Hey guys! I just had my jack and jill this past Saturday and it was a huge success! We managed to raise $4100 which pays for my whole honeymoon to Jamaica and we have an extra grand to either use towards excursions while we are there or to put towards other payments still owing on the wedding! I didn't get to take photos of the place being all set up because I was so busy but I have photos of some of the wedding party, guests, some of the raffle baskets and decorations before being fully finished! It ended up being a casino theme as well!
We had 14 raffle baskets/prizes! We had a TV, a coffee basket, a tea basket, a lotto basket, a gardening basket, a wine basket, a chocolate lovers basket, a candy lovers basket, a craft beer basket, a games basket, a kitchen basket, a date night basket, an adult colour book basket and a scentsy basket!
For door prizes we had a cake lollies arrangement and a car detailing type basket with a table that comes with it to put all your cleaning items on which my grandma actually brought to the jack and jill and so it was a last minute addition! We had a $100 gift certificate for a door prize as well towards a photoshoot with a local photographer but because we got the car one that day, we decided to have a dance competition to win the gift certificate and myself and my fiance got to pick the winners!
For food we did lasagna, caesar salad, dinner rolls and then we had chips on all the tables for people to snack on during the night!
For games and activities we had toonie toss, crown and anchor, dart poker, crazy jokers, a 50/50 draw, coin toss, a nail and hammer game and a jail cell where you could pay to put people in jail and pay for them to get out early!
For dart poker we had 3 prizes, first place was a set of jays tickets, 2nd place was a date night basket, 3rd place was a $25 walmart gift card! For the nail and hammer game, we had girls vs girls and guys vs guys so we had a girl and guy winner! The girls won a bath and body works basket, the guys won a car detailing basket!
Crazy jokers
Gardening basket
wine basket (unfinished)
tea basket
kitchen basket
date night baskets (unfinished)
games basket
coffee basket
scentsy basket
Home made jail cell (not painted)
Send a friend to jail sign
coin toss and 50/50 draw sign
nail and hammer game sign
dart poker game board
coin toss (without water)
dart poker game sign
Random decorations
raffle ticket boxes
bath and body works basket (unfinished)
Bride and 2 bridesmaids
Guests in jail
Guests mingling
Bride and groom in jail
Dart poker players
Jail cell
Guests in jail
Guests mingling
Guests mingling
Bride and groom in jail
Bride and bridesmaid in jail
Bridal party (missing 1)
Guests in jail
Bridal party (missing 1)