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How was your proposal?

Emilie, on November 28, 2016 at 07:05 Posted in Before the wedding 0 13

Hey future bride Smiley heart

This is the moment we've all been dying to hear from your love movie!!

Was it a complete suprise when he proposed? Had he been planning it for a long time? Smiley love

How was your proposal?

Continue here >> What movie best describes your relationship?


Images: Giphy - The Rock, The Mindy Project


Latest activity by Melanie, on December 26, 2016 at 11:48
  • Melanie
    Curious September 2017 Ontario
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    He proposed to me right after I came off the race track having finished 3rd in my race. He pulled me over right in pit lane and got down on his knee in his race suit. It was awesome. I was expecting to get proposed to at the track but wasn't thinking about it right after the race, I just wanted to get off the bike Smiley tongue It was awesome as a lot of our friends were around and you can hear some cheering in the back ground as they could see us from where they were watching the race.

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  • Amanda
    Curious July 2018 Ontario
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    I proposed to him.

    I went to meet his family (they live in Alberta and he is not close with them). They all loved me immediately, as well as his son. It was a bunch of emotional days in a row with so many good conversations and new friendships. He is from a small town, very I pulled him into the trailor we were staying in and asked him out of nowhere. He was like "whhhaaaatttt - well of course, but are you joking?" Hahaha. It was cute. I took a ring off my finger which had recently broken (sodering wore out), and stretched it big enough to put on his finger. Hahahaha.

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  • Cassandra
    Devoted September 2017 Ontario
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    I knew it was going to happen this year, I just didnt know when. We had been talking about it for a while, and had gone ring shopping so that he had an idea of what I like, and size etc.

    We go to Florida every year because my family owns a time share, it also happens to be one of my favourite places ever. This April while we were there he took me on a romantic helicopter ride over Disney world. He pulled out the box and asked me to marry him. Then we went for an amazing dinner to celebrate. Best day ever.

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  • Natasha
    VIP August 2017 Ontario
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    It was a surprise for me ... I thought it wouldnt be untill this year... but he surprised me and did it last year ... which I have loved having a nice long engage,ment .. and taking my time with planning and being able to include my son in every aspect and take our time

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  • C
    Curious January 2017 Alberta
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    It was kind of was Christmas morning and he asks if I want my gift now or later. I said it might as well be now. I open the gift and it's a GPS box. I git into it and it's a pretty purple box. I thought maybe earrings. I see its a ring and turned I didn't know what to say. My mom had to remind us that he needed to actually ask me so he got down on his bad knee and with tears in his eyes asked me to marry him. I laughed. ..and laughed...and no said yes. I just couldn't cry.
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  • Lindsay
    Curious December 2016 Ontario
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    To be honest, the proposal wasnt exactly what some people find to be romantic. With that being said, I was completely surprised because I didn't think he would do it until I finished school. He took me out for dinner, and when we got home we were just hanging out talking and he just looked at me and told me he loved me, and when I said it back he asked "will Ypu love me forever?" and pulled the ring put from his pocket. I'm a bit wild so totally freaked and snatched the ring from his hand and put it on myself lol (I'm such a loser haha). I was do happy though and had to call everyone asap!
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  • Rory
    Frequent user August 2017 British Columbia
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    I still think it was the best day of my life, even before the proposal because we were both just so happy. We were on a snowboarding trip, and we stayed at Blue moutain. The entire day was magical.

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  • Brenda
    Expert April 2018 Ontario
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    He asked me on our first anniversary and yes we've had a very long engagement. Being that we have had quite a journey with my middle daughter having special needs we waited and then with having 2 more boys and our oldest son also having Aspergers we waited a bit more.Worth the wait.
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  • Samtam
    VIP November 2016 British Columbia
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    We knew that we were going to be together forever and wanted to get married but I had no clue that he was going to propose when he did. My rule had been that I didn't want to be engaged and living at home but it was taking much longer than we expected to find our own place and I felt like we were at that point where "fiances" would more accurately describe our relationship so I told him that I could maybe be persuaded to get engaged before moving out... He knew how he wanted to propose but hadn't planned to do it when he did! He knew that he wanted to propose to me at the World Leadership Congress that I had been volunteering at for 10 years. I had been trying to get him to go with me but he wasn't sure but had finally said that he would go the following year with me. He realized while I was there that if he proposed the next year, it would be more expected so he decided to fly out and surprise me at the Closing Banquet! I had told him that I wished he would come out for the banquet and that I was missing him so I thought that my surprise was him showing up! Little did I know he had a ring in his pocket all night and that he was going to propose! I am very proud of him for pulling it off, especially after only deciding to do it a few days before!

    (And we did at least end up moving out before our wedding! Smiley xd )

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  • Laura
    Super September 2017 Alberta
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    The proposal was sort of a surprise and sort of not. We had agreed we were getting married but had also agreed that he needed a new car and some job stability more than I needed an engagement ring and the engagement. He had the new car but was waiting on the permanent job offer and apparently got tired of waiting. He asked a question about gold preference and then ditched me to go buy my Christmas present, I didn't know it was a ring. He wanted to tell my parents first ( not so much ask permission because if they were against it we would have still gotten married but traditions) and didn't get to see them in person until Christmas so he talked to them before I got up Christmas morning and proposed when we went for a walk in the fresh snow later that morning Smiley heart

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  • Cheryl
    Expert December 2017 British Columbia
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    It technically hasn't happened yet...
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  • Chelsea
    Master August 2017 Ontario
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    We had been out looking at rings together so I knew it would happen soon but it was a surprised of when it happened because I didn't even know he had gotten the ring! He even snuck down to Windsor and managed to ask my dad for permission! He can never hide anything from me so he did a good job!

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  • Simone
    Master August 2017 Manitoba
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    The proposal was a surprise. It was a joyous occasion as he proposed on my birthday. I laughed in shock that he was proposing and started crying until I finally said yes! I will never forget that day!
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