Hey! Anyone who is getting married in 2021 and will require a mask and are looking for a wedding-appropriate one... I was at my local Winners today and there was a 3 pack of the point zero brand for $6 on clearance. They were all lace and the packs I saw had a white one, a black one, and a blush coloured one inside. Worth checking out if you think you'll need it! I almost grabbed a pack but I'm REALLY hoping by 2022 that I won't need one. Might still go back and get them though, I work in a clothing store so fancy masks are work-appropriate too! For $6 though... you could essentially get a bride's mask, groom's mask, and I don't know...maybe a maid of honour mask if the colour blush is part of your wedding pallette? I just wanted to share because I've seen the wedding masks on various websites and they can be expensive!
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