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Newbie April 2021 Ontario

Rehearsal Dinner?

Lisa, on January 22, 2020 at 11:06 Posted in Before the wedding 0 8

Okay I have a question about the rehearsal dinner in regards to who is invited. Do you invite wedding party and immediate family (ie aunts, grandmothers, uncles, etc). And with the wedding party do you invite their significant others?


Latest activity by Allison, on January 23, 2020 at 22:09
  • Allison
    Master October 2019 Ontario
    Allison ·
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    Aunts, uncles, and cousins are technically extended family and do not need to be invited. The exception is if someone is playing a role in your ceremony (e.g. aunt is doing a reading, little cousin is flower girl).

    Most of the time, it's you, your FH, wedding party and their S/O's (usually nice to include them), and both sets of parents (yours and FH's), flower girls/ring bearers and their parents, and anyone else involved in the ceremony.

    If you and/or your FH have kids, nieces and nephews, siblings not in wedding party, and living grandparents, you usually include them too. Some people opt to invite out-of-town guests too but for some, it can easily become a second wedding so you don't have to.

    We invited parents, wedding party and S/Os, grandmother (couldn't make it until the wedding next day), flower girl and ring bearer (also niece and nephew, mom was in wedding party). We also invited some VIPs such as our MC who's also a close friend, and my godmother who did our decor. Both came from afar so it was nice to invite.

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  • Jamie
    Frequent user June 2022 British Columbia
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    I will do just immediate family, wedding party and their S/Os. Only invite the people who need to rehearse. I don't think I will do a full-on dinner. We will probs just do nice appies and drinks

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  • Gloria
    Expert October 2022 Ontario
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    We’re doing parents and Bridal party only (and their significant others if they aren’t in the wedding party)... so we’re still looking at about 20 ppl lol.
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  • Ashley
    VIP August 2020 Ontario
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    Keep it small. we are doing wedding party and parents only. keep in mind you need to feed them too which is another added cost!

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  • Casey
    Master October 2019 Ontario
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    We strictly only invited immediate family.

    My sister and 3 sister in laws were my bridesmaids, my Husbands brother, 2 brother in laws, and my brother were the groomsmen. So that covered all our siblings. The only extra person that was invited was my brothers girlfriend as they have been together for almost 10 years.

    Then it was our parents, and nieces and nephews. All together it was maybe 20 people for a nice little dinner!

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  • Amelia
    Master October 2020 New Brunswick
    Amelia ·
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    I would only invite the people who need to rehearse. So wedding party, parents, ushers, flower girl and ring bearer with their guardians, and anyone else who has a part to practice.
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  • Tori
    Top October 2019 Manitoba
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    Immediate family does NOT include the Aunts/Uncles - immediate family is; your kids (if any), your siblings (and their S/O's), you parents, your grandparents. Then we also had our wedding party (and their S/O's), our officiant, and our Venue owners Smiley smile

    It's entirely up to you who you invite - but don't feel obligated to invite everybody, it's mainly meant to go over the walking down the aisle so you would only really neeeed those people that are going to walk (wedding party, you, your FS)

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  • Samantha
    Super June 2021 Ontario
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    We're not having a wedding party, but for our rehearsal dinner we'll have the people involved in the ceremony, like the witnesses and the person who will be holding our sand ceremony jar, parents, siblings, the officiant, and the wedding planner. Typically though, if you're having a wedding party you'll have the wedding party and it's common place to invite their significant others but not mandatory. Also, if you're having anyone do any readings they should be there also, along with flower girl/ring bearer and their parents. But you can also invite close family that aren't involved with the ceremony itself if you want to! I think it's also customary to invite any out of town guests to the dinner, but again not mandatory. We're actually having our rehearsal a week before the wedding, so out of town guests won't be there yet any how.

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