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Curious July 2020 British Columbia

Plateau period

Megan, on November 18, 2019 at 20:01 Posted in Before the wedding 0 12
So I’ve found that since booking my major vendors and getting my dress, there’s this huge lull in the wedding planning process. We are about 8 months out from the date. What were you guys doing 8 months out from the wedding?


Latest activity by Judice, on November 21, 2019 at 07:45
  • Judice
    Frequent user November 2019 Ontario
    Judice ·
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    I totally experienced this too. I started working on signs and my welcome table. This would be the best time to start building timelines are double-checking smaller details.

    I also started a mock-up for my seating chart at this time and it made the final seating chart so easy to assemble.
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  • Ashley
    VIP August 2020 Ontario
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    Me too!! lol i started making my seating chart of people i know are 100% coming. i made menu cards, i got my bridal bouqets, i made a picture of how i want my decor lady to set up my guest tables, i picked my readings for the church, we made a website, ive been designing invitations, i made the day of timeline already, i emailed the dj songs we want them to play, IM SO BORED ive done everything and im about 9 months out too

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  • Vanessa
    Frequent user September 2019 Ontario
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    I definitely entered that plateau period as well but I used the time to tackle small things so that I wouldn't be overwhelmed later on.

    I wrote my speech 6 months early and it helped soooo much because when it got closer to the date all I had to do was edit it. It was nice to write it all out when I had a bit of inspiration and then look back on it and read with fresh eyes a month or two later.

    We started making a list of songs we may want to choose for our first dance/parent dances/entrances and then narrowed it down as the months went by. It was a hard decision so I'm glad we started early!!

    I started making lists of how I would seat everyone at tables if they all replied yes to their invites. It helped me visualize things as a "worst case scenario" and then once people rsvp'd 'no' I was able to move things around to cut down on tables. I invited 310 people so it was so much easier to do this and keep track as rsvps came in rather than leaving it until the deadline and be overwhelmed.

    Start making a timeline for the day and a shot list for photos!

    This might seem like silly things to tackle so early but the week before my wedding I was DONE and had nothing to worry about because I had thought about it all ahead of time and it made me so much more relaxed!!
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  • Tori
    Top October 2019 Manitoba
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    We were at a standstill too - looking back I would for sure say to get going on the signs and decor for the wedding!! That and if you are ordering your invitations from Vistaprint then check the site weekly for a good deal to buy them!

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  • Rayanne
    Master June 2022 Ontario
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    I've definitely been feeling this. I'm still well over a year away (458 days) I'll be ordering some sola flowers (hopefully black friday sale) and I'll try to dye them. I do have lots of room to store and make DIY projects. I think playing with and making flowers should occupy my time for a while. Next year I'll finally have our appointment with vendor to go over food and timeline so I can do invites. I'll start dress shopping next year. Something to look forward to... I've been at this stand still since August.
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  • A
    Super September 2020 Ontario
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    At 10 months out, we're definitely at that point with our vendors. We've booked all the vendors we need and consultations won't be until next year.

    Right now save the dates are addressed and half have gone out for family and close friends to get first dibs on booking their rooms at our venue. The rest will go out in a few weeks or so. Two of my three bridesmaids have picked their dresses - the last one just needs to get in for her appointment on the 30th then we can order them and get the guys out to find suit rentals. Other than that, I'm just plugging away at collecting and making decor items until the spring when invitation madness will begin.

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  • L
    Frequent user February 2020 Ontario
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    What we did during the lull was every month we bought a few things for the wedding so that all the expenses weren’t all at once. Mostly decorations, signs, bridal party gifts etc. That way near the last few months when things pick up again and all the larger payments are due there won’t be the little costs too (they add up quick). We also planned (and went on) our honeymoon before the wedding during the lull.
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  • Ally
    Curious August 2021 Ontario
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    Definitely feeling this. By the time our wedding comes we’ll have been engaged for almost 2 years. We booked all the big things within the first 3-4 months of being engaged so our “waiting” period has been long. We’re at 7 months out now and things will be starting to ramp up at the 6 month mark (bridesmaids dresses, sending invitations, any DIY/details, more appointments with vendors etc). Looking forward to getting back into things after such a long wait!
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  • Nelly
    Devoted October 2021 Ontario
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    We are also at a stand stiil, all of our vendors are booked.

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  • Geneviève
    VIP September 2020 Ontario
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    We're not 8 months out yet, but I feel that plateau! Everything is booked and ready to go so now its the 'wait' part of hurry up and wait. I'm big on lists so I like to go over my list every now and again just to be sure everything is as it should. Then the next time you check, you're a little closer and can do something else. I'm finally at the acceptable time that I can work on our MOHs outfits which I've been dying to do.

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  • Amelia
    Master October 2020 New Brunswick
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    I know what you mean! We got engaged in September and by the end of October we had a photographer, a dress, a venue, and our engagement photos done. I thought it would all take longer to come together Now I've got 10 months to plan the rest, so I'm taking the holidays off to relax and spend too much time on Pinterest!
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  • Kelsie
    Master July 2021 Ontario
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    I’m just under 8 months out! So close haha!

    We’re looking into hotel blocks for guests, next month we’re designing our invitations and ordering them.

    FH still needs to get a suit 🙄🙄🙄

    I’m on the hunt for wedding jewelry as well right now!

    The next thing is also my bridal shower which I’ll help my mom and sister with.

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