Hey everyone - anyone else getting married in October?
If so, how are you planning? Is everything on hold or are you hoping things will be back to normal by then?
There’s so much we still have to do - we don’t have suits, my dress isn’t altered (which is good if we have to change dates I guess) and so many other things. My MIL kinda wants a party, so she’d rather just delay it lol and with family in the States, even if Canada is ok - it’s unlikely they will be...
I’m just so lost - esp cause we’re still far enough out that things may change in some sort of way. Our venue also won’t say what their plan is till July/most likely August.. which I get, but it makes things so hard. If we’re allowed a wedding with a smaller list, idk if they’d still allow Postponement or not.
We have vulnerable immediate family members too which is rather scary..
Any advice/brides going through the same thing? Anyone wana just talk and be there for each other?
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