I just met with my photographer to go over a schedule of our big day. She asked if we were doing any games? Nope. Speeches? Nope. Dancing? Not really.
Our wedding is very small, it is semi private (there are going to be other guests staying at our venue) and there is no room for a DJ or any type of music (unless we bring a speaker). This really inhibits people from dancing. I also think speeches are boring and nobody likes sitting through them anyways.
So, back to my original point; the photographer mentioned games. It sounds like it could be a fun idea to keep guests entertained. She had mentioned one wedding she went to where the bride pushed an egg from the bottom of one of the grooms pant legs and out through the other. Another game where you are blind folded and you get a lineup of random body parts (elbows, knees, ears etc) and see if the groom can tell which one is you.
SO, what are some interesting/funny/fun games you know of?
Are you doing any non-traditional type games?
Is this too weird for a small, intimate wedding?