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Top October 2019 Manitoba

Love is Blind

Tori, on February 28, 2020 at 14:43 Posted in Famous weddings 0 15

So... I don't know if this is considered "Famous" per say - but seeing as how all the episodes are now out on Netflix I finally got around to bing watching them and wanted to see what others on here have to say about it!!


Did you have a favourite couple? I'm sure there are tons of people that were all about the Cameron and Lauren, but for me my favourite couple was Giannina and Damian!! Still have hope for them though! I was so invested in this show (even though it only took me two days to watch it...) and can't believe I got through it all.

Anything you think that was annoying or a cute moment?

And if you didn't already meet your FH/FW of DH/DW do you think you would have signed up to find them this way?? I know that I can't say that I would have been brave enough to try a show like this!

As for the reunion, apparently they will be doing one and releasing it on Netflix's Youtube channel on March 5th???


Latest activity by Ashley, on March 10, 2020 at 16:13
  • Ashley
    VIP August 2020 Ontario
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    Def lauren and cameron and so happy to see they are still together considering they got married over a year ago! i do not like amber and barnett... i dont think theyre a good together. i dont think i would sign up to get married that way but i would def do it for dating and really getting to know a person like breaking down all the walls early on.

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  • Tori
    Top October 2019 Manitoba
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    Right? It looks like most of what they post on YouTube are just trailers and sneak peeks of their shows/movies.

    And ya - At first he just seemed like a lost puppy who didn't know how to narrow the list of girls down, but by the end of the pods it just came accross as being a player who wanted it all. It also looked like by the end he kind of had to grow up due to her not being the most adult person so I think that they worked well together.

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  • Heidi
    Frequent user July 2020 British Columbia
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    I heard aboute the reunion but not that it would be on netflix channel - didnt even know they had a channel
    I liked amber but not barnett cuz i thought he was a player.. but seeing that they are still together over a year later.. good sign, right?
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  • Sadia
    Frequent user August 2021 Ontario
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    Oh my GOD I’m so glad there’s a thread for this. I binged this too, and Lauren+Cameron were my favorites. Giannina and Damian too but how they ended left me heartbroken. I totally understood why he said no, though, she was a bit too hot and cold for me also. I felt sooooo bad for Mark. He should’ve known that Jessica was NOT for him. Poor guy. Everything about her irritated me but I had it with her when she went back to Mark just because Barnett rejected her. Also when she fed her dog wine I was like CYA.
    Not gonna lie I was surprised that Amber and Barnett made it, I did find her a bit too annoying as well LOL.
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  • Stefanie
    Devoted August 2020 Saskatchewan
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    Rumour has it, is that there will be a second season. I mean the show did too good to not have another season!

    Hahah oh my 🙈😂
    Yea I know what you mean! The only thing I found was that one article about Rory.
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  • Amelia
    Master October 2020 New Brunswick
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    When she started saying "when you're 40 I'll be 50" I was honestly like yes that is how math works sweetie...when she left him it made me think "when he's 28 with a new baby and a different wife who doesn't care about math you'll probably be 38 and alone feeding wine to your dog"
    I also hated her voice and how it changed when she was being interviewed or in the pods vs when she was adding 10 years to various numbers and suddenly she didn't have her baby voice on anymore. But the memes make watching her worth it!
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  • Amelia
    Master October 2020 New Brunswick
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    OMG! My poor fiance when I discovered this show, reality TV is NOT his thing so he sat this one out. I'll be glued to that reunion special next week.

    I have to say I was shocked at Kenny and Kelly. I want to hope that they've kept dating and are maybe together, or that Kenny at least stayed in touch with Kelly's mom. When her mom said she really liked "this guy" after the I don't you could tell that even the families hadn't expected it.
    I was quite pleasantly surprised that Amber and Barnett got married. I think their fun and lust could be enough to build a relationship on as long as they can both be happy with one person.
    Lauren and Cameron are my favorites. I was reading a post a few days before the finale where people were snooping Lauren's insta to try and figure out if the photos were taken inside Cameron's house or on the veranda and it gave me extra hope. Can't wait to see what the reunion episode has in store for them!!
    I was not surprised that "Messica" fell apart. And honestly I was surprised that Mark put up with her yammering about the age gap, he seemed very mature and ready for responsibility for a guy in his mid 20s.
    I liked Damian and Gianina until they came back from Mexico and she got really *emotional* and hot and cold. And mean. I would never tell someone I loved that they weren't the best sex, especially after only a few weeks when you don't know that person's body yet. Like girl give it time, get to know him before you judge him and rip his head off. They would have made beautiful babies though, so I was a little sad but not totally shocked that he didn't say I do.
    I wish they had kept the 7th couple Rory and Danielle especially after Diamond and Carlton fell apart on day 1. Apparently the experiment was more successful than they expected and they had planned to only film 2 or 3 couples.
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  • Kelsie
    Master July 2021 Ontario
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    Lauren and Cameron were my favs. ALSO I ended up loving amber and Barnett.

    I’m here for all the jessica memes LOL
    I don’t think I could’ve done the pods - it’s a good idea but I think I have too much anxiety to do that!
    My sister and I were saying they should do a reunion!
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  • Veronica
    Super October 2021 Alberta
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    OMG! Yup totally binged this. I'm not sure how I feel about all of it, it was intense and crazy. I loved Lauren & Cameron, and I loved GiGi but she can do better I think. So glad I am not the only one who binged this haha!!!!!!!!

    I felt like Jessica only stayed in it for the camera time and wasted Mark's time.

    So bad its so good.

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  • Tori
    Top October 2019 Manitoba
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    Jessica - ya, she kept bringing it up to the point where I think that she was just hoping people would say it's not okay so that she wouldn't feel as bad backing out of the relationship.

    As for the wine to a dog..... not me.... what... that's crazy.... To be fair it's only because my dog doesn't like beer!!! Smiley tongue

    Other couples - yaaaaaa!! When I heard there were other couples that got engaged but just didn't make it to the show I was so upset there wasn't any updates on them!! At least with the ones we saw in the show we can find their IG's and there are sites with "where are they now" but the others there isn't anything I can find!

    Can't wait to see if they do another season!!

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  • Tori
    Top October 2019 Manitoba
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    Right??? I thought Kenny and Kelly were great too - but it does make sense why she was not wanting to "seal the deal" since her reasoning for not going through with the wedding was that she didn't see him in a romantic way and more like a really good friend. No sparks Smiley sad

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  • Tori
    Top October 2019 Manitoba
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    LMAO!!! Yes, the drama and the memes are amazing!! And I love this one you posted - like not a single person cares about the age difference!!! At first it might be a shock (heck me being 7.5years younger than my DH sure was), but after the friends and family get their jokes about craddle robbing and grave robbing out of the way it's not a problem!

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  • Stefanie
    Devoted August 2020 Saskatchewan
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    OMG!! Smiley heart The finale kind of blew my mind a bit. I was surprised that Jessica didn't marry Mark considering she seemed to have a fear of being alone and she bounced between Barnett and Mark the entire series. I was shocked that Giannina and Damian didn't work out, but that being said I completely understood where he was coming from. Plus he didn't say that he didn't love her, just that she wasn't ready to be married. Kenny and Kelly, I was sure wouldn't have went through with it because in the earlier episodes Kelly had mentioned that she wasn't attracted to him and thought of him more like a brother. I am also happy that Amber and Barnett worked out because I think that they have a lot in common in terms of their personalities, but it didn't surprise me that he had cold feet after him having a hard time to make a decision in the pods. My favourite couple by far was Lauren and Cameron because they seemed genuine from the get go. I was a little worried about her at the end but I mean I also have divorced parents and I can understand that being a fear, especially with getting married a short time after meeting.

    The person that annoyed me the most though was Jessica (of course, right!?). I think it was because she really seemed to use her age to play the game because she was always mentioning it and how she wanted to get married and have a family right away. I also think that she had a problem with Mark being younger and she was looking for others to agree, but that's just me. But really I think it was the fact that she wasn't over Barnett and Mark was really just the only option left at the end of the day. I think that had Barnett not been happy, she would have left Mark in a heart beat. I also think that Mark was too good for her because he was always so genuine and no matter what always tried to make her happy. Also - who gives wine to a dog?Smiley xd

    I don't think that I would ever be able to do something like this if I didn't know my FH though so I give them credit for doing it. However, I read in an article that near the end when they narrowed down their choices to 1 or 2 people, their dates went anywhere from 19-20 hours a day. Rory, who was also on the show, opened up about it after the fact and had said that he also got engaged but the show wasn't expecting it to work as well as it did. At the end of the day, they were given their phones back and told good luck but they couldn't cover their story. He said that in total there was about 8 engaged couples.

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  • A
    Super September 2020 Ontario
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    YAAAS I binged this haaarrrd and have so many opinions Smiley xd Cameron and Lauren were perfect for each other but I thought Kelly and Kenny were too and was straight up shocked when she bailed! And as much as Jessica was the absolute worst, by the way she was talking before the ceremony, I thought she might've come around enough to go through with it. And I really thought Barnett would bail too so that was surprising.

    Damian was super adorable when he opened up to GG about his worries about his job but they needed to have like a thousand times more of those moments to make it work.

    I'm way too cautious and closed off for this to have ever worked for me, even if it had been FH in another pod. But I'm 100% sure that FH could have found someone that way lol.

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  • Geneviève
    VIP September 2020 Ontario
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    Omg this show was so wild! Also I can’t imagine planning a wedding in less than a month 😱
    I think the pod is a good idea but not in such a short time! I can’t imagine being ready to commit to someone after a week.
    One thing is though, I am LIVING for the drama and the memes
    Love is Blind 1

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