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VIP November 2016 British Columbia

Sharing your interests

Samtam, on January 20, 2017 at 14:38 Posted in Before the wedding 0 19

One of the best parts of sharing your life with someone you love is sharing your interests with them so you can enjoy them together! What's something that you've introduced your fiance to and vice versa?



My husband introduced me to the show Community and we've been rewatching it the past couple weeks. If you haven't seen it, I would highly recommend it! I'm not usually a sitcom fan but the cast is so great together and the show is really quick and witty. Great to throw on in the background while working on DIY projects! Smiley winking He got me the first couple seasons on DVD and we watched them together. I ended up working for a community where one of the cast members, Ken Jeong, lived so whenever he would come in, we'd chat about the show and he'd tell me funny behind the scenes stories that I passed along to my husband. We even went to Paleyfest at the Dolby Theater a couple years ago to see a panel on the show and it was so much fun! We never would have thought to go if we hadn't gotten into this show and it was nice to get out and explore our city and do something new.

Ken Jeong

Ken Jeong



I got my husband into traveling! He hadn't done much before we met and didn't really understand the appeal but we started taking small trips together and now he's hooked! For our first anniversary, we went up to Vancouver to celebrate and he loved it! We've been going back every other year and it turned out to be the perfect place to get married!

So what have you gotten your fiance to or what did your fiance introduce you to?


Latest activity by Simone, on January 21, 2017 at 11:19
  • Simone
    Master August 2017 Manitoba
    Simone ·
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    My FH introduced to me his culture and different tv shows like Grimm and Dragon's Den. I have never gone to a Comic Expo and I went with him which was so much fun. I introduce him to my culture and Jamacian films. Plus, I taught him along with my family how to play dominoes.
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  • Chelsea
    Master August 2017 Ontario
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    Well I have so many games it's hard to pick my favourites. Most of what we have are card games. I love cover your assets, dutch blitz, phase 10, five crowns ect! Bose are all card games. For board games we have life twists and turns - it was a collectors edition of life and I love it, I love catan, and betrayal at house on the hill (all board games we have)! We always like trying new games and ones people have never heard of! Another good one is a domino game called Mexican Train
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  • Lisa
    VIP May 2018 Ontario
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    Há! But it's honestly true though. He came here from his country about 11 years ago and his mother did everything domestic! So when he came here he basically taught himself. Which I found pretty impressive , but he was always eager to learn!!!! It's super cute and awesome!
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  • Samtam
    VIP November 2016 British Columbia
    Samtam ·
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    Haha that's awesome! My husband is a big football fan too. I don't know much about football but I'm a good listener when he wants to talk about it! Smiley winking

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  • Samtam
    VIP November 2016 British Columbia
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    Haha I love that you're teaching him not to be a bachelor! I agree that the best part is growing and learning together!

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  • Brittany
    Beginner August 2017 Ontario
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    I introduced my fiance to football. I'm a dieheard Raiders fan, I watch as many NFL games as I can on a Sunday and yell at the TV a little too much than I should during them. He likes other sports, so the idea isnt foreign to him, but it sure is funny to see him concerned/scared when I'm screaming about a first down. After 7 years of dating he's understanding the rules and the plays and its so exciting to finally be able to enjoy it with him!

    He's gotten me into the show Futurama and its turned into a fave. I originally brushed it off as a stupid show, but I was suprised to see all of the 'smart' humor and sci-fi jokes!

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  • Lisa
    VIP May 2018 Ontario
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    My Fiance has gotten me into Super Hero TV shows like Arrow, and The Flash etc etc , and I watch Sci Fi stuff now, and I never used to before. Not to mention I now listed to Dance music when I was such a rock girl! I remember resisting liking Justin Bieber's new song and I couldn't! Lol I've taught my FH how not to live like a bachelor lol I had to teach him to do laundry, because he was putting the soap in the fabric softener slot, ,LOL Taught him how to fold shirts, socks and underwear to maximize drawer space lol What I love is how we grow together and learn new things!
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  • Lisa
    VIP May 2018 Ontario
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    I've never been to TIFF! My friends go and always have a great time!
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  • Valerie
    VIP April 2017 Ontario
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    Oh OBVIOUSLY!!! Plus whatever is between LA and Ontario Smiley winking

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  • Samtam
    VIP November 2016 British Columbia
    Samtam ·
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    So you haven't been to LA yet! We'll have to add it to your list Smiley winking

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  • Samtam
    VIP November 2016 British Columbia
    Samtam ·
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    That's so great! What a great balance between city and nature!

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  • Ashleigh
    Curious May 2018 New Brunswick
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    I think I've gotten my FH out of his shell a bit with social things! I love going to live concerts or craft beer tours, etc. Now he can't wait for something to come up in the city so wecan go! He on the other hand has gotten me outside more than just the beach lol like hiking and mountain climbing.
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  • Samtam
    VIP November 2016 British Columbia
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    That's awesome! My husband and I love playing board games but can never get my family to play with us! I'm jealous! What are your favourite games to play?

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  • Valerie
    VIP April 2017 Ontario
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    Haha if he goes to TIFF we've likely crossed paths (since I practically live there and volunteer at the box office... so I see everyone haha). So funny!

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  • L
    Expert August 2018 Ontario
    Linzer ·
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    You and my FH should be friends! He's a TIFF nut and watches hundreds of movies a year. He's part of like a million online film communities and is forever on Twitter with film people.
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  • Chelsea
    Master August 2017 Ontario
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    I got him to watch Greys Anatomy with me when I watched it the second time aorund, he got me into 24 and supernatural! I also got him into playing a lot of board and card games because my family is big on games!

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  • Valerie
    VIP April 2017 Ontario
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    I'm a volunteer supervisor, so I literally just make sure the volunteers are happy and doing what we need them to and making sure they take breaks.... which usually means I don't have time for one but I have lots of fun there so it's all good! But I get double the movie passes for my shifts... so it's a sweet deal!! You should come down one year! I volunteer so much I get more passes than I can ever use, I usually get about 35 passes a year. I had to skip it this year which almost killed me! FH doesn't volunteer and now with the puppy I don't know how much we'll be able to see together.
    Together we've been to Newfoundland, Florida, the Bahamas and Dominican Republic. I've also been to Italy, Cuba, Scotland, Ireland, England, New York and Texas.
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  • Samtam
    VIP November 2016 British Columbia
    Samtam ·
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    That's so awesome about the film festivals! I would love to go to TIFF sometime. What do you do when you volunteer? Does your FH volunteer now too or did he just go to the festival? Where have you guys traveled? And I totally agree on Walking Dead.... Ugh

    I guess I forgot to mention that I also got my husband into volunteering with me! I've volunteered for Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY) for the past 11 years and brought him in to it. HOBY puts on leadership seminars for high school sophomores and I attended in 2005. He started volunteering with me locally in 2012 and he proposed at HOBY's World Leadership Congress in 2014. We took a break from volunteering this year because of the wedding but we'll probably be back next year!

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  • Valerie
    VIP April 2017 Ontario
    Valerie ·
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    That's so cool!! I've gotten FH into so many things... film festivals (I volunteer at TIFF every year and watch an INSANE amount of movies, the last year I did it I saw 15 movies in 10 days and worked 40 hours for the festival, FH saw 13 of the 15), so much TV (work in the industry... need to be up on it), traveling (FH had only left the country once before me, we go somewhere new yearly now). FH got me on Walking Dead (which I'm mad at now cause the show is annoying lately). We definitely amplified the nerd in each other lol
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