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Devoted October 2017 Ontario

Venue Rant

Tiffany, on September 18, 2017 at 16:56 Posted in Before the wedding 0 9

I love my venue - their food is great and it's beautiful - but I am annoyed - they gave me a price list when we met with them last year before booking for our wedding this October - they have sent me the invoice BUT with different prices. No where on the list did it mention prices could increase. We thought those were prices for this year - and no one said any different. I have asked them to honour the prices originally given. I'm still waiting the response to my email. but when I questioned the venue earlier they said prices go up as everything else does - which I know -but they should put that in writing (no contract with this venue) or adjust their prices when meeting with clients for the following year.
Sure it's only $2- $3/person difference (plus tax 13% + tip 15%) - but when you have over 100 people - it adds up. - am I right to be annoyed?


Latest activity by Charlotte, on September 20, 2017 at 09:45
  • Charlotte
    Frequent user August 2018 Ontario
    Charlotte ·
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    You definitely have the right to be upset! It's an unexpected extra expense and that's stressful whether it's a dollar or 10 dollar more
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  • Jen
    VIP June 2018 Ontario
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    Did you get a contract from them when you gave the deposit? Our contract for our venue states that prices for food, alcohol, etc are subject to change at any time. Our coordinator also told us that the prices usually do change every year so not to go by what the current booklet that she gave us for prices says. It is definitely annoying but usually happens at most venues.

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  • Rekramer
    Expert November 2018 Ontario
    Rekramer ·
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    Yeah, that sucks. I also feel frustrated when dealing with my venue sometimes as I do think they take advantage if I'm not on top of them all of the time. Good for you for sticking up for yourself.

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  • Tiffany
    Devoted October 2017 Ontario
    Tiffany ·
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    Thank you ladies for the responses! Smiley heart We are prepared to pay the difference if he doesn't stick to the prices agreed upon - since it is minimal.

    I just want to make sure he knows he can't get away with these things and stick up for myself- he also tried to charge me $37 for a bottle of wine that is only $14.
    I get there is a mark up - but he tried to tell me it was only a 42% mark up. I can do math - that's clearly over 100% of a mark up.

    I will definitely suggest they get a contract for future events!

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  • Erin
    Master September 2017 Ontario
    Erin ·
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    I would be a little annoyed and would hope they honour the original agreed upon prices. I would also inform them that in future they should provide clients with a contract with these such stipulations in writing.
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  • Sonja
    VIP September 2017 Ontario
    Sonja ·
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    Unfortunately, you might not have a leg to stand on. As you know, food prices have risen quite a bit over the last year. If you didn't have a contract to state how much was being charged, they don't have to honour last year's prices. Maybe you can convince them but these venues have extraordinary upkeep costs and things go up every year. Could you cut back on something to make it more affordable?

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  • Lynsey
    Frequent user September 2018 British Columbia
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    I feel like anytime your booking a venue for an event there should always be a contract. Regardless of what you are allowed to do and what not with the venue. Unfortunately since there wasn't one I would hope they would honour the pricing from last year when you met. But if that's not in writing it may be tough. That sucks you are dealing with that, I hope everything goes smoothly for you from here!
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  • Sasha
    Super October 2017 Ontario
    Sasha ·
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    Wow that's so annoying I'm sorry you're dealing with that. I hope they can honour the original cost because yeah, when you're budgeting that would have been nice to know!
    We just had something kind of related to this happen to us actually. Originally when we spoke with someone from the venue they said our guests can pick either chicken, veggie, pork or salmon. So we sent out invites with those options and 5 weeks from the wedding the venue tells us they can only do 3 of those and the salmon is an extra 6$ per person. Regardless of how many people are eating salmon. Wtf. So we had 6 people ask for salmon. It would cost us almost an extra 300$ just for 6 people! So we awkwardly had to ask those people to switch lol so embarassing.

    I wish you luck wedding date twin 😜 I hope you're situation resolves itself and everything else goes smoothly!!
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  • Lesley
    Super September 2017 Manitoba
    Lesley ·
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    Yes you are! You made a commitment based on the prices they sent you. They should have told you they would increase or sent you the revised package before you signed the contract.
    Sorry just noticed you didn't sign one. Eek I'm not sure if they'll give it back to you or not.
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