Ok so we are having a destination wedding next May in Mexico and I’m super excited but I have a dilemma... I regret asking my one friend to be my bridesmaid.
From the get go she’s not been reliable at all. Whenever me and the other bridesmaids would start a group chat to discuss things, she would leave us on read and not reply or give her opinions. It wasn’t the biggest deal to me at the time but now it’s getting to me. Lately she has changed as a person and it just doesn’t feel like she was the friend I asked to be a bridesmaid in the first place. It never really felt like she cared to be a bridesmaid and now she’s hinted to me that she might be struggling financially which I completely understand and don’t want that to be the reason I ask her to step down as a bridesmaid but I also know for a fact that she has paid in full for her trip to Mexico and I’m not sure she would get her money back if I asked her to step down. It’s not that I don’t want her to come to the wedding but I just don’t want to have to stress about her anymore. My other bridesmaids have already complained to me that she is unreachable and is leaving all the planning to them. I know I need to talk to my friend in person about this but it feels like she’s avoiding me at the moment. She doesn’t answer her phone and she cancels on plans so I don’t even know how I would be able to have a sit down chat with her.
Does anyone have any advice on how to ask a bridesmaid to step down?