Hi brides-to-be!
Let's start this day finding out what the perfect wedding dress would be for you.
How? Enter every discussion and comment the option you would choose.
Let's start!
The perfect dress for you: Your hairstyle
The perfect dress for you: Your bouquet
The perfect dress for you: Your Makeup
The perfect dress for you: Your shoes
The perfect dress for you: Your veil
The perfect dress for you: Your lingerie
The perfect dress for you: Your manicure
The perfect dress for you: The suit of your FH
RESULTS: The ideal dress for you: The results!
You finished? Start a new discussion with My perfect wedding dress is: + your result.
For example: My perfect wedding dress is 5
I will share the photos of the dresses that is made for you.
Follow here >>The perfect dress for you: Your hairstyle