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Devoted August 2020 Saskatchewan

Having to choose a new moh

Monique, on March 10, 2020 at 18:52 Posted in Before the wedding 0 8

Nothing bad happened to my MOH, she backed out because she might not be able to attend and she won’t be around very much. I’m not expecting anything crazy, I just want my MOH and bridesmaids to wear the color dress, attend the rehearsal and wedding, and perhaps spend the night before together and hanging out. I figured I should ask one of my 3 other bridesmaids to be MOH. My choices are:

Bridesmaid 1- friend I’ve known for 8 years, she’s witnessed all of my relationship with my fiancé from when I first met him and had a crush on him. I love this friend, she lives in our hometown so I don’t see her often but every time I go home to visit, I always spend time with her. We were more close in high school, so when we talk now, we talk a lot about fun things we did in high school.

Bridesmaid 2- friend I’ve known for 6 years, she’s also witnessed almost my entire relationship with my fiancé. We don’t talk much but when we do, it’s like nothing has changed.

Bridesmaid 3- my 12 year old sister, I love her so much. I worry if she were my MOH, she wouldn’t be able to sign as a witness on the marriage certificate because she’s only 12. I tried messaging our possible officiant, but he hasn’t said anything. I also worry that if I have a falling out with my mom, she may not allow my sister to attend.

Option 4- my art teacher from high school, I love her as if she were my mum. If my sister can’t sign as a witness, I could ask her to sign as a witness, but I don’t know if that would be weird? Also, she hasn’t mentioned if she’s attending or not (she most likely is, but there’s been no official confirmation).

Part of me wants to ask my old MOH to still be MOH since she doesn’t have to plan a bachelor party or shower or something. But I don’t want her to feel pressured and she may not be able to attend the wedding.

What would you do/what would you recommend?


Latest activity by Monique, on March 17, 2020 at 13:56
  • Monique
    Devoted August 2020 Saskatchewan
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    How many witnesses can you have?

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  • Monique
    Devoted August 2020 Saskatchewan
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    Thanks, that's really good advice!

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  • Monique
    Devoted August 2020 Saskatchewan
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    Yeah I feel like I need one, because my partner has a best man and I need someone to sign as a witness

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  • Monique
    Devoted August 2020 Saskatchewan
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    Thank you for your advice

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  • Sarah
    Expert July 2021 Ontario
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    Bridesmaid #1 makes the most sense
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  • Ashley
    VIP August 2020 Ontario
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    If you dont have any duties and your MOH doesnt have anything to do other than attend why even pick one? i dont have a MOH cuz i cant pick between all my gfs! im actually just having my cousin sign as a witness! but i would get either friend one or two to just sign as a witness for you

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  • Steph
    Expert June 2022 Ontario
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    Oh goodness, this is quite a tough spot to be in! For starters, I'm glad nothing bad happened with your previous MOH! I would say to pick whichever friend is your closest friend. Knowing each other for a long time is great, and if you feel closest to friend #1 then that's probably the pick I would go with. However, sometimes the newer friendships are closer/stronger than the longer ones. Hard as it may be, think of the 1 person you just can't imagine getting married without. Think of who you tell absolutely everything to, no holding back. Think of who always has and always will be there for you no matter the situation. And think of who is genuinely the happiest for you on your special day. Hopefully that helps to narrow it down 🤗
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  • Laura
    Devoted June 2022 Ontario
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    What a tough situation! It sounds like you have a great group of girls around you for your wedding though! Do you feel you need a MOH? Will your old MOH still be a bridesmaid? Based on how you've explained it, it seems like "Option 1" is your closest friend who you've known since high school and knows you best.

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