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Beginner October 2020 Ontario

Pot Luck Reception/ tips on wedding planning/ cost cutting

Sara, on January 28, 2019 at 16:45 Posted in DIY 0 11

Hey everyone,

I am trying to cut costs the best that I can and I've been wanting to do a pot luck/bbq type of dinner but my FH is worried that there won't be enough food. We cut the guest list down from 130 to about 95-100 - depends on who shows, and who brings their kids. But like, we're trying to save for a house which is why we want this to be so cost friendly and the thing is that i want a wedding i don't want to elope, and i know that there's a lot to pay for. i'm just struggling to find ways to save and also not cut on things that are important. We have 2 top choices for venues, one is in town and is a family friends (a bit outdated) beach side cottage which will cost less but we'll have to pay for EVERYTHING from chairs- linens, etc. and he is keen on selling the property this year and our wedding is Sept 2020. Or we have this very beautiful retreat type venue that is also like a vacation but it costs more and we can't use the kitchen to cook, but we can use their bbqs i think - maybe bring our own, and we can use the fridge to store stuff. but it's like an hour away so how would some dishes stay warm on the trip?

It would be nice to just have a big backyard wedding but I don't have a house or a close friend/family member who has a big yard that isn't 5-8 hours away.

I'm just so stressed out. Does any one have any tips?


Latest activity by Sara, on February 4, 2019 at 09:38
  • Sara
    Beginner October 2020 Ontario
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    Thank you so much! I keep trying to find parks but they seem to have their "event fees" so maybe i just have to look harder.

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  • Stephanie
    Frequent user July 2019 Quebec
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    You can always get married in a public park, it's free, or they'll charge you something like $200 for a license. You can also get married in a church and have the reception in their reception area, religious or not it's a low-budget option. There are often community centers too you can rent out. Potluck is the best way to save money on catering so this is a great idea!

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  • Sara
    Beginner October 2020 Ontario
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    That's a great idea! thank you!

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  • Sarah
    Expert August 2021 British Columbia
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    I would suggest precooking the food wrapping in tinfoil and putting into thermal bag.Buy yourself some buffet warmers and transfer the food once you get there.
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  • Emily
    Frequent user August 2019 New Brunswick
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    We are having a summer wedding and we are doing a familypot luck / bbq style dinner. family members and our selves are all pitching in

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  • Sara
    Beginner October 2020 Ontario
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    That's a good point, thank you!
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  • Kaisha
    Super March 2019 Nova Scotia
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    I think a BBQ/pot luck is an amazing idea, if we were having a summer wedding that is what we would have done for sure. If I were to do a potluck I would maybe have a list of foods and who is bringing what in order to make sure you will have enough food.
    I would definitely be hesitant about the place they are looking to sell but you can always do some more research you still have plenty of time before the wedding.

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  • Sara
    Beginner October 2020 Ontario
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    Thats a great idea! I keep trying to find local parks and such but they all have their own fees. It's crazy. There's a local conservation centre that might be worth a look
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  • Leah
    VIP April 2019 British Columbia
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    What about a community centre venue near a park/outdoor space?

    Community centres usually have both for space and a kitchen. Maybe even rent or buy some rugs and pillows from Ikea to create an indoor lounge/indoor picnic vibe (in addition to tables of course)

    I think you can have fun with a pot luck, and like Stephanie mentioned, have some bigger dishes catered and/or if all else fails - pizza!
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  • Sara
    Beginner October 2020 Ontario
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    That's a great idea! Thank you!
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  • Stephanie
    VIP May 2019 Ontario
    Stephanie ·
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    I think a potluck is a fantastic idea! I've seen that idea bounce around a lot here (and what a great way to get a good variety of food!) I've seen someone do a thing where they give people specific types of items to bring.... like starters or sides or main dishes or dessert! To make sure not too many people bring the same thing! If you're worried about not enough food maybe you and you FH can pitch in a little extra and cater in a few additional dishes (even fillers like rices and potatoes to help fill plates!) And worse case scenario maybe have a late night pizza party and order in a bunch of party pizzas for a late night munch for everyone!
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