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Frequent user September 2020 British Columbia

September 2020-reschedule?

Alissa, on April 19, 2020 at 12:50 Posted in British Columbia 0 10
I'm sure this discussion is completely exhausted. But I am hearing from a lot of June, july, august brides.

Our wedding is September 12, with a guest count around 275.
We were waiting until June to pull the trigger on a reschedule. But after the news in BC yesterday, that large gatherings will be banned through the summer, we are thinking to move things sooner rather than later. Fall couples in BC, where are your heads at? A good point that was brought up to us was even if they lift the ban, will 275 people feel comfortable to gather that soon? We worry about no-shows or guests that can't commit. Especially since we paid for a venue that was big enough to fit everybody. We have been very laid back about all of this. We understand this virus has caused much harder problems for families globally. But this is what's on our plate right now, and the stress of not knowing every day is starting to affect us. Do we hold off or reschedule now so we can get a date and keep our vendors ? What a mess.


Latest activity by Vanessa, on May 24, 2020 at 22:17
  • V
    Beginner October 2020 British Columbia
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    Well I sure hope! Thanks for getting back to me. I was starting to feel foolish about planning an October wedding.
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  • Zara
    Frequent user May 2021 Ontario
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    Hi Vanessa,

    We decided to wait until August to make a final decision. I am extremely concerned about dates being filled for 2021 as well but seeing that there is 4.5 more months, I do not know whether there will be easing of restrictions. They have made predictions before and it turned out better than their predictions. So I am hoping that the situation will evolve into a better one by October

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  • V
    Beginner October 2020 British Columbia
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    Hi Zehra
    Just wondering if your plans have changed since the revised ban on gatherings was published in BC on May 22nd and now there is no end date for the order?
    We are planning an October 31st wedding with around 90 people (including vendors staff).I was wanting to make the decision in September but now I am concerned all the 2021 dates will be booked!Thanks Vanessa
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  • Alissa
    Frequent user September 2020 British Columbia
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    Thanks everyone for your input! We first decided to reschedule for march, and then decided to just cut down to the allowed 50 for our province in a backyard wedding. I have now planned 3 weddings but hopefully this plan sticks! All the best to my fellow COVID couples🤣
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  • Geraldine
    Beginner September 2020 Ontario
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    Hi Alissa,

    June 20th bride here but our venue postponed us to Sept 20th this year. I'm hoping and praying that our wedding still happens for Sept 20th since we postponed already. We are waiting end of June to revisit our plans and see if our venue will postpone us again. We haven't announced our Sept 20th date yet to our guests. However, if gathering restrictions lift to only 50 people around Sept (initially we invited 178 guests), then we will just move forward with our ceremony with 50 and have the rest of our guests zoom in and hopefully our venue will be able to postpone the reception late 2021 or 2022.

    However, I am still planning a symbolic "minimony" on June 20th with both our parents and our son. We were thinking of just going to a near by park, all dressed up Smiley smile with Mr. and Mrs. Balloons. We were thinking of writing in our vow booklets and putting it in a treasure box that day so on our Sept 20th day we can read it. And of course take pictures.

    I was so anxious and stressed before planning a pandemic wedding. But I think I am slowly accepting what is going on and pretty much going with the flow... what's important is getting married Smiley winking Smiley heart

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  • Brittany
    Beginner October 2021 Ontario
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    October date, and we postponed! Our wedding was set to be October 17th of this year (I know, still so far away!) but we just felt there was way too much up in the air. I would rather have the wedding that I dreamed of, even if it is a year later. My FH have been together for almost 6 years and have been living together for 5, so getting married next year instead really isn't going to change anything! We also thought about doing a private ceremony on our date of this year - I even confirmed it with our officiant. But then I was being kept awake by thoughts of "what-if"s - wondering if a small part of me would regret not saving everything for the big day. I want to feel every emotion as naturally and as raw as it would have been if it was our original plan. Ultimately we decided that our best option was to just fully postpone. I feel a lot better after making this decision, as I did not like feeling that I was not in control LOL. So many factors we considered when making this choice, a big one being one of my bridesmaids is currently living in Australia and their international travel bans are expected to be in place for quite some time. Also, I really want to go on a honeymoon right away, and I just can't be sure that this will be doable by October. The saddest part about postponing for me honestly is that I want to wear my dress LOL. I bought it in June of 2019 Smiley sad Oh well, it will be even more amazing after such a long wait!

    -copied my own message from a similar board-

    Smiley smile

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  • H
    Newbie September 2020 Ontario
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    Our wedding is in Ontario for September 12th as well. We are really uncertain about what to do at the moment. Our venue won't let us reschedule until closer to the date, so it seems like we just need to wait and see for now.

    We are signing a contract and putting down an additional deposit with our venue for a date in August 2021. Our other vendors won't hold the date unless we put down another deposit, but that would really add up (florist, photographer, videographer, musicians etc). We have asked them to pencil us in with a question mark and let us know if other couples are enquiring about the date before giving it away, to give us a chance to pressure our venue for an answer.

    Hoping for the best for this year, but trying to plan ahead the best we can.

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  • M
    Curious September 2021 Ontario
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    September 12 here Ontario.

    We are still waiting to decide. We are in the position where we cannot make a decision because our venue will not give us any other dates. They are dealing with up to June couples right now.

    We wanted to postpone to next year because we had the same concern as you (we have 250 guests and we are worried people will not feel comfortable gathering). Unfortunately, because of our venue's policy right now, we couldn't postpone. So we are just patiently waiting. We are hoping we will know by the end of May.

    Feeling very stressed and anxious. The not knowing is the worst part Smiley sad

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  • Gaelle
    Newbie September 2021 Ontario
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    I am in BC but getting married in Ontario. My wedding was for september 5th and i have rescheduled for next year as i don't feel comfortable to have our parents in a crowd and travelling. And i am also worried about potential no shows. It gives me more time for planning and to have my bachelorette, which was planned for june : )

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  • Zara
    Frequent user May 2021 Ontario
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    I have a wedding guests of around 400-500 people and many relatives coming in from Europe. We are getting married on october 3rd and we are waiting until end of august to decide on what to do. I hope things will calm down by then.

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