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Expert July 2022 Ontario

Happily Ever After

Amanda, on November 10, 2020 at 09:30 Posted in Before the wedding 2 24

Hello Future and Present Brides & Grooms!

During these stressful times and unknowns I want to remember some of the GERATEST moments of your lives, that lead you to this day of planning your dream wedding! Tell me about your other half, I want to know how you met, When YOU first realized you loved them, who said I love you first and and how they proposed !

This is my story:

I met my FH at my cousins place for a party (He was my cousins newest friend lol) and the MOMENT I saw him, Its like he was the only one in the room, lets just make it short and say we absolutely hit it off that night and never spent a day apart from that moment on.

1 year down the road, on New Years we were at my Grandparents celebrating and dancing, and I was sitting on my couch just having a "moment" I sat back and watched as he danced with my little sisters, Grandmother and family, and I broke out into tears, tears of happiness. In that moment I was OVERWHELMED with LOVE. I knew in that moment, he was the one. What more could I ask for, I have the man of my dreams who is here and love my family so much & me even more, he is loved by all & makes me the happiest person in the world... That's when I knew. (We still hadn't said "I love you" to one another) Needless to say, later that week I told him FINALLY that I loved him, and that feeling was unforgettable.

Fast forward 1 year later, and the man of my dreams took me back to place called Fairy Lake, where we used to go hang out, go for walks and just talk... This is the place that was most relevant and meaningful for us - Next thing I knew, right before my eyes, he was on one knee... I couldn't believe it, really I couldn't I almost told him to stand up HAHAHA... When he finally pulled out the ring, I ran to him and hugged him and of course said YES!

Now thanks to COVID we have had to postpone our wedding 1 more year, but we are counting down the days until we can finally call each other Husband & Wife! Smiley heart


Latest activity by Amanda, on November 16, 2020 at 16:54
  • A
    Master August 2022 British Columbia
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    Thank you! We're enjoying our new home very much! And we're beyond excited for the wedding next summer. No matter how many people we have if it's 100 people or 50 people, it'll be amazing.

    Congrats to you as well on the new home! Hopefully your wedding goes as planned in June!

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  • Amanda
    Expert July 2022 Ontario
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    Facebook can be a wonderful thing! Smiley smile
    I am so happy you didn't let COVID win and bought a house together in the mean time, my FH and I did the same thing, we moved in 3 months ago into our first home, and postponed out wedding until June 2021.
    There is a reason for everything! I hope you guys are enjoying living together, and still excited for your BIG day next year! Smiley heart

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  • A
    Master August 2022 British Columbia
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    I had met my fiance on Facebook through mutual friends in 2014. We had been friends for about a year before he had asked me out on a date in 2015. From that moment on, I just had a strong feeling that he was going to be the one I was going to spend the rest of my life with. We pretty much spent every night together after the first date. 3 weeks later, he had moved into my place with me. We both said I love you within a month of living together.

    Fast forward a year later, the marriage talk had come up a few times and he even had asked me what kind of rings I liked. Just talking about marriage with him had me excited to start that next chapter of our lives together.

    Fast forward to Christmas Morning 2017, the best Christmas gift I could ask for happened. I was unwrapping the very last gift of the morning. It was in a big box. I unwrapped it and there was smaller box inside that and another smaller box after that. When I had gotten down to the last box I had looked up and my boyfriend was down on one knee. He took the box from me and opened it, and there it was the ring! He had asked me to marry him and of course I said yes!

    We've been together now for 5 and a half years. We bought our first house together last August and even though we had to postpone our wedding in August 2020 to August 2021, we know we'll be married sooner or later and can't wait to start the next chapter of our lives together!

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  • Amanda
    Expert July 2022 Ontario
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    YASSS Girl!
    I love that! I love that you waited for him to get off the phone too... I probably would have done th same lol so it made me smile to hear that!

    I am very happy for the both of you and also can not wait for the both of you to officially be Husband & Wife. Smiley heart

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  • Amanda
    Expert July 2022 Ontario
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    UGHHHH - I love this story!
    Yes I do agree with you, a lot of people are "embarrassed" to say they met online, but I don't know why... That's how majority of people meet now a days. My Mom also met her BF on a dating site... Kudos to the both of you!
    I am sorry to hear COVID has affected your wedding date as well, but when they day FINALLY comes it will all be worth it! Smiley smile

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  • Mais
    Frequent user September 2020 Ontario
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    Oh my god I met my husband on Ok Cupid as well! I still remember the e first day, I was an hour and a half late lol because he didn’t confirm the meeting with me I assumed he just vanished, and on our first date I leaned in to kiss him and he said “ not yet, I don’t know you that well” and look at us now 3 years later and happily forever married 💜💜💜💜
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  • Emma
    Beginner August 2021 Ontario
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    Thank you so much anc I’m forever grateful that he never gave up on me too! I think it would be really special to go back to the Paris/the Eiffel Tower some day to remember that moment! I’m very excited to finally be married to him 😊
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  • Sharon
    Curious August 2021 Alberta
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    I love reading everyone's love stories!

    I actually met my now FH in junior high. We weren't friends or anything, but I remember him being in a few of my classes. We went to different schools after that. In 2014 I ran into him while grocery shopping after work. He was talking on his phone, but we waved at each other and I lingered around for a bit to see if he would get off his phone to chat. He just kept talking so I continued shopping - he ended up getting off the phone and looking down every isle to come find me. A few weeks later and we agreed to meet up for a coffee to 'catchup'. I was so nervous that I wouldn't have anything interesting to talk about, but we ended up chatting until the staff kicked us out. I said "I love you" first while we were sitting by the river at a local dog park. I don't know when I knew it was him, but just felt like I was done looking and didn't want to be with anyone else.

    He asked me to move in after a year of dating and this past January he proposed on a beach in Mexico. We're planning on getting married in Aug 2021 - we've already been together for 6 yrs, but I'm still so excited to finally be husband and wife and make it official... and have a kick ass party!

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  • H
    Master September 2021 Ontario
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    I met my fiancee online. We know so many people who met online that are too embarrassed to tell anyone but we don't deny it lol. I made an okcupid account (does anyone remember that app?) and was literally on it for maybe two weeks or so and started chatting with her. She loves breakfast food and her profile had something about liking omelettes so my opening line was asking what kind of omelette she'd make for me. By some miracle, she actually answered and a conversation was started.

    Our first date was supposed to be a coffee date that turned into dinner because she works in the suburbs and couldn't get back into the city until later. I was nervous at first because first dinner dates are always awkward, and it was stupidly pouring the day of, but this went way better than I expected it to. For our second date, I invited her to a film festival screening that half my social circle at the time happened to be at so she inadvertently met a good chunk of my friends on the second date hahaha. I could tell she was the shy type so I took things slow to make sure she was comfortable with our pacing and after three months or so, she just called and told me that I better make some moves if we wanted to take this further Smiley laugh Considering how shy she is, that took a lot of guts from her to say that.

    Fast forward five years, I proposed on our anniversary. Our wedding date was originally slated to be close to our original anniversary but with covid, we're going to see how things play out.

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  • Kristen
    Devoted May 2021 British Columbia
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    Haha he definitely knew what he wanted!! And yeh exactly! Felt like we were together for longer anyhow!

    And yes Ava along with 2 of my oldest nieces will be my flower girls Smiley smile Ava will be 2.5 and probably run away with no guidance :p
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  • Amanda
    Expert July 2022 Ontario
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    SOOO CUTEEEE! Please tell me you have pictures of your Pug dressed up to share!? I would love to see!!!!!!!!! Smiley love
    Your wedding is almost shy of a year away!!!!!!!!!! It'll come faster than you know! Very excited for the both of you!! Smiley heart

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  • Margaret
    Curious December 2021 Ontario
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    I met my FH in November 2008 when we were 16 at part-time movie theatre job. We became friends in the coming months and the rest was history!

    Over the last 12 years, we celebrated many milestones together- graduations, starting our careers and even bought a pre-construction condo together.

    After paying the condo deposit, we decided to move out and rent in the meantime (living with family and travelling to each other was getting annoying + we had already been together for 11 years at this point). A month after moving in, he proposed at home. I was definitely caught off-guard as I had just got home from work. He lined the hallway with candles and rose petals. He hung our pictures on the wall and even had white lights along the windows. Our pug was also dressed for the occasion in his bowtie LOL.

    Finally getting married after all this time, but glad we worked together over the years to reach our goalsSmiley smile Our wedding is set for December 10 2021.

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  • Amanda
    Expert July 2022 Ontario
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    This is so cute, I love that he knew right away and tried to put a stamp on it lol! That makes me smile!!!!!!
    Hey WHOCARES how fast or slow you move, everyone has their own story and time shouldn't be a factor of love! I am happy for the both of you! Smiley smile
    I bet you are BEYOND excited for May... Is Ava your flower girl?

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  • Amanda
    Expert July 2022 Ontario
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    This is such a cute story, and shows that love prevails. I can understand how stressed he would have been during the divorce coming from a child of divorce its always more difficult when kids are involved. None the less, I hope he & you are happiest you can be, I hope his kids now see both his parents happy with their significant others, and know that there is LOVE out there!
    I am very excited for you to finally call him your husband, I know COVID's taking a toll on all of us, but waiting this much longer will make the feeling that much greater! Smiley heart

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  • Kristen
    Devoted May 2021 British Columbia
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    Awe im such a sap! I teared up at all these stories haha!

    In 2017 i got a job in a office (i was 1 of 5 new hires) 3 of us started one day and the other 2 started two days later. Sure enough my FH was one of them. When I turned around to introduce myself i was almost knocked off my feet. I was seeing someone but nothing serious. Everyone in the office were friends and we always went for drinks after work but when id leave he always said "shes my girlfriend!" Which his bestfriend would say no shes not. Lol. He always said he would marry me one day. We started dating in October 2017.
    4 months later i was a tiny bit woozy and there we saw those 2 little lines that changed our lives forever. Our daughter Ava was born in December 2018 (I know we move fast) hahah.
    In July 2018 my parents watched Ava so we could have a "adult" day full of our favorite places. Including a pub where he first said I love you. He tried to play our song on the juke box but it wasnr working so he panicked. When we were leaving he started his speech and ended up getting down on one knee in the parking lot hahaha.
    We're so excited for our new May date!
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  • Cindy
    Frequent user May 2021 Alberta
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    Wow I love all these stories and thank you Amanda for putting this our there.

    Our story is a long one so I apologize in advance.

    I met Dean when a coworker had suggested him as a good mechanic for my car. I brought my car into him and didn't really notice him at first. As time went on I had brought my car in for an oil change (3 months late) and was "scolded" for being so behind on the oil change. At that point, I noticed him however I thought he was married and he thought I had a boyfriend. He sent me a friend request on Facebook anyways and we started talking periodically. Then one night I was going through my matches on and he came up. Turns out he was going through a very bad divorce with his two boys and I was single. LOL. He asked me out for the first time however it was my cousins 40th birthday so I said no. The Sunday after I had a flat tire and a migraine but he told me to bring the car in so he could fix it. He asked me out for coffee and we sat for 3 hours talking about life. We decided to give it a try however with his divorce he was stressed and not all there for me, completely understandable especially with kids involved. He broke it off with me in February 2016 and in May started talking to me again. We took it very slow until October 2016 when we decided there was no one else for us and made that our official date. I met his youngest son January 2017.

    I said I love you first on his birthday August 2017. His reply was hilarious asking "how long were you holding that in". It didn't phase me because I knew he was cautious and I didn't want him saying it back if he didn't mean it. February 2018 he said I love you in Las Vegas which is actually a sentence in OUR song. (totally not planned)

    We made the decision at some point to live together so we renovated my condo to sell so that we could buy a house together. We then bought our house March 2019.

    We always talked about maybe one day getting married but I never wanted to push him so it was just talk. However he had his niece being sneaky to gather information on what kind of ring I like and surprised me on July 13, 2019 by proposing. That day was such a nice day but I had food poisoning so I was not feeling the best. He so badly wanted to go for a motorbike ride so I put on a brave face and some pants. We rode to a great park and grabbed some ice cream however my stomach was not happy and I had to keep running to the washroom. Finally I came out and he asked if I could stand by this cool tree so he could take a picture. I was being difficult so he had to take a second one. I looked up after repositioning and he was on his knee and asked me to marry him. I actually said "are you serious? stand up." LOL. But in the end I said yes. He had my ring made especially for me and he did amazing.

    We were supposed to be married on July 31, 2020 however we have postponed until May 21, 2021 now. I love him more everyday and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

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  • Amanda
    Expert July 2022 Ontario
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    Honestly, I love the simple, romantic & one on one proposals just as much as some of these grand ones. I love the way he did it, I think that is so special for the both of you!
    Congratulations Girly! So happy for you! Smiley love

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  • Amelia
    Master October 2020 New Brunswick
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    Last September he proposed in our kitchen. We'd talked about getting married and after 10 years together I was very impatient...he was throwing me off his plans completely, even like half an hour before he was showing me other rings on Etsy and asking if I liked them!

    I had gotten good news at work the day before so he suggested we stay in and celebrate. I was pouring wine when I turned around and he was on one knee. He's not one for attention or big gestures, but it was lovely!
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  • Amanda
    Expert July 2022 Ontario
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    Wow that is truly and amazing and inspiring story! You are absolutely right saying many people wouldn't work out through all of that, but to stay true to one another no matter the distance and to get to a point of finally being together is AMAZING!
    When did he Propose and How?

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  • Amanda
    Expert July 2022 Ontario
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    OMG I love this story! I am glad he never gave up on you and waited! That is what TRUE LOVE is!
    I am so happy for the two of you! Hopefully one day you can go back to the Eiffel tower to remember that moment for you two! That must have been a beautiful feeling for you especially on the Eiffel tower !
    Can't wait for you both to finally be Husband & Wife!

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  • Amelia
    Master October 2020 New Brunswick
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    Taylor and I met through friends 11 years ago. We hit it off immediately. I remember him mentioning going to Wisconsin with his family a few weeks after we met, but it wasn't until a bunch of us were picking him up at his house that I saw the for sale sign and realized they were *moving* to Wisconsin.

    The first few months of our relationship were a lot of texting, calls, and video chats (keep in mind this is 2009 and even iPhone didn't have a front facing camera yet). One night we were video chatting and his younger sister walked into the room and said something like "it's the girl from your phone background!?!" she stole and held his phone up to the laptop screen and it was one of my prom photos he had to have swiped from facebook. Before that moment I wasn't sure how serious we both were about the long distance thing working, and our relationship was so new that it would have been easy to fall for people who were geographically closer. It was such a little thing, but in that moment I knew he was a keeper!
    After a few months in separate countries he moved back to Canada and we had several years of being long distance in the same province, which was hard but easier than before! Between both of us going to school and him taking care of elderly family it wasn't until almost 7 years into our relationship that we finally lived in the same city when we moved in together.
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  • Emma
    Beginner August 2021 Ontario
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    Chris and I met in high school, I was in grade 10 and he was in grade 11, we became friends but I only saw him as that until I was in grade 12 (he had liked me since he met me). I knew he liked me after a while but I just didn’t see him as more than a friend until he was there for he during a really rough time and he went over and above for me! We started hanging out more and he asked me out on a date to see Frozen, I held his hand on the way into the movie and after the movie, he asked me out and I said yes! I knew I loved him after not too long and was the first to say I love you, 4 months after when I was on top of the Eiffel Tower (for a school trip) over text! We dated for 6 more years until he proposed last Christmas in front of my family in my living room! I had hinted for so long to ask me to marry him and he was just waiting for the perfect time! He also chose the most beautiful engagement ring all on his own!
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  • Amanda
    Expert July 2022 Ontario
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    OMG I love this story! I also love happily ever after's, and the fact that the guy you thought was SO BEAUTIFUL is now your soon to be HUSBAND!!! Smiley laugh EEEKKKK So excited!
    I love this whole story and so so happy for you! Wishing you and the other half the happiest life together and praying the wedding planning is going smoothly Smiley smile

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  • Kim
    Devoted June 2022 British Columbia
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    That is an amazing story!!

    Our story:

    I originally knew of my FH as he was previously dating someone in my school, and I thought he was BEAUTIFUL, even though we didn't really know of each other (aka he had no idea I existed).

    A few years later, my best friend was friends with him and wanted me to see that there are good guys out there (I was having a rough time in my high school drama), so she introduced us. It was basically happily ever after from there - haven't gone a day without talking since.

    Throughout our relationship, I have definitely been the one that makes the first moves, so of course I said I love you first! We were just sitting in his car, in an empty parking lot talking about life when I told him. I don't think it was one thing in particular that made me realize it, I just couldn't imagine being with anyone else.

    Fast forward 7 years, we went for a lovely summer hike at our favourite spot and he got down on one knee at the top. I don't completely remember if I even said yes (I kind of blacked out from shock), but I've got the ring on, so that's a good sign!

    We got engaged in August of this year, and are planning for a May 2021 wedding, near our 8 year anniversary. We've waited 7 years already, and I just want him to be my husband already!!

    He is the most caring, funny, considerate and amazing person I've ever met and he definitely makes me better for it.

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