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Beginner October 2020 Ontario

MOH help?

Kelsey, on January 16, 2020 at 11:14 Posted in Before the wedding 0 14
Hi all, I've tried Google for some thoughts, but it wasn't helpful so here I am. My wedding is in October in Ontario, and my bridal party lives in Nova Scotia. I'm have some family coming to Ontario for dress shopping in February. My moh wants to be here, but she can't afford it. She asked me if I'd pay her flights for the wedding if she covered the dress shopping trip(she would be staying with me both trips). I've already had to plan, host and pay for my own engagement party, bridal shower and bachelorette party. I had told her the day before I wanted to trim down my existing budget a little to add an additional venue cost, so I politely told her I wouldn't be able to pay, and she got upset over it. Any advice on how to handle this? Is this a normal thing to ask given the circumstances? The only thing she has to pay is her flights.


Latest activity by Gloria, on January 17, 2020 at 22:57
  • Gloria
    Expert October 2022 Ontario
    Gloria ·
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    So... with MOH being a big/main role, I would personally ask someone who is already here (I’m in Ontario too lol).

    I asked my MOH who lives here and another friend... I also wanted my cousin but she lives out of the country. I did ask her... but unfortunately I had to make the tough call and say it wasn’t working since she couldn’t be here for any of the events (ie dress shopping bachelorette party bridal party etc). And it was proving difficult for my MOH to make any sort of plans. I ended up asking another close friend of mine. Sucks but sometime you have to make the difficult decision when it doesn’t work out.
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  • Ashley
    VIP August 2020 Ontario
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    Its hard to say. i mean i would host all own events i wouldnt expect my wedding party to pay for all those events its way too much money. maybe suggest you both paying half for her flight? i mean weddings get super expensive ur already paying for ur entire wedding and now her flights? thats a lot of money. i would call her and say you cant pay for it or suggest paying half

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  • M
    Frequent user May 2021 Ontario
    Megan ·
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    I agree with most of what is said below, but I do think that if you have a conversation and you both come to the conclusion that you won't pay the flight and she can't afford it, I think that rather than "suggesting she step down" you tell her that you are going to ask someone else to fill the MOH role if she can't come. I would be super hurt in her position if someone had a conversation with me that they couldn't fulfill my request (especially since the MOH role is the highest honour to the bride, so she likely thinks of herself as the closest person to you) and then suggested that I step down, making me the bad guy to leave the wedding party. I'm not saying that she would be right or wrong to feel that way, but it would place the onus on her to do the ending, and while I totally appreciate that she put you in a bad place, not being able to afford a plane ticket after being asked to be the MOH of someone's wedding must feel horrible from her position!

    But if she's paying for a flight to Ontario for the dress shopping, I think you should be firm with her that you will not pay for the flights for the wedding and you really need her to redirect that money to the wedding. Suggest FaceTime-ing or Skype-ing her in for it. She has the means to pay for one flight, but may be embarrassed that she would have to dip out for dress fitting - which is something that we usually treat as sacred time for a bridal party! My guess is that this wedding is bringing financial insecurity to the forefront for her, and her getting upset is not as much about you as you may think.

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  • Sheri-Lyn
    Frequent user May 2022 Ontario
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    Wow, I am sorry this you are going through this to plan. She is for sure asking too much of you, and if that is the case she should not come to Ontario for dress shopping. If she needs to shop for her own dress I am sure there is a way for her to find the same dress at a boutique closer to her instead of coming here to buy it. I had one of my girls who could not come to our dress shopping day so we went and picked dresses and I had showed her what we got and I told her she just needs to get something in the right colour. so she went to a store that had those dresses closer to her.

    Unfortunately, like others have said if she could not afford it she should not have accepted the role. Smiley sad

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  • Tori
    Top October 2019 Manitoba
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    Man, sounds like she needs to evaluate her priorities and delegate her money better then...

    What about skype/facetime? That would be a fair compromise so that she is still involved as much as possible I think.

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  • Geneviève
    VIP September 2020 Ontario
    Geneviève ·
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    As someone who is very aware of how expensive the flights can be from Nova Scotia to Ontario, they’re not surprising. Your MOH shouldn’t have taken on the role if she couldn’t afford the travel. I agree with everyone else, she is asking too much of you. Not to mention, if you can’t afford it, you can’t afford it.
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  • Samantha
    Super June 2021 Ontario
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    At that point, I think she's just being difficult for the sake of it and more distraught that she's not getting her way more than it being about her wanting to be there. You have done more than enough, and that's sweet of you to be paying for her nails, hair and more! It's a crappy situation, but it's better to be honest with her and just tell her you can't fit it into your budget and if she can't perform certain MOH duties then she should consider stepping down. You want someone that helps alleviate your stress, not someone that adds to it.

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  • Kelsey
    Beginner October 2020 Ontario
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    I didn't think this was okay, and I'm really upset I've had to plan and pay my own parties, but if I didn't they wouldn't happen. She's paying her dress, but she picked it out with my other BMs so it would be within everyone's budget. I'm paying her hair and nails as well as robes for getting ready. I also made custom BM proposal boxes. I've tried offering the skype option so she could come to the wedding, but she isn't happy with that. I'm so frustrated 😔
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  • Kelsey
    Beginner October 2020 Ontario
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    This trip is just for my dress shopping, she doesn't have to put any money out except for flights. We've picked out BM dresses and I let them all pick one out together so it would be okay with everyone's budgets for them. This trip would just be for being there for me, I told her I'd much rather her just come to the wedding than dress shopping, but she isn't okay with missing it.
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  • Kelsey
    Beginner October 2020 Ontario
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    I do have someone in mind, she's another bridesmaid, but honestly she's been more my moh than my actual moh. It would suck if she couldn't come, but I wouldn't hold it against her.
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  • Samantha
    Super June 2021 Ontario
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    Nope, just nope! I'm floored that you've already paid for your own engagement, bachelorette, and bridal party all yourself, as well as letting her stay in your home while she's there on top of being asked to comp a flight ticket. That is not ok in my book. I don't believe you owe her an explanation, but have you spoken to her about all of those expenses and how quickly it all adds up? If she can't understand and appreciate your situation then I'd be looking for another MOH. And when you say "The only thing she has to pay is her flights." does that mean that you're also covering the bridesmaids dresses? That is just getting way out of hand. I understand that it can be expensive being in a bridal party, but if she knew she was tight on money then she should've thought about that before agreeing to be your MOH. I've had to turn down being in certain weddings for this reason.

    Is a compromise possible even? Like could you Skype or something while dress shopping so she's sort of there without anyone having to pay for a ticket?

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  • Amelia
    Master October 2020 New Brunswick
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    I think of that's the only thing for her to pay for than she shouldn't expect you to chip in for the flight. Especially because if you fly one person in others might expect the same treatment.

    If she truly cannot afford to get to Ontario what will you do?
    I've been a bridesmaid who couldn't afford it and it ruined our relationship. But my circumstances are different because the bride had promised to pay and didn't, we didn't just expect to get a free party.
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  • Tori
    Top October 2019 Manitoba
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    Not your responsiblity at all! All the wedding party gets paid for is a gift - which most of the time for the ladies is either the dress, or the hair/makeup. Plus, how would she pay for the dress shopping trip? Is she buying your dress or is this a BM dress shopping trip? Either way - if she can afford a dress then she can put that money towards a flight instead, she can't opt to pay for the cheaper option.

    When you are asked to be in a wedding party you should know what you are signing up for, I've heard of some people even having to turn down a role as they wouldn't be able to afford the expenses that come along with being a BM/GM. Maybe (as hard as it would be) you should give her the option of stepping down to BM or not in the wedding party if it's going to be too much for her?

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  • Kelsie
    Master July 2021 Ontario
    Kelsie ·
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    I don’t think it’s your responsibility to pay for her flights, however if she can’t save for a ticket between now and October, it seems she won’t be able to go to the wedding.

    Are you ok with this? Would you have someone else in mind for your MOH?
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