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Beginner June 2019 Alberta

Relaxing Ideas

TeamDNA, on June 20, 2019 at 12:08 Posted in WeddingWire 0 9
Hi everyone, Does anyone have relaxing methods i could use? Our wedding is in 8 days and im starting to to have MAJOR anxiety. When i was little i would get it just for a Christmas concert even but this is way worse. I thought it wouldnt be this bad but i keep getting anxiety attacks-FH is trying to help but he's even lost now on how to help.


Latest activity by Tara, on June 24, 2019 at 12:16
  • Tara
    Curious July 2022 Alberta
    Tara ·
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    Ah, anxiety is real and awful! I bet we can relate to the pressure you must be feeling.

    my biggest thing for anxiety is watching “oddly satisfying videos” for a minute, and counting breaths while I watch. I start with two second counts in, through my nose (cools the brain), and two seconds out through my mouth. Then 5 in, 2 out. 5 in, hold for 2, 5 out. Then 10 in, hold for 5, 5 out. Slowly I work up to about 15 in, hold for 5, about 10 out. Longer in means deeper breaths and more air past my nostrils, and quicker out means more relax and de stress (for me).
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  • Erin
    Super May 2022 Ontario
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    Just know that we are here for you and your FH is totally in your corner! Take deep breaths and close your eyes, count to 10 and just try to focus on the minute and not the future.

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  • Seleena
    Super September 2019 British Columbia
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    I have just been recently diagnosed with anxiety and it sucks. I think what helps me the most is my cats, my FH and relaxing baths with Epsom salts and uplifting essential oils. I love essential oils for my mood. Also, my cats let me squish them and that makes me feel so much better. My FH has also been super supportive in helping me feel less crazy. Hopefully you find your thing!
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  • TeamDNA
    Beginner June 2019 Alberta
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    Thank you everyone for your suugestions. Im try each one Smiley smile
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  • Vinod
    Top August 2017 Ontario
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    Take a breather and get some fresh air outside. Take walks or read in a quiet space that's yours to not bother when needed. Cooling down when everything seems to be coming at you once isn't what you should feel.

    The same feeling is what I got when my husband was complaining about the costs or things that weren't needed when ordering online. Get away to make time for yourself.

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  • Becky
    VIP September 2019 Ontario
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    For me, its me taking time to sit and do something that blows off steam- I hate running and that stuff but it really helps with my anxiety. I get really nervous and stomach issues so eating bannana bread and all that helps me. Is there any good friends you have that are good with calming you down? I have few friends that are only ones who know how to calm me down when gets that bad.
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  • Tori
    Top October 2019 Manitoba
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    Biggest thing that helps me with my anxiety attacks is writing down why I'm feeling that way. I know that with mine 90% of the time they are over things that I have no control over and going over the ways I can fix it if it were to happen helps. In the moment of the anxiety attack I really do find that saying what is around you does helps ground me: I am sitting in my chair, I have my computer monitor in front of me, I am wearing a red shirt, etc.

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  • Casey
    Master October 2019 Ontario
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    Sleep is a big thing. Like Brittany said, eliminate caffine and alcohol.

    Take some time to yourself before the wedding, I know easier said than done. But just to get your mind off everything, and take a step back from the planning.

    Lavender and essential oils are a great alternative too.

    Having family and friends around to make sure things are taken care of so you don't have to worry is a big help also!

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  • Brittany
    Devoted August 2019 Alberta
    Brittany ·
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    Sorry you are feeling that way.

    Make sure you are getting enough sleep. Avoid caffeine and alcohol, I find that triggers it at times.

    Exercise. Running, walks, etc. Don't over do it, but it is a great way to release endorphins.

    Just take a bit of a timeout if needed.

    Do you ever do yoga or meditation?

    Ooh and lavender in a bath... always calming.

    Is your anxiety more to do with stressing over last minute tasks? Or more so being in front of that many people and etc? If the first just try to delegate and ask for help.

    Just try to remember why you are doing this, and be grateful for your FH and your family and this moment.

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