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Beginner June 2020 Alberta

Wedding weight loss

Katie, on December 19, 2019 at 00:47 Posted in Before the wedding 0 27
I’m having a hard time figuring this out and I figured this might be a good place to turn to!

I’d like to lose a bit of weight (10 pounds) before my wedding in June. I know there’s a lot of varying opinions about the whole ‘sweating for the wedding’ thing, but I honestly could afford to loose a bit of weight as I’m not terribly happy with my appearance, but that being said it’s definitely not the end of the world if I can’t.
However, I’m having hard time figuring out how to go about this, and I’m hoping you guys might have some tips! What exercises worked for you? What foods/recipes would you recommend?
I’m going to be finishing my last semester of university in 2020 so crash diets/diet fads/fasting. Etc is out of the question. I really want to start working out and eating better, but I don’t want to starve myself or have it be a burden on an already hectic year.
Any advice would be so appreciated!


Latest activity by Matteo, on December 25, 2023 at 16:59
  • A
    Newbie June 2024 Ontario
    Alice ·
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    Did you succeed? I'd also like to lose some weight before my wedding. It would be great if you shared your experience.

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  • Leandra
    Curious June 2024 Ontario
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    I loooooove weight lifting. If you don’t have a gym membership you can get a few weights at like Walmart or something and do it from home! Before I moved into a condo that has a gym, I worked out from home for yearssss and saw great results. And if you aim to get some activity in 5 or even 6 days a week (activity could just be going for a walk or walking on a treadmill at a gym if you have access).

    Weight lifting is interesting because you loose the weight but also gain muscle, it really is empowering. When I started working out I was unhappy with my appearance and decided to make a change. I wanted to be “skinny” but after seeing changes in my muscles, I shifted my mentality to wanting to be strong instead of skinny! Weights are a powerful thing Smiley smile and weight lifting doesn’t mean you need to be squatting like 100lbs, start off small and you’ll still notice changes! It’s magical.
    You can even do body weight strength exercises with help with getting your form proper and can even help build muscles too!!
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  • K
    Curious September 2021 Alberta
    Kaitlin ·
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    I love that this thread is still going.

    I'd recommend FitOn app to everyone and anyone. Its free and easy to use. (exercise) I was able to get some sexy arms during breaks at work! you can choose the length and target areas, then I just brought in weight and pounded out a 15-20 min workout. upped my weights from 2lbs to 4 to 6. A friend had flabby arms in her wedding photos, it struck fear in me and mine looked very nice.

    If youre really serious, ask for a personal trailer or a couple sessions as the present from your wedding party - i'm sure they need an idea or two.

    Food, I can't help Ya much. i know what i should and shouldn't eat (for me chocolate=acne, pop=weight gain, fruit+vegies+massive protein+very few whole grains=good feeling healthy and weight loss). I just stayed closer to the should before the wedding.

    Everybody type is different, some may need more exercise, some have to watch every calorie. Personal trailer can help. I didn't, I contacted one and he was an asshole and super discouraging - so i went with the free app. I kinda wish I had called around more, but I was so overwhelmed at that point, it was a big enough blow I couldn't deal with more. Now it sounds silly but then I physically and emotionally could not have taken another bad interaction.

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  • A
    Newbie September 2023 Berlin
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    Does anyone else have T2 diabetes? I've been recently diagnosed and now I understand why it is hard for me to lose weight. Any tips and advice are appreciated.

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  • I
    Newbie May 2022 Hamburg
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    I am also a huge snacker! But I try to be as healthy as possible, for example I make my own zuchini chips, salmon wraps, Chai pudding (If I have some left in the fridge), or some hard-boiled eggs with mustard on top - soooo good!! Have you managed to lose some weight before your wedding? I'm just seeing that this post is 2 years ago! So, I'm a little late Smiley sad

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  • Becky
    Curious July 2020 Alberta
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    I started kick boxing and within 3 weeks I notified overall results starting to happen Smiley smile consistency is definitely key though!
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  • Lisa
    Expert August 2019 Alberta
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    Even simple changes like walking and taking the stairs can make a difference. I work on the 4th floor of my building and I haven't taken the elevator in 5 years. I walk most places when I can (put on a podcast or some great music and it will be so enjoyable and help reduce stress too!).

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  • Carmen
    Beginner August 2021 Saskatchewan
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    The reason in the reboot/ renew you start with cutting things out for the 1st 4 weeks, is to reset your hormones. A lot of the dairy we eat has hormones, gluten and sugar increases inflammatory responses, which stresses our body out. Setting our hormones out of whack again. I turn our metabolism doesn’t know how to respond. As we age (I will be 40 next year), over time we need even hormones and metabolism out.

    After the 1st - 4 weeks, I enjoy everything in moderation (sometimes even over indulge). Somethings make me feel terrible, so I eat them very, very little. I have maintained the 45 lbs weight loss, and I have not workout since the end of May.
    When I was young, weight just fell off with out doing a whole lot extra, adding in an extra run, workout class, etc..... As I aged, I could eat regular meals and work out everyday and not lose a lbs. At times, I would even gain weight.
    What that 4 weeks did was turn my metabolism closer to what it was at 20.
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  • Casey
    Master October 2019 Ontario
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    The biggest thing is to not restrict yourself. When you start doing all these diets and cutting things out, it makes it very difficult to sustain long term.

    We did "dirty Keto" for about 2 months, and I lost a good 20lbs, but being in an Italian family, it was very hard to stay away from those things.

    I started working out at least 4 days a week, and keeping my meals super healthy.

    Drink lots of water!!

    When it comes to sweets and the bad things.. everything in moderation is my motto!

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  • Carmen
    Beginner August 2021 Saskatchewan
    Carmen ·
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    Hi Katie,

    I have lost 45 lbs since last January. Since May I have just maintained the 45 lbs loss. So 45 lbs from Jan to May. After Xmas plan on losing the last 20-25 lbs. I had started making healthier life choices before I was even engaged.
    I started a program called metabolic reboot. It’s an all around lifestyle change/ different way of thinking. Approaches everything on a whole. Reduce stress (meditation, epsom baths, reading a book, not beating yourself up for enjoying a piece of chocolate aka: living your life)
    The first 4 weeks to reset your metabolism/hormones you completely cut out:1. Sugar2. Gluten3. Dairy4. Alcohol
    After the 4 weeks you can reintroduce small amounts of those back in see which bother you.
    Breakfast - prairie natural lean whey protein shake (taste like McDonald strawberry milkshake) with fruit (berries), greens, 1/2 banana, cashew milk, and light coconut milk. This is my fav - but I have a whole book of shake recipes. I add my vitamins and supplements into my morning shake (probiotic, digestive enzyme, glucosamine, collagen, fibre) I get whatever I can in capsule so I can add it or I won’t remember to take it.
    Lunch - I do another shake (without the banana) I couldn’t eat enough food. But protein and veggies (green leafy) are best. Because I have another shake, I need snacks. Couple of some of these: Almonds, apples, cucumber, celery, organic peanut butter, protein bars, etc.
    Supper: a protein (chicken, steak, pork, fish, etc), veggie (green leafy, peppers, broccoli, asparagus, green beans), and about 50-100g (10 bites) of complex carb (baked potato, sweet potato, basmati or jasmine rice)
    In addition to the food I walk 10000 steps a day. Relaxing walk for the steps I don’t have. Treadmill or outside depends on weather.
    I also do about 25 mins of HIIT - 3 times a week. Always a day of rest in between. Depends on my cycle I can add a few extra works out. But it really focuses on rest based training. Don’t put your body into shock and extra stress because it will do the opposite it will hold on to the weight rather then dropping it.
    Once I rebooted my system - the weight literally melted away. If you want more information just let me know.
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  • Tori
    Curious October 2020 Ontario
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    I just joined orange theory, I really struggle just going to the gym and not knowing what to do. I’m doing 8 classes a month. To be honest it’s a bit expensive but I just plan on going until i lose the weight I need for my dress (bought my dress in July 2019 and wedding is June 2020 and it doesn’t do up anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️ I might try rock climbing as well - basically anything that’s not a typical “gym” works for me.
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  • Kourtney
    Beginner September 2021 Ontario
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    Weight watchers honestly. It's not a diet. You can eat what you want. It's about a healthy lifestyle not losing weight but I lost alot of weight on that program
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  • Amelia
    Master October 2020 New Brunswick
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    You're welcome! I love not needing a bunch of equipment too.

    My fiance has a pretty great home gym, but I prefer the videos to not knowing if I'm using something right.
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  • K
    Beginner June 2020 Alberta
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    I just looked up the blogilates bridal bootcamp videos and they look SO GOOD!!! Totally do-able at home in my small living room which means I don't have to use the terrible gym at school (truthfully this was going to be the worst part of working out) but this is MUCH easier. No equipment needed, just a mat which I already have. Thank you!!!!

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  • K
    Beginner June 2020 Alberta
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    Do you have some examples of the snacks you would eat throughout the day? I'm trying to do this more as well, especially in between classes at school just have a quick snack, but I've been finding it hard to bring things I actually want to snack on!

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  • K
    Beginner June 2020 Alberta
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    Yes! I'm definitely trying to not drink as much during the week, and usually I can do that during school because one drink just does me in now-a-days. I've also recently discovered a new Vodka based drink that has no added calories, and I'm hoping that will help too because I know beer is NOT great for you, and I can really feel the affect it's having on my stomach now Smiley sad

    My goal is really to not focus on numbers, one, because I just don't have the time to really count my calories, and two, because I do find that it doesn't help me THAT much. I'll definitely start 'doing that I can' and hopefully I'll see some results!

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  • K
    Beginner June 2020 Alberta
    Katie ·
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    All your comments have been SUPER helpful, thank you!!!!!!! This has made me feel a bit better about this whole thing, and I actually feel that I can maybe reach my goal now with just doing some basic things and not some ridiculous fad diet or anything like that.

    I'm going to try a bunch of your advice and see what works best, cutting down on bad carbs, eating better food, adding exercise to my week, and using a good fitness app!

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  • Briana
    Curious April 2024 Ontario
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    Katie I am with you! ! Mine is in April 2020 and I also finish my last semester of College this Spring. I've been trying so hard since I got engaged to loose weight but nothing is sticking and it's so hard with school. I'd love to join you in keeping each other accountable as I find that often works for me but my problem is my friends or family never 'punish' me for bingeing or skipping the gym so once I get away with I'm a goner. I'm trying to keep just fruits and veggies in the fridge but then I find myself giving in and going to the grocery store to get a chocolate bar or having an extra plate/slice of pie.. especially at this time of year!

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  • Ashley
    VIP August 2020 Ontario
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    I cut out sugar and carbs and i lost 8lbs within a week or so. you can also just add some sit ups and make some running!

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  • Michelle
    Curious October 2020 Ontario
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    As far as exercise the best type is the one you’ll actually do. Some people need the commitment to classes/other people, some people need it to not feel like exercise (Zumba etc). Don’t underestimate the value of strength training over hours of cardio. Look into HIIT for shorter cardio sessions. Track what you eat. I love the macro based system and use My Fitness Pal. Read about IIFYM. It works on the basis of you can eat whatever you want as long as you meet your macro goals. Most importantly make sure you are eating enough! Less calories is not always better and there is such a thing as too little. It’s not sustainable or productive.
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  • Kelsie
    Master July 2021 Ontario
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    I gained so much weight after I got engaged for some reason (maybe from drinking too much wine from planning stress?) and I found when I was counting my calories - I wasn't losing any weight at all.

    I found portion control helped me a lot and I became more active. Oddly enough, and maybe a WW member can actual answer this question for me, I am losing more weight "doing what I can" in terms of burning calories a day, versus when I was religiously making myself get to 500 active burned calories a day.

    I use 'Workout Women' app - WHICH I LOVE! They have workouts ranging from 4 minutes to 24 minutes and do what I can each day. I also cut back on my portion sizes (especially with pastas!). I refrain from drinking wine and/or soda pop during the week now - except in severe circumstances (aka tough day at work) - THIS IS HUGE!! Limiting drinking to just Saturday and Sunday was crazy - I think I lost like 2 lbs in a week and a half. I also walk to and from my office to the train station each day, and take the stairs when I can.

    So, in sum, try not to focus so much on hard numbers - you'll drive yourself crazy. Try the workout app if it's your thing! It's pretty fun!

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  • Madisyn
    Expert February 2020 Ontario
    Madisyn ·
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    Food is the most crucial part! If you focus on eating whole healthy foods, and lots of fruits and vegetables, you should start to see the weight come off. Cutting out gluten and dairy entirely also has a huge impact for me. I'm a month away from my first dress alterations appointment and I'm eating the same 3 meals a day, with some variation when needed. Green smoothie for breakfast, kale salad with brown rice for lunch, and veggie and cashew stir fry for dinner. I'm focused on getting healthy fats, protein, and nutrients in my body that keep me healthy and full. I'm also weight training (which I've done for years) about 5 times a week. Find some sort of physical activity that you enjoy doing, and you'll be much more compelled to stick with it. As others have mentioned, workout classes are fantastic for motivation and burning calories! And remember, consistency is key!
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  • Tori
    Top October 2019 Manitoba
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    I would for sure say that using a food tracking app is what works best - but at the same time it is a recipe for an eating disorder.... so be aware of that going in! With that being said, the app that I use as well as lots of others on here (or so I've seen them mention in other posts) is MyFitnessPal.

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  • A
    Super September 2020 Ontario
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    If you're in comfortable enough financial shape for it, the only thing I've found I actually stick with are fitness classes, otherwise there's nothing holding me accountable and I just flake. And if you're in school, maybe there free ones you can attend?

    Otherwise, like the others said, just watch the foods you're eating. I've more or less cut out processed foods (with the exception of a treat now and then) and increased my fruit and veggie intake since the spring and have noticed a significant difference. I also rarely have an actual lunch anymore - I find that occasional healthy snacks through the afternoon easily keep me going until dinnertime and it's supposed to be better than a heavy mid-day meal.

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  • Rayanne
    Master June 2022 Ontario
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    My trainer told me you can always eat cucumbers once you hit where you should be for calories. Find an app that breaks your food down in macros. It will give you how much protein, carbs and fat you should have in a day. That way you'll feel full. Lots of leafy greens are always a good option. I would stay away from the ketogenic diet. Yes it will work but personally I think it would be at the expense of your health.
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  • Amelia
    Master October 2020 New Brunswick
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    I've been using an app called my fitness pal. You log meals (scan barcodes, upload recipes, or search all super easy!) to track calories, you can track water intake, weight, and exercise. I've found it helpful because it gives me a calorie limit while also telling me what foods are high in good or bad ingredients and letting me know if I've gotten enough protein or iron for the day. I never paid attention to calorie intake before and while I'm not being super strict (especially with Christmas goodies everywhere) it has helped to know how good or bad some of my favorite foods are. I've used the free version for a month, you can pay for it but you don't have to.

    I'm also using workout videos on YouTube called blogilates. She has a series called bridal bootcamp, but I've enjoyed her other videos too. They're about 15 minutes long so I have very little excuse to not squeeze a few in a week. A series called Yoga with Adrienne is also great.
    Having a friend or two to hold you accountable or who has a similar goal really helps. Then the two (or three) of you can find fitness classes together or chat about how much your legs burn from yesterday's home workout. You don't need to join a gym to go to most classes, they have drop ins or you can find classes in the community like yoga or zumba that are budget friendly.
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  • Samantha
    Super June 2021 Ontario
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    Do not starve yourself! First tip lol doing so gives you the opposite effect of what you want. Instead, just stick to whole foods, fruits, veggies, whole grain pasta and breads, nuts, seeds, and drinking mainly water. And try to stay away from processed foods that are loaded with sugar. I've lost 30 pounds since last December and it's mainly due to just changing my diet, cutting out pop, chips, ice cream (heart breaking!), and lowering my meat intake too. As for exercise, I started doing a little pilates at home and follow the Blogilates schedules on YouTube, and I just try to be more active and move more in general. I don't just sit at my desk all day any more, instead I get once an hour and stretch or take a short walk around the office. I'm hoping to lose another 20ish pounds by my wedding at the end of July so I may have to ramp up the exercise a little.
    Honestly, the best advice I can give is only shop the perimeter of your grocery store since that's typically where all the whole foods are. Good luck! ❤️
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