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Master June 2022 Ontario

What do you have planned for rehearsal party/dinner?

Rayanne, on June 28, 2021 at 21:14 Posted in Before the wedding 0 10
FH recently asked what we are going to do about going over where we should be when duting the wedding. Basically what is the plan for the rehearsal. Who needs to be there? How much do we go over what will happen? How close to the wedding?

Since we only have one person on each side we won't have a huge rehearsal party but it looks like we will be having one. We will most likely just have the people involved in the wedding there to keep things on track. I don't want a lot of people hanging around while we go over everything. I figure the less amount of people the easier it will be if we have questions.
After we have the rehearsal we will just head to a restaurant and buy everyone dinner. We haven't decided on which one yet but we are thinking casual. Hopefully about a week before the wedding itself. Long enough if there are any other questions we will have time to work them out but not so far in advance that we forget what we are supposed to do. I know a lot of people have a lot of out of town guests and extra people at the rehearsal what is everyone else doing?


Latest activity by Tunisha, on July 1, 2021 at 13:48
  • Tunisha
    Super October 2021 Ontario
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    Oh yeah. Hahahaha!
    Try to do a potluck. Hahahahaha!
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  • Rayanne
    Master June 2022 Ontario
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    That is definitely something I love but I don't know who won't be there that can
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  • Rayanne
    Master June 2022 Ontario
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    I don't want to eat at the venue either. Nothing wrong with it but if we will have wedding soon there its nice to eat somewhere else. The way things are going you never know what will be open by the time the wedding finally gets here. I'm sure what ever you decide will be perfect.
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  • H
    Master September 2021 Ontario
    Hank ·
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    So originally, way back when, we were thinking of a rehearsal lunch (probably dim sum, because I liked how we could be seated together family style) since weekends at the venue are less likely booked for weddings in December and a lot of weeknights are used for business holiday parties. Now that we're getting married on a long weekend during high wedding season, our only option is a weeknight after 5pm lol.
    We're struggling with dinner ideas at the moment. We have 13 people attending the rehearsal, which means potentially 15 at dinner if we include 2 significant others also attending the wedding. Without knowing what dining restrictions are, it's tough to plan. Family style dining might be okay by then but some people might still be uncomfortable with the idea. I also don't want all of us split into clusters if we have to be seated in certain numbers per table. We're trying not to eat at the venue (nothing wrong with it but since we're having our reception there, we want something different) but if dining restrictions are weird, we may have to resort to eating at the venue. At least it won't be as busy on a weeknight at restaurants.
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  • Tunisha
    Super October 2021 Ontario
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    We would love to have a rehearsal, but don’t think we’ll go out for dinner. 😂 However, my mum loves to cook and does catering. Maybe we have a small dinner at home after.
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  • Megan
    Frequent user July 2023 Ontario
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    We will be doing a rehearsal and then a rehearsal dinner to follow. My future mother in law would like to host the dinner, we are just trying to figure out logistics since the venue and hotel are not in the same city are where my in laws live. Also, with just our wedding party and immediate family we would have about 20 people and now I'm hearing that you're supposed to invite out of town guests? So I guess that'll be anyone who is there the night of the rehearsal dinner.

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  • Michelle
    Expert October 2021 Nova Scotia
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    We're definitely doing a ceremony rehearsal, and then we're going to decorate our venue and check in to our airbnb. We haven't really decided if we're going to do a casual dinner at our airbnb or if we will be going somewhere for a meal.

    Either way I know what I'll be wearing for the night because I have a white dress that was an option I bought for our minimony last year that I didn't end up wearing haha.

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  • Liberty
    VIP May 2022 Alberta
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    For the ceremony rehearsal you only need to include anyone that is actually apart of the ceremony. I'm hoping we can do our rehearsal ceremony at 9am the day before the wedding then do a rehearsal brunch (breakfast is my favorite so that would be a nice way to include it) and we can spend the rest of the day setting up the venue. The brunch will include our bridal party, family and out of town guests.

    One thing to keep in mind, if you do your rehearsal a week before, I think that's still lots of time for people to forget what they are supposed to do. I can barely remember things from a few days ago.
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  • A
    Master August 2022 British Columbia
    Amanda ·
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    We're having our rehearsal the day before the wedding in the morning at 9am. That's the only time that we're allowed to have rehearsals since most of the afternoons/evenings have weddings booked. Our bridal party will be there as well as my parents, his parents, his step parents, and both sets of his grandparents will be attending.

    We're having the rehearsal dinner in the evening that my MIL is hosting at the Winery Estate House that is located on the winery property that we're getting married at. As for food it'll be catered by the winery.

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  • C
    Super December 2020 Ontario
    Carmel ·
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    The rehearsal should be with anyone walking down the aisle or part of your ceremony. Your officiant should be running it and therefore can help with those details too. We ran through the whole thing like you would a play - let's be honest, it IS a show - to make sure everyone knew where to walk, stand, etc. After that everyone had time to check into the hotel and get ready. Dinner was at the restaurant attached to the hotel (in a private room) and we had anyone staying that night come to dinner. Because of covid it went from 50 people to 30 which was nice but also only 19 less than the wedding 😅😅 it was nice to have two nights with everyone though!
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