So the wedding party has gone completely out of control. there is a lack of hep from planning bridal shower, bachelorette and even helping with creating centrepieces etc for wedding. i know its hard when 2 members do not live in the city, however, there is no conversations at all. people say they'll help and don't, or bail for friends.
ive decided to come up with reminders for the girls (approved by bride) to remind them their responsibilities and of important dates or information.
My question is what kind of reminders..... so far i have general guidelines like dress altered, shoe colour, and important dates and what to expect but i feel i am forgetting something?
should i be saying bachelorette- BYOB and everyone is expected to cover brides cost or split cost.?
ive spent $700 on this shower by myself, her family is covering food thank god, but that not including an $100 emergency kit, or the additional 200-400 in gifts. i know i should spend more since she is my bestfriend, however, i feel they should be covering costs more than what they have. on a side note, one girl has been told and agreed to drive to cottage, however the bride has said if she bails for her friends like she has continuously should i be mentioning to her the consequences or no... i feel this is out of control and that no one is supporting her the way she should be.
ugh stressed to max over here.