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Frequent user July 2022 New Brunswick

Wedding Shower

Brittany, on November 3, 2020 at 08:36 Posted in Before the wedding 0 3
Hi everyone. I’m trying to plan my wedding shower (I know some people would say that someone else should do the planning but nobody has offered and I feel the need to be involved in the planning). The problem is I have never been to a wedding shower and have no idea how to plan one. In terms of food, gifts, games, timeline, length, etc. I have no clue what is expected! Please help. Thanks!


Latest activity by Emilie, on November 3, 2020 at 14:58
  • Amelia
    Master October 2020 New Brunswick
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    As far as timeline, I would say 3-4 hours, 2-3 if you aren't opening presents there in front of people.

    Generally I would say light finger food, little sandwiches, punch, tea, coffee, squares and possibly a cake. Costco squares are great, and you can cut them in half for better portion and to stretch them a little.
    I've been to showers where the games are the main part, and others where the games are less important. There was one where the bride and groom were asked a series of questions (beforehand) and the guest had to try and guess their answers. I'll never forget it because the groom's favorite "dish" was a bowl 🤦‍♀️.
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  • Trish
    Newbie September 2021 Ontario
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    I was recently MOH for a good friend and planned her shower (within COVID restrictions in Ontario at the time) - it was also my first time planning a shower!

    It was a little bit out of the norm, but here's what I did:

    It was in the afternoon, 2 hours. For food, I did cheese & crackers, cupcakes, and cookies. For drinks, I had bottled water, and individual mini champagne bottles for a toast. I pre-portioned everything onto individual plates so that guests could grab a portion without using communal platters/utensils. It was outdoors, chairs were 6ft apart, and I prepped a "shower kit" for everyone - so I did up gift bags and wrote each guest's name on them, and inside were the games, a pen, and a mini hand sanitizer. I got a set of shower games on Amazon - "what's in your purse", "he said/she said" and "how well do you know the bride", and then got a few Starbucks gift cards that the winners of each game could take as prizes. I also set up a little decorated area with a tripod so guests could take photos with the bride.

    The timeline went:
    - arrival - food/drink & chitchat - games & prizes - toast to the bride - gifts - exit - cleanup

    Obviously, depending on when you have it and what restrictions look like for you, you could probably do food/drink more "normally". There are also different types of games that you can play, some are more hands-on than the ones I chose. And, of course, the disclaimer that this is just what I did and isn't necessarily the "right" way to do it!

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  • Alexis
    Devoted July 2021 Ontario
    Alexis ·
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    In normal times it’s usually a couple of hours, you have some mimosas and cake and a few appetizers and treats and visit and play maybe 3 games? And then open gifts 😊

    A couple good games:
    - blindfolded make a cake (this can be done socially distanced) you have 10 red solo cups and have to create a 3 layer cake blindfolded. Whoever does it quickest wins.
    - not corona friendly lol but the gift passing game where you have a billion layers of wrapping paper with a gift inside. You write something funny on stick notes on each layer so they have to pass to someone with pink underwear on or mismatched socks etc;
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