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Expert June 2022 British Columbia

Seating chart questions

Hailey, on August 3, 2021 at 13:04 Posted in Wedding reception 0 14
Good morning everyone!
I’m wondering if anyone can tell me how they seated people? I have two large families but only about 12 both side included) are coming and they won’t all fit at one table... how should I place my parents? With my moms side or dads? I assume most people will mingle anyways?
If anyone can share how you seated friends/family that would be absolutely amazing 💕


Latest activity by Hailey, on August 5, 2021 at 00:24
  • Hailey
    Expert June 2022 British Columbia
    Hailey ·
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    I’m torn between circle or rectangle as we’re doing it in our back yard so we have the choice. I think I’ve worked out the seating issue now it’s if I want circle or rectangle LOL 😆
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  • A
    Master August 2022 British Columbia
    Amanda ·
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    You could do 2 tables of 6 if that works for your venue

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  • Hailey
    Expert June 2022 British Columbia
    Hailey ·
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    Thank you for responding!
    We’re doing it in our backyard so I have the choice of rectangle or circle tables as I have to rent them!
    Our friends are grouped as they know everyone and my biggest thing is the parents as my family is so big.. i think I’m going to write everyone’s names out and go with that exactly, who they know snd who would get along good.

    I’m torn on having the head table be my fiancé and I, or our parents with us, or having my MOH, the best man and best mans wife with us (the best man is my fiancé’s uncle/aunt) at the head table with us.
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  • Caitlyn
    Frequent user September 2021 Alberta
    Caitlyn ·
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    Our venue has rectangular tables that can seat up to 10, but with that said, most of our tables have 7 or 8 people. My fiancé has a big family, but lucky for us it was easy to seat everyone. My in-laws are at a table with a few of their friends, my mother-in-law has 8 family members on her side so they all fit nicely at 1 table, we have all of my father-in-laws siblings and their significant others at one table, and their children (fiances cousins) are spread out over 2 tables. My Mom and Step Dad are at a table with their friends, and my cousins are at a table with a few of my fiances cousins. The rest of the tables are friends, and we just grouped them by who already knows one another or who we think would get along best.
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  • Hailey
    Expert June 2022 British Columbia
    Hailey ·
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    My FMIL said rectangle due to everyone can see stuff but I see your point as it would be easier to talk to everyone.. I totally love what you did! Its so unique as well.

    ahh I see! our largest would be the two friends tables of 8 (if I keep them all together) I don't want to spilt them up so I am thinking putting them with some of my family away from the drama of my FH family drama lol.

    Thanks for your input, it helps a lot as Im doing most of the planning myself Smiley smile

    We are still trying to figure out if we use our own backyard or my uncles 5 acres backyard lol

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  • C
    Super December 2020 Ontario
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    They were circle tables, yes (other than the head table). I love the look of rectangular tables too BUT it's not as easy to talk to everyone at your table if there's more than 6. Ah okay makes sense - it would still work though! These are the people that brought the two of you to where you are on that day (I do understand this is not always the case of course) - just love that tradition personally!!!

    Our largest table was our groomsmen and their partners - definitely don't split up wedding party from partners - I hate that! We avoided that at all costs. The bridesmaids didn't all sit at the same table because a. Two were my sisters so they sat with their husbands and kids (only kids invited haha) b. One was my SIL so she sat with her husband and their cousins they are close with c. My MOH sat with her partner and another couple they know and would have a great time with!
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  • Hailey
    Expert June 2022 British Columbia
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    Thank you for your input!! I will keep that in mind... same with the ideas of different tables! I like the different sizes... Did you have circle tables? my FMIL highly suggests we use rectangle ones.. I love love that idea having your parents sit at the head table!! the thing is it would me my parents, his mom & grandmother as they raised him, which could work aswell.. We have one best man, and MOH but leaning towards a sweet heart head table as I don't want to spilt the best man and his SO up.

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  • C
    Super December 2020 Ontario
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    We simply seated people with who we thought they'd have a good time with! Covid made things a bit different so some tables had 4, some had 6, some had 8! It worked out perfectly. Our parents sat with us at the headtable 😊 tradition for us but also loved it that way.
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  • Hailey
    Expert June 2022 British Columbia
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    I’m hoping they can all put it aside for the wedding.. I keep telling myself if they truly care about us they will put their issues aside..

    I wish you all the best ☺️
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  • H
    Master September 2021 Ontario
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    We're pretty much in the same boat as you re family complications. Pretty much the one problematic group will be isolated away from the main family tables. It is what it is.

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  • Hailey
    Expert June 2022 British Columbia
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    Thanks for your input! Good to know! I was feeling I had to make “full tables”
    it’s about 7 & 7 for both of my parents sides I’m inviting. But as my other response I have both my SO and I’s family very complicated when it comes to seating (where some people don’t like each other) I also like the idea of putting my mom and dad with my moms side as they are mostly out of town folks.. I will definitely keep in mind tables don’t have to be full though!
    Thank you ☺️
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  • Hailey
    Expert June 2022 British Columbia
    Hailey ·
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    Thank you for your input! I’ve been stressing putting people together who know each other rather than spilt up... I know my SO grandmother would want to be put with her family which makes it hard. I would like to put our moms/his grandma and my dad placed together as they are the “parents of us” and also don’t like the whole tables to families only.
    My SO family is super complicated right now which makes this process super hard & I’ve literally cut down to 1/2 of my extended family and picked a couple family members to represent each side 😅

    Do you mind me asking are you using circle tables or rectangles?
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  • H
    Master September 2021 Ontario
    Hank ·
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    You also shouldn't need to feel like you have to make a full table. It's okay to have some full tables and to keep some tables at 8 people, and some at 6 etc.

    My fiancee's dad has a bigger family than her mom so her parents will be sitting with her mom's side.

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  • Stacey Tc
    Devoted August 2022 Saskatchewan
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    You don't have to place families together.
    I have my parents and his parents at one table with his grandmother and his widowed aunt. I've mixed his aunts and uncles with mine, and his cousins with my cousins. His two sisters are at different tables because one is single and the other is married with two children, so single is with some of our friends without children and married and her husband is with some cousins and friends.

    People are being seated based on if I think they will get along. It can be boring to sit with people you've known your whole life. My MOH's husband is the same age as some of SO's uncles so I've put him there, and the two SO's of GMs are personal care aids so I've sat them with single sister who's a pharmacist. I found seating quite simple but I know that's not the case for everyone.

    Mix things up Smiley smile

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