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Curious July 2022 Alberta

Getting People Up and Moving?

Kelsey, on June 1, 2021 at 22:06 Posted in Wedding reception 0 4

Hey all! My fiancee and I are planning for July 2022. We really want everyone to be vaccinated so that we can have a massive party.

Our wedding is going to be about 150 people, and a pretty even split of 50 my family, 50 her family, and 50 mutual friends. It's important to us that the event be high energy and people have a good time and interact. We want to have some kind of activity that will get everyone up, mingling, moving around, and meeting new people.

We want to avoid cringey icebreakers, and mandatory activities. I'd much rather have it be a passive ongoing thing that people can do for a little extra fun. But I only have one idea:

Worksheets at each table that require you to talk to other people and have them sign your sheet. ie "find someone who's known the couple for over 10 years", "find someone who went to X university", "find someone who is related to Kelsey". First person to finish the sheet wins a prize

Anyone have other ideas for ongoing fun activities that will encourage mingling?


Latest activity by Sabrina, on June 6, 2021 at 20:23
  • Sabrina
    Curious July 2022 Ontario
    Sabrina ·
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    I agree with Christiana. A good DJ will keep up the momentum of the party. The worksheet seems like it would be under "mandatory activities", and would include cringey icebreakers. I worry people will be so wrapped up in the list (especially if there's competition for a prize) and most will forget manners and skip right to "hi, what university did you go to" - personally, I would like someone to ask me my name before I start getting asked personal questions...It might be uncomfortable for some people. Prizes at a wedding are a little tacky in my opinion, unless it's a centerpiece giveaway (our DJ has it included in his services because it's so common, but we are not doing it).

    What if you included a list of photos you'd like for after your photographer is gone (maybe in a frame to go along with your centerpiece), I.e.: group table photo, 1 photo of the brides looking at each other, 1 photo of Kelsey looking at (your bride's name), etc. It won't be forced, but it will get conversation flowing in a natural way (aw, someone snap that photo - so cute! Did you get it? Can I see?) and you may have some cute photos at the end. To save on cost of a disposable camera and developing, they can take photos and add to your Instagram with your wedding hashtag and you can download from there.
    Happy planning and congratulations!
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  • H
    Master September 2021 Ontario
    Hank ·
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    If you want the vibe to be more up and bumping, are you willing to have a cocktail style party? That way guests are able to mingle with different groups, chat each other up and not be stuck at their tables. It's also a lot easier to facilitate games. Just make sure you have plenty of food going around.

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  • Tunisha
    Super October 2021 Ontario
    Tunisha ·
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    Congratulations 🥳 Kelsey!
    That’s a cool table worksheet idea. But yeah, some people might not be up for it. But definitely think about how you’re seating your guests, if you would like them to get to mingle and get to know each other. Also, playing upbeat music and have the Emcee get them grooving and mentioning what song is up and for what kind of people can vibe to this.

    I am planning to have a good playlist for party time and have people vibing.
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  • Christiana
    Super November 2020 British Columbia
    Christiana ·
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    I’m personally against any sort of forced group activity at a wedding. I know more extroverted people might like them but it’s pretty draining and anxiety inducing for me.
    I think as long as you have a good DJ they’ll be able to keep the momentum of the party going. Or even just having a few games around like giant Jenga or other sort of yard games can get people to mingle
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