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Frequent user August 2020 Ontario

Planning Burnout

Msss, on February 5, 2020 at 23:51 Posted in Before the wedding 0 6

Hello everyone,

My fiancé and I began the exciting planning process early on and, with the exception of a few bumps in the road (and a number of not-so-welcome opinions), we have had a wonderful time. Lately (within the past three weeks) I feel like I've gotten into a planning frenzy. It feels great to check things off the long list of to-do's but now I feel so burned out. I think the small details are beginning to stress me out. Anyone else experience something similar? If so, what do you do to relax?

(engaged November 2018 and to-be-wed August 2020) Smiley heart


Latest activity by Msss, on February 7, 2020 at 03:17
  • M
    Frequent user August 2020 Ontario
    Msss ·
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    Thank you, everyone Smiley heart today was my first attempt at not planning and although it was a success I did obsessive about it a little bit (I was tempted to print out bridal shower game cards). I love your suggestions about having set planning days and date nights - going to put my agenda to better use now.
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  • Ashley
    VIP August 2020 Ontario
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    Take a break!!! i have finished everything early so im in a boredom lol! but maybe go for a couples massage and have no wedding talk!!

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  • Stefanie
    Devoted August 2020 Saskatchewan
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    My fiance and I got engaged in May 2019 and are getting married in August of this year as well. I had the same feeling in the early process, so you are definitely not alone. Smiley smile

    When we got engaged we got gifted "The Knot's Wedding Planner", which is useful but I find the timeline is extremely overwhelming because you're looking at everything all at once. So I decided to utilize my planner and in the back of each month I created a list of the things I need to get done in that month and I found that it really helped me. I was less stressed because I broke down everything that needed to be done into something that was more manageable.

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  • Veronica
    Super October 2021 Alberta
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    I do the same as Tori, make a list and then space it out within the next few months. I usually go by quarters in the year just so I can micro focus, and then use the wedding wire checklist for the overall master plan. This has helped me relax and feel like I am on track to get it all done. I also definitely take time off from wedding planning! FH and I have a one wedding related topic a day rule, so that we don't talk about it non stop all the time. Been planning for a year now and still have 8 months to go, sometimes that is hard but it works. I think burnout is totally normal! Just take some time to relax and chill.

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  • Tori
    Top October 2019 Manitoba
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    At a certain point yes - but all I did to relax was just write a list of everything that needed to be done, prioritize it, and then divy it out among the next couple months leading up to the wedding. That and make sure that you still have a date night here and there!!! Don't want to have every "date night" be about the wedding and planning and cost right? Just a simple dinner and a movie!

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  • Amelia
    Master October 2020 New Brunswick
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    I find assigning wedding free time has helped. I pick a day or an evening where I don't look at Pinterest, I try not to come on here, and my fiance and I talk about anything other than weddings.
    It's helped to have time "off" from planning where I can veg out with Netflix, have a girls night or date night, or go shopping without it being wedding related. It might seem stressful the first few times, but after a while you look forward to the time off and the next day planning seems a little fresher too.
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