I’ve been really lucky thus far in that all of my vendors, with the exception of one, have been fantastic during Covid-19.
The venue for one of my events have been absolutely horrendous to work with.
Last year, around May I was given an option to postpone or get a refund as there were too many restrictions at the time to make my event possible. I opted to postpone as we had already decided to postpone our wedding anyway.
Fast forward to this year - it’s not looking any better and there’s no way I’d meet the minimum in my contract. I expressed concern months ago and I got a reply from the owner basically telling me to relax and there was still tons of time. Umm....thanks for the vote of confidence there.
As of the last two months I’ve seen things go dramatically downhill and we are tired of the roller coaster of emotion Covid has brought on our wedding events. We just want to do it and move on at this point.
I had been in talks with this venue trying to find ways to meet in the middle somehow - I was offered a tent outside so I could have more people attend...but of course at my own cost.
I got so frustrated - I just wanted my money back. Well that’s been a disaster

I get businesses are suffering - but so are many people. Loved ones have been lost, so many are working in hospitals, etc. fighting this virus and some businesses have the audacity to try to keep a couples hard earned money.
Has anyone else had a similar experience? How did you handle it?