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Newbie July 2022 Ontario

(Long) driveway lighting ideas?

Emily, on August 15, 2020 at 14:10 Posted in Wedding reception 0 3

We're having an evening wedding where guests will have to leave the estate late at night. There's a .25 kilometre driveway onto the estate that people will have to walk down after midnight to reach their shuttles. To light both sides we'll need the equivalent of 1/2 a kilometre of lighting...

Anyone have any creative ideas about how to light this so people know where they're going without breaking our budget? Or things you did for a similar situation that went well/didn't go well? We already obviously need to get lights for the tent/outside reception area.

Strings of lights would be ideal, but will cost a ton. We've also looked at driveway/back yard lights that are solar/battery powered but some are kind of ugly/dim enough that'd you'd need a ton.


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  • Amanda
    Expert July 2022 Ontario
    Amanda ·
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    Personally I would go to Dollarama or Dollar tree and buy solar lights that you can place on the ground that would light up the way, you can put one down ever 5-10 feet on both sides.

    Maybe even make your take home gits a quote little flashlight so people can use them on the way to the shuttle.

    The only other suggestion would be to find Christmas lights and just lay them on the ground on both sides and string them all the way down because usually they can plug into each-other.

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  • Amelia
    Master October 2020 New Brunswick
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    Would flashlights work? You could have a basket at each end so guests can grab one at point a and return it at point b, maybe having someone bringing them back as the basket fills up. I think you can buy small ones in bulk on Amazon pretty cheap.

    You could paint stones with glow in the dark paint to show people they're on the right path. It's not as romantic as twinkle lights, but it might help.
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  • H
    Master September 2021 Ontario
    Hank ·
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    Most things battery powered won't yield much light. If you have access to a power plug, you're better off using some plug in LEDs or halogen. You can get a bunch at Canadian Tire or Home Depot.
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