day--t3656 I also wanted to thank you for always being here for others in here! I hope you have an amazing day! xx
Hey hun! I created this checklist today so we can share what we found for our wedding and see everyone’s ideas :) https://www.weddingwire.ca/forums/what-step-are-you-at-in-your-planning--t3530 I can’t wait to see your pictures! Let me know if there’s anything! xx
Hey Louise! I just see that I already told you that XD but I'm super happy every time I read your discussions in here! You should meet the new ladies who are joining us from Montreal: https://www.weddingwire.ca/community/quebec How long have you and your FH been living in the city for?
Hey Louise! I'm so happy to read you in here every day! You bring so much to the community! I just created this discussion today for brides around Montreal: https://www.weddingwire.ca/forums/who-is-getting-married-near-montreal--t3283 I thought you should all meet! :) How's everything going on your side?
Hi hun! How was your week? I created this fun game for the weekend! https://www.weddingwire.ca/forums/what-will-be-on-your-playlist--t3227 I thought it would be fun to share our song ideas for the wedding! Can’t wait to listen to yours! I wish you an amazing weekend! xx
Hi hun! Here’s the game of the day! https://www.weddingwire.ca/forums/what-does-your-pinterest-wedding-look-like--t3183 I’m letting you discover what it’s about! I hope you’ll like it. Big hug! xx
Hi hun! I just created this chain of kindness, so we can all be here for each other in the community: https://www.weddingwire.ca/forums/chain-of-kindness-follow-the-chain--t2878 This is the first link of the chain: https://www.weddingwire.ca/forums/1st-step-chain-of-kindness--t2879 As a community we grow stronger together and wedding planning becomes more fun and easier when we’re all here for one another. I hope you’ll join us! Let us know if there’s anything we can help with, there is always someone here for you :) Have a great day! xx
Hi love! I wanted to wish you an amazing Valentine’s Day! I hope all is well with your wedding preparations and if there’s anything, I’m sure you already know we’ll always be there for you in the community. I’m sending you a little game for the day to feel the love:: https://www.weddingwire.ca/forums/your-fiance-in-7-questions--t2864 // https://www.weddingwire.ca/forums/what-is-your-fiances-name--t2863 // https://www.weddingwire.ca/forums/how-old-is-your-fiance--t2862 // https://www.weddingwire.ca/forums/before-he-met-you-did-he-want-to-get-married--t2861I look forward to reading you and hope you have an amazing day! Big hug! xx
Hi hun! I was so happy to read your Valentine’s date ideas this week! I hope you liked your gift! You should meet the other brides in your province who also participated in the quiz :) You can read them in this discussion: https://www.weddingwire.ca/forums/valentines-day-did-you-already-get-your-gift--t2765 The greatest gift in the community is to be there for each other! I hope we were able to do that for you so far :) I hope you had a great week and if we don’t get to talk before I wish you a very happy Valentine’s Day! xx
Hi dear! Do you know already know whether you’re a classic, modern, whimsical or boho bride? Share your ideas with other brides like you in the community! https://www.weddingwire.ca/forums/classic-brides-share-your-ideas--t2306 // https://www.weddingwire.ca/forums/modern-brides-share-your-ideas--t2307 // https://www.weddingwire.ca/forums/whimsical-brides-share-your-ideas--t2308 //https://www.weddingwire.ca/forums/boho-brides-share-your-ideas--t2309Go to the discussion that matches your style and share your 3 favourite pictures! I can't wait to see them! What style did you choose?
Hey lovely lady! It’s already 2017!! Time is flying by so fast! Can you believe it? :D You’re going to look so gorgeous in your wedding dress! Let’s all share our pictures in here to see what they look like: https://www.weddingwire.ca/forums/brides-of-2017-show-off-your-dress--t2099 It’s a secret group, so don’t worry your groom won’t be able to see it ;) Will you wear a veil with your dress?