Hey wonderful future newlyweds!!
Are you ready to finds out the results? If you think that you missed one of the questions of the quiz, you can go back to the list of questions here: Start the quiz here
Now let's see you results!!
Majority of A
Happy and passionate marriage
You will have a very happy marriage! What is leading you to the altar are your deep feelings for each other. You always feel connected to one another. You are a perfect bride/groom and will definitely be a perfect spouse. You show a lot of affection to your fiancé(e) and he/she will always love you for who you are.
Majority of B
Mature and loving marriage
This type of love is like no other. You might not get the butterflies every time you see the love of your life and don't need to be together 24h a day. You are at a different step in your life where love lies in all the small things. There's not need for passionate gestures, your love for each other is so deep that you know that you will always be there for each other and will always love each other no matter what.
Majority of C
Magnetic marriage
You two can be very different and both like to have things your way, but can't live without each other. You can expect some arguments in your marriage because you're two opposites, but despite everything your love for each other will last forever. This means that you will have to communicate to understand each other's perspectives. Your capacity to adapt to change and work together to face challenges will be key in your marriage and there will always be love between you two because you are meant to be.
What results did you get?
Tell us more about how you see you life as newlyweds and if you see it differently.
You can create a new discussion to share your results and share the tips you've learned since you've been together for a happy marriage.
I hope you enjoyed the test! Big hug! xx