Invitations were sent just less than 2 weeks ago and people are already sending them back! The more we get in the mail the more I start to freak out and realize how fast this is approaching. My head has been so caught up with work as I just went through a very traumatic experience and have been trying to shake it off. I've been cool as a cucumber for a while now but the anxiety is setting in. It's crazy to think how quickly the engagement has gone by and how soon we get married. I feel like we just got engaged but it's been a year and 4 months already!
We just received an email from our venue to pick out our menu selections for our tasting on the 28th of this month. As I'm typing this I'm emailing her back our choices! I also have my hair trial and dress fitting this month. Eeeekkk! So many things to do!
Anybody else feel like everything is creeping up quickly? We have also been trying to get all of our honeymoon stuff in order, including purchasing the things that we will need for the trip instead of waiting until the last minute.