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VIP November 2016 British Columbia

Post wedding blues

Samtam, on January 5, 2017 at 15:34 Posted in Just married 0 15

I know we don't have a lot of newlyweds on the site yet but I thought that this was worth bringing up. The Knot posted this article a couple weeks ago about "The Postwedding Blues."

It's not something you really think about when you're wrapped up in the excitement (or stress) of planning the wedding but I've definitely been struggling with this since the wedding.

In the first couple days after the wedding, you're definitely wrapped up in reliving every moment and talking to your guests about what everyone liked best but after that, I started to second guess things. Even though I know in the moment that it was the happiest day of my life and that I loved every minute, I can't help but have regrets. You try your hardest to plan for every possibility but you can't control everything! (especially other people) For example, we were running late to the ceremony and my mom was saying "don't worry, they'll wait for the bride!" but I was trying to explain to her that we only had so much time after the ceremony before the sun set to get pictures. It ended up working out because my aunt and cousin were SUPER late and if we had started on time, they would have walked in and disrupted the ceremony but still, we were later than expected and didn't get to take pictures in all the locations we scouted.

I have so many regrets about things that I couldn't control and it's so frustrating that you only get one chance! I wish I hadn't ugly cried all the way down the aisle. I wish we didn't have a projection screen in the background of our ceremony pictures. I wish that we'd taken more pictures in different locations. I wish the dinner service hadn't taken so long so we'd had more time to dance. I wish I'd been able to get in the photobooth more. I wish I'd eaten more cake and more poutine. (That was a very common regret in my family haha!)

When we got the photos back, I thought that that would bring back the feelings I had from the wedding but I actually felt upset and disappointed after seeing them. They are BEAUTIFUL pictures and she gave us more than 800 photos but I still felt unsatisfied. It just seemed to bring into focus all the things that went "wrong."

I've been trying to figure out why I can't shake this feeling and I think my husband finally figured it out. Our wedding was so much fun, so perfect that it's unrealistic to expect a picture to be able to hold all of that. It's too much pressure and there's no way that they're going to be able to perfectly capture all of that. We sat down with my family over the holiday and showed them all the photos. Seeing it through their eyes helped me put things into perspective and feel better. No matter what went "wrong," none of the guests noticed and they all had a wonderful time.

It's still a work in progress but I'm trying to keep in mind the way I felt on the day of the wedding and to focus on moving forward with the things that got put on hold until after the wedding. I recommend leaning on your new husband or wife about how you're feeling so that you can work on it together. If you can, you should make a journal entry on the day after the wedding (or a couple days after) so you can remember all the things you loved and document that excitement to look back on!

Hopefully this won't happen to you after the wedding but if it does, apparently it's normal and you're not alone! Feel free to reach out if you need support!



Latest activity by Ashley, on September 24, 2017 at 12:31
  • Ashley
    Super June 2018 Alberta
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    I hope I don’t go thru this... but I can see why people do.

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  • Samtam
    VIP November 2016 British Columbia
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    I can totally relate to all those feelings! I'm so happy for you that your day was everything you wanted! Hold on to that feeling and if you have time, write a journal entry of your wedding day or at least a list of all the little things you loved so you don't forget them!
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  • Melinda
    Devoted September 2017 Ontario
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    I'm feeling a bit of this today! Our wedding day was such a great day and I just want to re-live it over and over! Not necessarily to do things differently but just because it was such an amazing day and I can't remember ever feeling that happy in all my life. I know it's cliché that my wedding day was the best day ever, but honestly, it felt perfect. It was just so wonderful to feel all the love and support from my family. I struggle with anxiety and I am amazed to look back at that day and realize that I had not one moment of anxiety all day. I felt so happy and loved and at peace and I want that feeling to last.

    We don't have our pictures back yet (just a sneak peek and I love them so far) but I am starting to think back about whether or not we took enough of just us and if we had enough different locations. I wish I had spent more time talking to people. The day went by so fast, I want to go back in time and make it slow down! I am an over-thinker/over-analyzer by nature so I need to sometimes remind myself to just let go. But when I bring back the feelings that I had that day, I want to cry, that's how amazing it was. So I'm a bit dramatic, I know, but I just want to hold onto that feeling. So coming back to work today was a bit depressing I must admit.

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  • Samtam
    VIP November 2016 British Columbia
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    Aw thanks Melissa! I wasn't trying to make you weepy! Smiley tongue I totally agree with your coworker! Most people aren't used to the attention so it can be a little uncomfortable but you should definitely enjoy it while you can and know that if you're the center of attention, it's because they love you! You're working hard at your wedding and you deserve it!

    And yes Collin is definitely a keeper. He's doing a great job of being a husband so far!

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  • Natasha
    VIP August 2017 Ontario
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    Thanks for sharing Sam, I think it reminds us all who are still planning and doing all our finishing touches to appreciate every little moment of the journey we are on towards our magical days! We really are only supposed to experience it once so we should enjoy and taken in every moment and every event . make memories on the road to the big day.

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  • Melissa
    VIP June 2017 Ontario
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    Aw Sammm! Way to make me feel weepy at work.

    Thank you for sharing with us- and maybe preparing us for what is to come with your wisdom Smiley winking

    I think your Husband might be on to something...and his understanding of your feelings is why you are darn lucky to have each other!

    A co-worker of mine gave me a nugget of advice yesterday too. She asked about my shower, and I siad I was skipping that part, and the Bachelorette....she told me to reconsider. She said "really soak up this prep time, do it all. Let everyone fawn over you, and love you and tell you have beautiful you only get it once. And after that, you're just married".

    Gave me some food for thought! (worth noting, she was married last year, and might be feeling similar to you Sam!)

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  • Kimberley
    Curious April 2017 Alberta
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    Thank you so much for sharing. It definately helps to know what to expect and know your not alone.

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  • Shannon
    Devoted June 2020 British Columbia
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    Thanks Smiley smile thats so nice to hear. Send me a message if youre feeling down and need to talk.
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  • Samtam
    VIP November 2016 British Columbia
    Samtam ·
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    That's great that you know yourself so well so you can be more prepared. I wish I'd known about it in advance! It definitely gets better with time though and just know that we're all here for you after your wedding too!

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  • Shannon
    Devoted June 2020 British Columbia
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    Thank you so much for sharing. Im bipolar and prone to depression so i am expecting this and its nice to know i wont be the only one Smiley smile
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  • Lisa
    VIP May 2018 Ontario
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    Love this pic! Beautiful! Tiffany is absolutely right about the adrenaline! I struggle with that often in everyday life. I don't need a wedding to overthink and worry! Lol Sad! I know! I'm a believer that we attract what we think and feel so if you focus on all the negative aspects you will keep getting more of the same! Everytime you feel those negative nagging thoughts remind yourself to flip switch them right away to a good memory!!! And hold on to that until you start to feel better! It works! It takes practice but it works!
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  • Samtam
    VIP November 2016 British Columbia
    Samtam ·
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    Thanks Tiffany! That's a good idea to take things slow and keep things in perspective. It is nice to be done with the planning now and I'm looking forward to working on some new projects like a wedding scrapbook. Smiley winking

    I think I'm particularly susceptible to the "post wedding blues" because I'm an event planner so I'm used to being able to improve on my events the next time we do them but with a wedding, you only get one chance. But I appreciate everyone's support and hope that it helps you all in the long run as well!

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  • Tiffany
    Devoted September 2018 Quebec
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    Being a bit analytical, the blues might be from going all out with planning and being busy to suddenly stopping. And as we plan our expectations for the day probably climb, and society says it's this big moment, one of the biggest of our lives and it should be the best day of our lives, and it is in so many was but all of that adds a lot of pressure. The adrenaline is going trying to get it right, or perfect, and then suddenly it's over. That's why I'm trying to take my time and not get too caught up in it.
    That being said, I love your pics Sam, and the memories of the day and how much you enjoyed yourself speak more than the photos (kind of what your husband said). From what I see in the photos I saw your wedding was beautiful, and if you, your husband and your guests had a good time then it was a spectacular success Smiley smile.
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  • Samtam
    VIP November 2016 British Columbia
    Samtam ·
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    Aw thanks Valerie! I appreciate the support and can't wait for your wedding! I love how much thought you've put into everything and I'm sure your guests will love it all!

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  • Valerie
    VIP April 2017 Ontario
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    Awww I'm sorry you're feeling that way Sam.I have a feeling I'll be that same way. I will totally dwell on all the things that didn't go as planned no matter how much I try not too.

    As an outsider, your pictures are amazing and I hope my wedding is as beautiful as yours Smiley heart

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