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Frequent user July 2018 Alberta

Oh, Hey wedding anxiety!

Krista, on June 10, 2018 at 18:38 Posted in Before the wedding 0 9

Hey ladies-

47 days until the wedding - and as I'm sure I'm not the only one... I figured I'd ask who else is starting to get these random anxiety moments. Worrying about a lot of things and sometimes even letting them get the best of me! Is this normal?

I talk with my guy about it, some things are trivial and other things are deeply rooted. Today we had to confront a couple family members that wanted us to shuffle some accommodations for them... and while they are traveling for our wedding, they had yet to confirm whom in the family was attending and the situation felt like they were being selfish. I took it pretty personally and ended up offending my FH. I realized later on I took it a bit too far. Other situations are not as tense, but I am still getting into that headspace.

Its all coming to the surface. Things that people do (or don't do) or say, that get me all emotional (and otherwise I wouldn't be so triggered) mostly... feeling insecure, frustrated, even a bit pissed off. I think its just cause its getting close and there are still a lot of loose ends. But ultimately, I think its just a mindset! What are your tips?


Latest activity by Kali, on June 18, 2018 at 08:28
  • Kali
    Beginner July 2018 Ontario
    Kali ·
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    I am at 18 days left before our wedding and I totally understand where you are coming from! I am lucky that my FH is so understanding when I get emotional and super anxious about all the planning left to do and especially when it comes to getting everyone involved in our wedding in check! I am coming to the realization that I need to just do what I gotta do and forget about pestering over others. I also know I need to start delegating tasks and enforcing roles within my bridal party and with my FH because there are some things I just can't do on my own! Hopefully your FH is on the same track as you and willing to help with the load! Wedding planning is super stressful, as we all come to learn, but we got to keep our heads up and remember this is OUR day and we shouldn't let anyone or anything get in the way of it!

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  • Jessie
    Expert September 2018 Ontario
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    I know where you are coming from. We are 80 days away from our wedding and I am feeling the same feelings as you. It is normal especially when you get down to those last moments and timelines before the wedding. Things start to feel more real and more stressful. Even more so when people are making things difficult. I am dealing with some family members that are down right just making me mad and I try not to let it get the best of me but I know it can be hard.

    My advice is to find someone that isn't in the circle and vent to them and see if they have an idea of how the problems can be resolved or just to scream and say what you need to say- sometimes you just need that. Being a bride is tough. People like to push their limits.

    I hope this helps. You aren't alone.

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  • Tatiana
    Expert April 2018 Ontario
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    I had these moments too before my wedding, i think just comes with the event to be honest. I dealt with it by discussing it with hubby all the time, which at some point was just a bit much looking back now. But exercise really helped to get my tension out and talking to my bestie who had gone through it all before, so that was a comfort. And as one of my friends said this is time when you really know who your true friends are and who are not.

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  • Helen
    Frequent user September 2018 British Columbia
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    Everyday yoga- hot yoga so I sweat out all the nasty. I am not sure what would happen without my yoga mat and running shoes but it may involve incarceration- and no one wants a jailhouse wedding. We have said we will love each other through thick and thin, but not plexiglass.

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  • Brittany
    British Columbia
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    No problem! I hope you have more bliss than stress as your special day approaches! Smiley smile

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  • Clarissa
    Expert October 2018 Saskatchewan
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    It’s hard not get stressed or anxious when you put so much time and energy into planning this important day. Especially when it seems like people are not being respectful or disregarding all your planning. But reality is that not everything is going to go according to plan. Emergencies pop up, things don’t happen on time, someone will always find something to complain about.

    Just take a breath and try not react immediately (yes I realize this is not that easy). And remember that the only person these details matter to is you. So if it’s something that will truest ruin your day than talk it through with someone to find a solution (fh, bridesmaid, mom, close friend). If not let try and let it go.

    Find someting that that helps you recenter and take time away from wedding prep for yourself. Ive quickly realized that a weekend, day, or even just an afternoon/evening away from wedding planning can really help me let the little things go and come back refreshed.
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  • M
    Devoted August 2018 Ontario
    Megis ·
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    Brides are stressed out. So far I've only over reacted to 4 things. Asides from planning the next bit is dealing with people issues. I have 52 days and am coming down with anxiety issues too.

    Set time aside to relax. I stop wedding planning everyday at 5. Also do yoga. Try to delegate responsibilities where you can.
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  • Krista
    Frequent user July 2018 Alberta
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    This was incredible advice. Thank you ❤
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  • Brittany
    British Columbia
    Brittany ·
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    I'm sorry you are feeling frustrated! I totally understand where you're coming from. Once I've made permanent decisions on something and someone contradicts it, I kind of snap... because I am defending my opinion....

    In regards to last minute stressors/issues... Perhaps find a way to give yourself a buffer zone... like contact people through text or e-mail, so you can take the time to say what you want more eloquently, and hopefully reduce and "fly off the handle" comments.

    Also, take time for yourself! Try taking some bubble baths, or do something you find calming/zen. Taking down your stress levels will hopefully give you the calmness to cope with unexpected stressors.

    You can also ask yourself the question "Will this make or break my day?" when picking your battles. Some things are important, and you should stand your ground. Other things may seem important, but in the grand scheme of things, it won't effect your big day.

    Good luck!

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