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Devoted December 2022 Yucatán

New Relationships/first Moving in Together!

Brittany, on August 16, 2021 at 17:36 Posted in Before the wedding 0 12

Hi Everyone!

I would like to start a discussion about when we first met and even first moved in with our significant others.

Specifically, if your SO does anything that grind your gears! When my fiancé and I first started dating, since we were doing long distance, I was not really aware on some of the things he does now because when I would show up to his place it would be cleaned up and since the relationship was still pretty new he kept it that way. But it doesn't just have to do with being tidy because I can be extremely messy if I am having one of those days. It could be how they chew, do they make a lot of noise with their plate and cutlery when eating? Do they slurp? Can't replace the roll of toilet paper but instead puts a new one right beside it?


After about 9 months of dating, I moved to the city and my fiancé and I moved in together. We adopted a kitten and it was great. UNTIL you start to notice some things that you would not usually do. Here is a list of what my fiancé does that was a huge pet peeve of mine, until I grew to ignore it or he would adjust.

1. Leaving the cabinet doors open in the kitchen. I do not know why, but he leaves the cabinets doors open ALL THE TIME, when we first moved in together, the amount of times I hit my head on one of these things made me INSANE. Eventually because I reminded him so many times or I would start actively looking out for them, it has not been too much of a bother. But I sometimes still get hit and I want to scream lol.

2. Leaving his shoes in the middle of the doorway/hallway. This only became apparent when we moved into a townhouse last year and since we have a back door and a front door and a walkthrough type kitchen, he loves to leave his shoes right in the middle. The amount of times I have tripped. GIRL. Sometimes I get so angry - because I am so prone to accidents that one wrong step or a wrong fall, I got a broken bone or something.

3. Clothes EVERYWHERE BUT THE LAUNDRY BASKET. I swear this is a male thing because the amount of times I see people post about their SO leaving their clothes every where but the dirty hamper. just ugh. I have them in the basement, but not in the washer, on the couch (usually socks), his military uniform left at the kitchen table, clothes in the bathroom, clothes in the bedroom.

Even though he does these things that drive me crazy sometimes, I would not change it for the world. I love him with everything I got and I can not wait to marry him Smiley smile I am ****% he got some pet peeves about me, because I know I am 10 times worse than him LMAO.


Latest activity by Meghan, on October 13, 2021 at 16:15
  • Meghan
    Devoted September 2022 Ontario
    Meghan ·
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    Yes! clothes every where but the laundry basket but i've grow to love and appreciate it! he works so hard and is gone 12-14 hours 5 days a week and I can't seem to complain about it when he's so tired at the end of the day so I just pick it up for him and appreciate him!

    The one thing that does grind my gears though is when he puts his dirty dishes in the sink when the dishwasher is right beside him hahah I just laugh about it and shake my head a little haha

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  • Jamie
    Frequent user June 2022 British Columbia
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    It's something you'll never get used to. I've been with my partner for over 11yrs lol

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  • Stacey Tc
    Devoted August 2022 Saskatchewan
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    All of the above! Even after 6 years of living together he still does all of these (every so often) Smiley amazing The only thing he actually does is put the toilet seat down.

    The first time he did the cupboard thing I made a comment. I look back up and EVERY cupboard door and the pantry door is open Smiley ups

    The ones that really bother me are socks everywhere, clothes on the floor beside the hampers but not in them, and dirty plates on the counter above the dish washer.... so close yet so far!

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  • Brittany
    Devoted December 2022 Yucatán
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    OMG The toilet seat up would drive me insane!!!!!! LOL. Thats hilarious about all his "I wont do this until this time." You must be PRETTY AWESOME!

    My FH was like that in the beginning too, but he would say, oh I don't want to hold hands in the car or when were walking, my hands get too clamy, I want to wait at least 3 years for engagement and stuff like that. but. here we are at a little over 2.5 years together and he proposed 5 months ago LOL and if I don't hold his hand at all times there is hell to pay!

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  • Kara
    Frequent user June 2022 Ontario
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    My FH and I moved in together about 9 months after dating. He gave me a huge speech at the beginning of our relationship about how he has never lived with a girl before, and he would only do it if he was sure, but it definitely would not be a year into the relationship as that was “too soon”. Also stated he wouldn’t live in the city I lived in.

    He always gets 2 weeks off at Christmas time for shut down at work- I was working night shifts and came home to find his Gaming PC, desk and laundry in the middle of my living room… said he needed it while spending his 2 weeks at my house. He went home the day before work began again, and returned promptly that night announcing that he was moving in 🤣 I had my own house. He rented an apartment. So it made sense…but all the speeches I got about this and that… moving in before a year. No engagement before 2 years. No cuddling in bed. No moving to Hamilton…….. moved in at 9 months, engaged at 15 months, cuddling every night in my bed in Hamilton 🤣 he just gave up so easy hahaha…..
    Other than his ridiculous speeches (which do annoy me sometimes), he leaves the toilet seat up in our bathroom. Never did that at our last place. Never did it at his own apartment. But for some reason it’s a new trend- and I always manage to fall in. And I hate it. But I am sure I’m worse so I can’t really complain. Lol
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  • Hailey
    Expert June 2022 British Columbia
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    Biggest thing is his socks everywhere!! omg Smiley xd

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  • Brittany
    Devoted December 2022 Yucatán
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    Oh! that would be a hard adjustment, going from always being on your own to someone in your space 24/7. I grew up with 2 siblings so I never really got the chance to be alone. Always had roommates in college and growing up. I used to do the lights on everywhere. I grew out of it as I got older and started paying for my own electricity LOL. Yeah, the socks thing I would hateeeee!

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  • Brittany
    Devoted December 2022 Yucatán
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    I get like that sometimes as well. It bothers me for a while then when I have time like on the weekend I just end up doing a deep clean throughout the house!

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  • Brittany
    Devoted December 2022 Yucatán
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    Ha! that is so funny because that's how it started with my fiance and I too. I moved to the city got a place all on my own and 2 weeks later his Xbox was there and he only left on Sundays to do laundry at his own place lmao!

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  • Samantha
    Super June 2021 Ontario
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    When my husband moved in with me it was the most stressful thing for me. I grew up as an only child and went to college where I could stay at home and commute, so I never had to live with roommates. So having him move in with me was my first experience with living with someone that wasn't family.
    The main thing that comes to mind about pet peeves is that he leaves every single light on after leaving a room. Another would be that I find his socks everywhere, strewn across the house. Even down in the cushions of couches and he wonders why he has so many that are missing their matches. All things considered, it could be worse lol!
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  • Rayanne
    Master June 2022 Ontario
    Rayanne ·
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    Usually the things don't bother me unless I'm in a bad mood then everything bugs me 🤣. I usually just have to do some angry cleaning to realize I need to calm down and its all good again.
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  • A
    Master August 2022 British Columbia
    Amanda ·
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    Ok my fiance and I might be a little bit of an odd ball here but I had my own apartment when I met my fiance. He moved in about a week later lol I noticed the Xbox was at my place and the rest is history. 6 and a half years later I wouldn't change a thing!

    AND I hear ya about the clothes everywhere except for the laundry basket!!! Beside the basket but never in the basket hahaha

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