Help!I have been on hold for over 2 hours with the special event permit board for 2 very simple questions before I hit submit on my application.Question 1oes anyone know if I click NO for the will children be in the service area if that means they won’t be behind/beside the bar or does that also cover the hall where the booze is being served?We will have kids at the wedding but will have the bar somewhat blocked off and no children will be in behind it.
Question 2: when putting my estimated drinks into their calculator thingy so they can figure out how much more PST to charge their calculator said I was more than 25% over the recommended amounts.I am going based off what our bartender suggested.Their calculator things for a 75 person wedding I should only have 68 drinks 😳😳😳What are the odds of me getting approved if it’s over 25% what they think it should be?We have hotel rooms booked including an extra room for anyone that needs it and will be paying for taxis and will also be inviting anyone’s designated drivers as a plus one.We are working on a safety plan and will have extra liability insurance I just don’t want to pay for the license if they are going to deny me.
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