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Newbie September 2019 Alberta

No more sleeping through the night.... help!

Cat, on July 5, 2019 at 09:57 Posted in Before the wedding 0 7
We are 71 days out from the wedding, and I have been pretty organized and ontop of things! We have a month of coordinator who has been fantastic to work with and make sure we are prepared. But for the past couple weeks I have been waking up in the middle of the night, everynight and end up being awake for hours! I keep thinking of all these little things that have to be done. Buying liquor for the limo, making sure we have cheques for the vendors with tips, giving door hangers to the lodge so they can give to guests as they check in, just silly little things! I need sleep! What are your guys tips and tricks to sleep through the whole night? It doesnt help that I am the lightest sleeper....


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  • Cat
    Newbie September 2019 Alberta
    Cat ·
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    Thank you guys! Since writing this I actually have slept through the night, everynight. Making a list of what was on my mind before bed, remembering tomorrow is a new day and if I did wake up not to dwell because i couldn't do anything about it then anyways has been a huge help! This weekend we ordered our wedding bands, found flower girl dress, found ring bearer suits and started on menu cards and place setting cards! Also ordered some gifts and my hair piece. All in all very productive and I feel great!
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  • Allison
    Master October 2019 Ontario
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    As someone who has chronic insomnia, I find having good sleep hygiene definitely helps: an hour before bed, prepare your body for sleep by not looking at any screens. Take a bath, read a book, get your body used to a schedule so when you start your nightly routine, your body associates it with sleep.

    There's also association with your bedroom and sleep. Don't work on wedding DIY on your bed - use your bed for sleep only! If you find that you've been awake in bed for more than 20 minutes, leave the bedroom and try your nighttime routine again (i.e. reading) and go back to bed when you're feeling tired enough.

    You can also make lists of things that need to be done/things you have done before bed. I find that if I write it down, my brain realizes I don't have to have that information bouncing around in my head. I also have a mantra: "There's nothing I can do about it right now, I'll deal with it in the daytime" - this has helped me when my brain goes: "you need to find your glue gun right now for DIY" and I tell myself: "No, it's 1 am, I'm sleeping. I'll look for it tomorrow".

    There's also melatonin - a supplement used to help you fall - and stay - asleep. I find my insomnia is worse when I'm stressed/anxious/nervous/excited about something, which is all the emotions involved with wedding planning. If you're really concerned about your sleep, talk to your doctor about maybe going on a short-term sleeping pill until the wedding is over.

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  • Vinod
    Top August 2017 Ontario
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    Sleep is really something that will need now before you get way too exhausted and can't wait up on the day of your wedding.

    Make a list of what you want to accomplish the next day to make yourself feel better knowing you have something down.

    Try drinking warm milk or going for a walk in the evenings to take your mind off the wedding planning.

    I also am so organized too that its hard to stop at times thinking of what needs to be done in the week coming or the next day. Not to mention a light sleep too and wake up in the middle of the night to any movement or sound.

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  • Casey
    Master October 2019 Ontario
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    Having lists and taking time off from anything wedding. I have a master list of things that need to be done by the end of each month. I try to bring it to my FH like Valerie said to make sure things where I need his help get completed. Try focusing on one thing at a time instead of constantly going through your massive to do list!

    I also only do any planning right after dinner for maybe an hour, and then it gets put away and I focus on something else. This way my mind is off any planning right before I go to bed.

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  • Valérie
    VIP September 2019 Quebec
    Valérie ·
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    I try not to look at wedding planning things every single night. You need to unplug and unwind too, for yours and your FH's mental health!
    I agree with Becky that setting aside some time to tackle what's bothering you is a good plan to stay on top of your anxiety and stress.

    Every Sunday, my FH asks me if I have anything on that week. That's when I started throwing in wedding stuff that needs to be tackled. For example, this week I told my FH that we needed to buy our wedding bands, guestbook, finalize the music and buy his suit, which we've spread out through the week and it just feels good finishing it as a team!

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  • Tori
    Top October 2019 Manitoba
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    Well in general having lists makes it a lot easier not to stress for me. Then for falling asleep (I've had a few nightmares about the wedding) and having a good sleep, I recommend a shower or bath before bed, read a book, stay away from your tv+phone+social media.

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  • Becky
    VIP September 2019 Ontario
    Becky ·
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    I had this a while ago, I am around the same number as you currently. For me I had to set time aside on weekends and get few things done that bothered me to stop thinking about it constantly. I would also do things like runs and such before bed because I would be exhausted after and tired.

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