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Beginner October 2021 Ontario

Wedding favours - THC bath bombs!

Sandra, on June 25, 2019 at 09:19 Posted in Wedding reception 0 10

Time to talk about bath bombs!

My fiance and I own a business in a small community and we are trying to buy everything local for our wedding. In terms of wedding favors, we don't have that many options. However, another business owner in our community started a new business - they sell THC infused bathbombs - and we would like to encourage them! What do you think? Would it look bad to give THC bathbombs?


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  • Alissa
    Frequent user September 2020 British Columbia
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    I might have an unpopular opinion here...
    I think you should give away what you think represents you as a couple. Some guests just dont use their favors and thats okay. I'm pretty sure I have coasters in a cupboard somewhere with a bride and grooms face on them... I'd rather have gotten a cannabis bath bomb. Haha
    My FH is in the cannabis industry. I wanted to include his passion, but for it to remain a classier affair, we decided we're gonna do a cannabis infused soap class and then make them as favours for our guests. It's much less harmful than giving out mini champagne or wine bottles, which is a common practice.

    A gift is a gift. If they dont like it, they dont need to use it. it's a thoughtful gesture and we've spent time and money picking out a general enough gift that will hopefully suit some of our 300 guests. The way I see it, favors arent a necessary thing so if they come out with anything extra its exactly that, EXTRA.
    This all being said, the labels will have an ingredients list. We have consulted a woman who makes bathbombs in our area and she assures us that since its topical and not being ingested, it can't cause any harm, however we will leave it up to the discretion of the guests if they choose to use them knowing the ingredients that are in them.
    Glad you are supporting local artisans ! Hope this helped.
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  • Vinod
    Top August 2017 Ontario
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    I'm on your side to support the locals. I would reconsider the choice to go regular over THC bath bombs due to personal reasons.

    Your thoughts are sincere and true. The crowd was different for another adult event, then yes.

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  • Allison
    Master October 2019 Ontario
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    I agree you really have to know your guests and who'd love THC bath bombs. Is there an option to get some regular ones for those guests who can't/won't go near THC? I'd also avoid them if the Father of the Bride is very against marijuana still - Definitely my case lol

    If your wedding party is pro-THC, maybe you could use this business for wedding party gifts!

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  • Brittany
    Devoted August 2019 Alberta
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    I agree with Tori.. if you are going to do it, I think you should have regular offered as well and have them clearly labelled. For personal reasons, work, and allergies.

    I know personally work is a big factor for some, as it can still absorb in to your bloodstream from topical sources.

    I think it's a neat idea, but not for everyone. We are doing candy edibles at our wedding. But they will be kept private and only offered to those we know are more "accepting".

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  • Casey
    Master October 2019 Ontario
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    It will really depend on your guests. Many of the younger individuals would not mind, but I am not sure about the older ones.

    If you have children attending I would for sure not do them. Could you do a mix of THC bath bombs, and regular ones. This way people could have a choice?

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  • Holly
    VIP June 2019 Ontario
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    Depends on your guests. Honestly it's cool for those that like it but for those that don't it's a waste. I personally wouldn't even touch them. I also know a few people with allergies/bad reaction to THC. I'd suggest giving away just regular bath bombs if that's the things you want to do. In the end it really depends on your guests, you could have a few get offended and upset about it and you'd probably have a ton left over, which by the sounds of it they won't go to waste lol
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  • Chelsea
    Super June 2020 Alberta
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    Personally I would avoid it. although it’s legal, many people still have very negative opinions of marijuana and it’s products. maybe do them as a special gift for your bridal party instead? that way you’re still supporting the company, but with less risk of upsetting more old school guests
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  • Tori
    Top October 2019 Manitoba
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    I mean... I would like them - but not everybody will. Perhaps give the guests the option of a THC one or one that is a regular bath bomb?

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  • Kelsie
    Master July 2021 Ontario
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    I personally would not give away anything with THC in it. I have bad reactions to being around marijuana (gives me brutal migraines) and some people I work with actually have allergies. It's almost like perfumes, need to be careful because not everyone can enjoy them due to sensitivities.

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  • Becky
    VIP September 2019 Ontario
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    I went to a bridal shower and the mom did homemade bath bombs and omg they were amazing! I am not sure how much the guys would like them, me personally I would love them. However, Just realized its says THC- I don't think I would give them away as some people might not like that factor or wouldn't understand what it was. This is something they would need to store properly if they have children

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