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Featured Quebec

What would mean the world to you on your wedding day?

Emilie, on December 1, 2016 at 16:05 Posted in Wedding ceremony 0 8

Hi amazing brides Smiley heart

I like things to be meaningful and personal Smiley catface

What means the world to you and how would you like to include it in your wedding?

What would mean the world to your on your wedding day?

What would mean the world...

Images: Pinterest


Latest activity by Shannon, on December 9, 2016 at 12:58
  • Shannon
    Devoted June 2020 British Columbia
    Shannon ·
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    No he isnt married yet but I will be glad to be there for him when his day comes in whatever capacity he needs.
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  • Emilie
    Featured Quebec
    Emilie ·
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    This is so sweet! Smiley heart I'm so happy to see you will be so well surrounded for your wedding. I'm sure it will be a beautiful moment for all of you Smiley catface Is he married too? Have you been to his wedding?

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  • Shannon
    Devoted June 2020 British Columbia
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    I moved a lot when i was younger so i didnt really have consistent friends through my childhood. But in grade 8 i met my best friend and we have been there for each other for 11 years. Having him stand beside me as my man of honour and supporting me as i take this next step in my life means tbe world to me
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  • Natasha
    VIP August 2017 Ontario
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    I think having all our friends and family there to love and support us becomming our true family unit will be amazing for us ... and having my son be so involved will defaintly take the cake for me !

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  • Simone
    Master August 2017 Manitoba
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    I would say that our love for each is stronger than ever and that our families are able to share in our special moments together!!
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  • Cheryl
    Expert December 2017 British Columbia
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    To have my family finally get along for one day, someone always has an ulterior motive or something that they want to change
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  • Samtam
    VIP November 2016 British Columbia
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    This is a tough one! It would have meant the world to me if my grandma had been there. She passed away in 2010 so unfortunately she never got to meet my husband but I know she would have adored him! It was crazy though because when we were doing my makeup on the day of the wedding, my makeup artist brings out these eyelashes and they were the same exact brand that my grandma used to wear! We had used different ones in my trial but she thought these would be better because they were in groups of 3 rather than one big long strip. My mom and I definitely thought it was a sign that my grandma was there in spirit! We used to find these boxes of eyelashes all over her house in random drawers. I was very happy to wear them on my wedding day! My tattoo is in honor of my grandma and I wanted to make sure that it was shown. When I greeted my Gramps (her husband) at the reception, he pulled my arm and asked what the tattoo was because he'd never seen it. I wasn't sure how he would feel about it but I told him it was for her and he leaned over and kissed my tattoo. I lost it! So special.

    Happiest Day of My Life!

    It also would have meant the world to me if I had been able to meet Collin's dad before he passed away. He lived halfway across the country and I had been telling him that I didn't want the first time I met his dad to be at our wedding but it turns out I would never get that chance. His dad got cancer and didn't tell us for a while and didn't want us to visit when he was sick. He was actually doing better and the cancer was gone but one day, he wasn't feeling well so he went into the hospital, they said he was fine so he went home and died in his sleep that night. When we found out, we were at Disneyland and the first thing that Collin said to me was "I'm so sorry" because I had been telling him that we needed to go see his dad. Not getting to meet him is definitely something I will always struggle with. I wish I had met him at least once so I could see him in Collin. It was very special to us that my BIL mentioned in his speech that he was glad that I at least got to talk to their dad on the phone a few times and he thinks that he would have loved me and how I take care of Collin.

    We added a note in our program for our loved ones who weren't able to join us and we set up a table at the reception with their pictures. I feel like they were there in spirit!

    Display for Loved Ones

    Display for Loved Ones

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  • Chelsea
    Master August 2017 Ontario
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    I just want my friends and family there to support me in making this next step in my life. I especially want my family to put any differences aside (divorced parents) and just get along for my sake! I also will have a memory table to include my grandfathers in some sort of way since they can't be here.

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