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Frequent user September 2021 Alberta

Rain on your wedding day

Caitlyn, on August 27, 2021 at 20:13 Posted in Wedding ceremony 0 4
I'm getting married in a week (eeeek!!) and we had initially planned on doing an outdoor ceremony with a backup plan for an indoor ceremony if needed. The forecast keeps changing, and as of right now it's 13 with 1-3mm of rain. I personally am not too bothered by a bit of rain, especially since our photos are going to be outdoors anyway, but as a guest at a wedding, would you be annoyed at having to sit in the rain for a wedding ceremony? Logically people would look at the weather and dress accordingly/bring an umbrella, but that doesn't necessarily mean they won't be annoyed 😅. Ceremony would also be super quick, like maybe 15-20 minutes.

Side note: guests don't know about us having a backup indoor plan (only bridal party/parents know), so as far they're aware it's an outdoor ceremony rain or shine.


Latest activity by Vinod, on August 31, 2021 at 13:57
  • Vinod
    Top August 2017 Ontario
    Vinod ·
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    Light rain won't be a problem if guests won't get as drenched. The back up plan can be announced by the wedding party for guests to make the move indoors if the weather gets bad. The option of umbrellas is there for guests to bring if they will want to use it and not a big concern on your end.
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  • C
    Super December 2020 Ontario
    Carmel ·
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    A light rain wouldn't bother me at all! Been there!! One of them the bride ended up walking down the aisle with a double rainbow! You wouldn't have even known anyone got wet afterwards and yes - adults should be able to look at the weather and plan accordingly. Are you able to make the decision closer to the date? I'd wait it out for sure.
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  • Rayanne
    Master June 2022 Ontario
    Rayanne ·
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    Well I'll hope that you don't have to worry about the rain. I wouldn't mind a little rain however a downpour is another thing. I think it is something you'll have to decide day of I mean the weather stations aren't always correct
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  • H
    Master September 2021 Ontario
    Hank ·
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    As a guest, I would be super annoyed. People may not express it to you on your day (or ever) but I can imagine a lot of people will not be happy about getting dressed up in some of their best clothes just to have their outfit ruined. Even if they brought an umbrella, the chair will be wet. Add the temperature to the mix and people will be cold and wet. Not the best way to start a party, in my opinion.

    People may or may not give you flack for not having a rain plan. But if they found out there was a rain plan and you didn't use it, they'll definitely not be happy about it.

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