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Devoted August 2021 Nova Scotia

Planning milestones -- how did you announce your engagement?!

Kl, on July 30, 2020 at 10:44 Posted in Before the wedding 1 13

Getting engaged is a HUGE life highlight, and I personally wanted to shout it from the tree tops when my FH and I decided to take that step. In the end, we settled for a slightly more understated announcement Smiley winking After telling family and close friends (via text, phone call, and in some cases in-person), I shared the news on Facebook. I just couldn't resist spamming a ring pic!

How did you announce your engagement? Did you share the big news on Facebook or Instagram, or some other form of social media? Or did you tell your VIPs and let everybody else in your life find out organically? Who was the first person you told? Did anyone do something cool/extra like throw a party for the purpose of making the announcement?


Latest activity by Kaitlyn, on August 13, 2020 at 07:59
  • Kaitlyn
    Frequent user August 2022 Ontario
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    We got engaged during a photo shoot on February 22, 2020. Our friend was the photographer so she and her boyfriend knew before hand. After the pictures (and some celebratory champagne) we went directly to my Fiance's parents house to tell them, thankfully they were both home!! We then went to my parents house (we are so lucky our parents live only 15 mins from each other). My sister was home but I wanted to tell my family together, my dad was downstairs and my mom was out. I tried to keep my hands in my pockets but my sister was getting suspicious so I ended up telling her, and my Dad knew as my fiance had asked him the day before.

    When my mom FINALLY got home we were all sitting at the kitchen table. My dad had gotten champagne out and mom and I were talking away, she asked about the photo shoot and then my dad asked if she wanted which point she clued in and freaked out lol

    We called close friends and family and then posted on instagram/facebook. We had a friends birthday party that night so we got to see a lot of people which was awesome!

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  • K
    Devoted August 2021 Nova Scotia
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    Ahhh a celebratory getaway is such a nice idea. I wish we’d done something like that!
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  • K
    Devoted August 2021 Nova Scotia
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    LOL such an ordeal—makes for a great story though!
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  • Kelsie
    Master July 2021 Ontario
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    We got engaged shortly before Christmas 2018. We missed FHs early Christmas dinner so he could propose and we could spend the weekend in a Niagara Falls.

    Both sets of parents knew in advance so we just FaceTimed them and then we texted extended family who had an idea that the proposal was happening because we ordinarily wouldn’t miss a family event.
    That was followed up by a Facebook / Instagram post the next day!
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  • H
    Master September 2021 Ontario
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    DUDE! We got engaged the week before you, on Dec 15 hahaha.

    I already told my mom that I was going to propose that weekend before I left. When the deed was done, I messaged my mom right away. I told my fiancee to hold off on telling anyone on her side until we're back at her family's for dinner. Her mom and brother were home but not her dad and sister so she had to hide the ring at first.

    When her sister came home, she thought everyone was back so she put it on and came downstairs only to find her dad was still out (and apparently was staying out late due to a really exciting horse race he was watching at Champions hahaha).

    So during dinner, my fiancee tried hiding her left hand and her sister goes "wow, can you BE any more obvious?" This caught her brother's attention and he congratulated us. Her parents don't speak a lick of English so this whole conversation is a mystery to her mom, who was sitting right there. I suggest we wait til her dad comes home before telling both of them.

    But then, her sister says "Oh don't worry about that. Now, let's see how long it takes for them to realize there's a ring on her finger."

    Apparently her mom is oblivious to her surroundings. It got to the point where for the next two hours, we made my fiancee do all kinds of weird hand gestures, stretching her hand out constantly just for us to laugh at how she doesn't notice. We even had her pick up her baby nephew and shove him (and her hand with the ring) right in front of her face and NOTHING. I'm laughing the whole time and her mom's like "What's so funny?"

    Her dad finally comes home and we wanted to see how long it takes him to notice but apparently he didn't have dinner so he was starving and only wanted to focus on eating. We had her hand him dinner utensils, pass him different plates of food, cup of water, and NOTHING. At this point, I'm just dying and after a few more minutes my fiancee couldn't handle it anymore and told him

    "Dad, look at my hand!"

    He looks up and goes "Oh. That's nice." (LOL)

    She then tells her dad how no matter what she did, her mom didn't notice that she's engaged and suddenly, we hear her mom scream out "YOU'RE ENGAGED?!?" Smiley xd

    In terms of telling friends, we messaged a few close friends before posting on social media. We don't share too many mutual contacts on social media so I asked her if I could post a photo on Facebook and Instagram right away and she agreed, even though she wasn't ready yet. My post got a whole whack load of likes and comments within the day. She posted a few days after but no like, no comments of congratulations, nothing. It kind of bummed her out and she thought maybe I stole her thunder by posting a few days earlier. But I looked and realized what happened.

    " didn't make your post public."

    Planning milestones -- how did you announce your engagement?! 1

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  • K
    Devoted August 2021 Nova Scotia
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    Love this!! Everyone at the dinner must have flipped out.
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  • K
    Devoted August 2021 Nova Scotia
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    Sounds like an all around beautiful day 😍😍🥂
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  • Kristen
    Devoted May 2021 British Columbia
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    I wish I could be chill enough to wait and do a cool announcement! haha. My Fiance asked my parents to watch our daughter for the day and we went downtown to some of our favorite spots for appies and drinks and to the arcade. When we came home after our last stop (Where he first told me he loved me & did the proposal) I changed for dinner since we made dinner plans to all go out after we got back. I looked at my mom and said "My clothes arent the only thing that changed!" and held out my hand bahaha. Thats as exciting as it gets Smiley tongue (And facebook of coarse)

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  • Jarrod
    Curious March 2022 Ontario
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    We got engaged in the morning of December 21st, 2019. We first called her parents, and then mine. That night though we were having an early Christmas dinner with her family, and her parents agreed to keep it all a secret, as we wanted to wait for someone to notice. I wore a (pretty amazing) gingerbread novelty suit to the dinner... which was definitely the reason why it took so long for anyone to spot the ring. Once people started to notice, though, we officially announced it, and then posted it on social media later that night.

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  • K
    Devoted August 2021 Nova Scotia
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    Amazing!! That would have been a good question to include here—did anyone spoil the surprise LOL
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  • K
    Devoted August 2021 Nova Scotia
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    😍😍 beautifully captured!
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  • A
    Master August 2022 British Columbia
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    My fiance and I got engaged on Christmas Morning 2017. My FH purposed at home in the morning while opening our gifts right beside the Christmas tree! I had called my parents first and his parents and then texted a few of our close friends. Then we announced it on FB and this was the picture we had posted!

    "Christmas Morning 2017 will always be a very memorable one going forward He asked & I said Yes!!"

    Planning milestones -- how did you announce your engagement?! 2

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  • Amelia
    Master October 2020 New Brunswick
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    We told our parents and family first, mine in person his over the phone because of the distance. We asked our families to keep it quiet for a week so we could tell everyone else we could in person. It worked out that we got our friends together to tell them without raising suspicion! I loved telling people in person.

    My mother-in-law let it slip a little earlier than I wanted (a simple miscommunication) and I found out she posted it when my phone blew up at the grocery store!
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