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Master August 2017 Manitoba

Wedding social - post report

Simone, on May 23, 2017 at 20:45 Posted in Before the wedding 0 6
Hi Everyone,

Wedding SocialWedding Social

I'm back with an update. I am happy to say that we have a great turnout and had our guests leaving the night feeling great! Smiley smilePrior to the wedding social we had some minor hiccups. First, was being told that our venue was going to set up the night before which did not happen and therefore put a halt towards decorating it ahead of time. The good thing that did come out of it was that were able to lock up our food and drinks and having everything ready for the next day.Second, on Saturday (day of the social) my hair appointment ran late which caused me to miss an appointment with the makeup artist. I tried numerous times to call and using others phones to call, the call would not go through. Third hiccup, delivery service for our liquor. We had our local Liquor Mart send a request to have our liquor delivered to our venue for 4:00 pm. The delivery service is outsourced and is not part of Liquor Mart. I received a call to be asked if it could be delivered sooner as the deliver driver only had one delivery for the day, which was us. I explained that we don't have access to the building until 3:00 p.m. and would try our best to get there but the agreement which was agreed upon was for 4:00 p.m. and the representative at the Mart backed us up which was awesome. During this period, I had to run some last minute errands such as getting a makeup artist to come to the community centre to do my make up, we ran to get money for our float and to meet up with my brother and his family and our friends to pick up and deliver the social packages; decorate the hall.While decorating the hall, the liquor came at 4:00 p.m. as we were there from 3:20 p.m. After the liquor came, our beer was delivered on time.We had everything setup, during that period we discussed with the team along with additional hands that decided to help us out with decorating and during the social, the schedule and for everyone except Gus and myself are to be back at 7:30 p.m. and that our out-source helpers Social Solution would be there at 7:50 p.m.It gets better, we all disbursed and went on our separate ways. We left our house at 7:45 p.m. and no sooner did we leave, I get a call on Gus's cell from his sister stating the wedding party was not here and it was just them and our helpers. On top of it, we had to rush down there was we had to give the cash boxes to our group for our 50/50 sales, silent auction sales and drink sales' plus give the bartenders the official physical hard copy of the beer receipt or else they cannot serve the alcohol.Then my mom calls me and starts asking about the food for the cold cuts and why are they sandwiched up; about the Caribbean food not being there. I explained to her that Gus's sister is taking care of the cold cuts and the Caribbean food will be delivered later that evening. The minute we got in, the following happens: I get called out in public by my mother about my fiance not saying hi to her and how she is going to call off the wedding if he doesn't change his attitude as she doesn't know what she did to him. To make a long story short, I explained to her next day what was going and that his attention was also called to the back as other things were needing his attention. I got so mad that I had to go into a closed change room to prevent myself from going off on her and also that she made a very unkind remark about my make up. My MOH helped and go to the washroom to take my stuff to the other room. As the night progress, we were supposed to be off duty, but we were called on duty as one of our groomsman ended up getting sick and needed to go home. Then, we completed our dance as a couple and had our wedding party join, the kicker to this, only the junior bridesmaid and groomsman joined us on the floor as one of our groomsman had to run out to get orange juice as we ran out. Later that night, I go approached by my friend asking if the 50/50 is still running. I ran and grab the stuff and took their order. I caught my MOH dancing the night away and not fulfilling her schedule and told her that she is supposed to be going around and completing this task. She made a snide remark and I ignored her. Third, our Caribbean food was late as the vendor was making brunch for Mother's day and profusely apologized. I was happy when they arrive and the food for both sides were great. One of the helpers was afraid to go outside and I was getting food for the dj and had asked her if she wanted to come out and help her. My MOH jumps in and said, we got this and go get some rest. Needless to say, I was about at the PO'd level of ready to throw her out of the party as a result of the rudeness.

My face with all the foolishness of the day and you think I could get one break, nah, too easy!My face with all the foolishness of the day and you think I could get one break, nah, too easy!

Like a boss time to take care of businessLike a boss time to take care of business

Then we had confusion on when the draw was going to take place and I lost it and still kept my composure. I told the dj as he was being advised incorrectly that it will take place at mid-night and that since we are paying for his services his to follow our instructions.We did the draw and everyone was happy. The whole night our Dj did a great job of the music mix and incorporated what we wanted to have played and kept the floor packed with non-stop dancing.

It over... time to breathe

It over... time to breathe

The unfortunate part, we did not get a lot of pictures since both of us were running back and forth with our heads cut off to keep everything in line.The night ended with with breaking a little bit over what we spent plus all returns for unopened beer, liquor and silent auction tickets.The good new is that we paid off one of the major vendors and was able to a good payment with another one which has helped to bring out amount owing down.I would say it is worth having a wedding social as long as you have the right people who are in place and always have back-up.

The wedding is coming

The wedding is coming

Now we are down to 88 days and counting and are now taking time to breath and get back on the bandwagon of planning our wedding.

Wedding to your right Wedding to your right


Latest activity by Simone, on May 25, 2017 at 22:43
  • Simone
    Master August 2017 Manitoba
    Simone ·
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    Thank you Zoe. My fiancé and I are a team that night. I have been relaxing and feel so much more energized to carry on with wedding planning.
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  • Simone
    Master August 2017 Manitoba
    Simone ·
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    Thank you Loni. It was a lot of work and worth it in the end. My fiancé did help out and we were a solid unit that night.
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  • Zoë
    Master June 2020 Ontario
    Zoë ·
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    You are the best Simone! Smiley love Great job! How funny are the memes!! Smiley laugh Time to relax and enjoy everything Smiley heart

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  • Loni
    Devoted September 2018 Ontario
    Loni ·
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    Woo! Sounds like a crazy night! Sounds like it was definitely worth it to get some of your wedding paid off. Hope you get some relaxation time in the next 88 days Smiley smile

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  • Simone
    Master August 2017 Manitoba
    Simone ·
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    Thanks Kacy!Smiley smile
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  • Kacy
    VIP February 2019 Quebec
    Kacy ·
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    Oouufff one giant weight off of your shoulders I'm sure!! Congrats on pulling it all off Smiley smile
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