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Curious May 2020 Yucatán

Looks like we’re postponing...

Megan, on March 18, 2020 at 13:43 Posted in Before the wedding 0 4
Well it’s looking more and more like we’ll be postponing our wedding due to covid-19. My sister in law who is a flight attendant for the airline we are flying to our destination wedding with, has just told me she got word that all May flights will be grounded (our wedding is May 15th in Mexico). I told my planner/travel agent and because she hasn’t seen anything official yet for May, she still seems to be hopeful about it (but I think that’s denial).

I wouldn’t be too bummed about postponing the wedding, the date wasn’t anything significant to us, but it is disappointing knowing we’ve spent 2 years planning this and if we postpone it then it’s likely a lot of our guests will not be able to reschedule, including our bridal party. I shouldn’t be upset about who attends the wedding but I’ve just visualized the day for the past 2 years and I don’t want anyone to lose any money if they choose not to go (everyone has paid in full now and I’m not sure they all bought travel insurance).
Obviously I’m not the only one going through this, I’ve seen a lot of brides post about having to postpone or cancel their wedding entirely. What’s everyone’s plan B? My fiancé and I got legally married last month as a pre requirement but no one knows about it. I’d like to celebrate with everyone and if we cancel the wedding we would lose out on a lot of money, we’re thinking about pushing it back to November if our flights are indeed grounded in May. That way all of our plans would still happen, just later in the year.


Latest activity by Ashley, on April 9, 2020 at 16:57
  • Ashley
    VIP August 2020 Ontario
    Ashley ·
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    Awwww so sorry to hear you had to postpone!! hopefully you were able to secure a new date this year!!

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  • Joey
    WeddingWire Admin May 2015 Maryland
    Joey ·
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    Hey Megan, how are you feeling now? Have you learned more about the plans for flights in May? Are you working on your Plan B just in case?

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  • Megan
    Frequent user April 2021 Ontario
    Megan ·
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    I'm sorry this is happening! It's heartbreaking. If flights are grounded, like your sister in law says, then people will get money or credit back regardless if they bought travel insurance or not.

    Personally, we're on Plan D right now - elope at home on April 4. I'm thinking we'll reschedule a reception for the same time next year, because I don't want to keep getting my hopes up and stay in planning mode for the rest of this year. We're going to celebrate the fact that we legally got married, and right now, that's enough for me.

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  • Madisyn
    Expert February 2020 Ontario
    Madisyn ·
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    I am so terribly sorry that it's come to this. If it's any consolation, we got ALL of our money back! Wedding and flights! If your flights are grounded by the airline, they should be offering full cash refunds, which is what Sunwing did for us. The resort didn't require much push for them to give us a full refund. Just stress how this is unprecedented and it isn't your choice to cancel. Especially if the airline is cancellation flights, you have a lot of leverage!
    With no idea when this is going to be resolved, we've decided to honour our legal wedding date as our anniversary. We're embracing the fact that we're married, we're wearing our wedding bands, and we're trying to make the most of this dreadful waiting period. At this point, do anything that makes you feel better in all this chaos.

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