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WeddingWire Admin May 2015 Maryland

Fiancé(e) Friday - share your "how we met" story

Joey, on August 30, 2019 at 08:14 Posted in WeddingWire 0 19

It's the end of the week, and nearly the end of the summer. Let's give ourselves a little romantic pick-me-up and share "how we met" stories. How did you and your partner first meet? Smiley heart

Fiancé(e) Friday - share your "how we met" story 1

Photo by Ana S. Chi Photography in Vancouver


Latest activity by Rebecca, on September 3, 2019 at 11:18
  • R
    Devoted November 2019 Quebec
    Rebecca ·
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    We went to high school together and in the same class. He was cocky and pompous and I could not stand him. Few years later two of our good friends started dating and we were hanging out more and realized he wasn't so bad and I did like him. One day when we were 15 walking home with a ground of friends from school, my friend told me he was planning to ask me out and he did but asked that I pretend he didn't to joke with the friend who told me. We had a good laugh at her reaction of punching him when he told her he didn't ask me yet. We thought "meh, we're young its high school if we last to the end of the year that's fine." and we did. then we thought "ok if we last to prom we'll have a prom date" and we did. "ok surely we wont make it through college we are going to become 2 different people" and we did but we grew separately as people but together. 10 years later we're getting married.

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  • Christine
    Frequent user October 2019 Ontario
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    We were in the same psychology class together in 3rd year university (2012). One day he sat next to me in class and started talking about personality psychology, which was related to what we were learning in class. We barely talked over the semester, but when exam season came I asked if he wanted to study together. We were both really nervous during our study date, but then at the end he asked me to go on an actual date. We've been inseparable ever since. Moved in together after a year and a half of dating, and moved to Vancouver together in 2015. We decided to adopt two cats in 2016, and he's a fantastic cat father Smiley smile

    Last year we went on a hike together for his birthday and he asked me if I could give him a special birthday present. That is when he asked me if I would marry him Smiley heart

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  • M
    Expert September 2019 Ontario
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    I love this story!
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  • M
    Expert September 2019 Ontario
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    We met online, almost 19 years ago, back when people didn't really meet online.
    It took us a few months to meet in person and then I friend zoned him for awhile, with us talking daily. He left the following summer and I missed him so much! I knew that we needed to be together and when he came back he said he was supposed to be in a wedding that weekend and did I want to be his plus one (that's right, he invited some random girl to his friend's wedding 4 days beforehand; That poor bride probably wanted to kill us both!!!). The wedding was September 14, 2001 and the world was reeling from 9/11. I remember I heard about the attacks while buying a dress to wear to the wedding.
    We had our baby girl in 2005 and baby boy in 2008.
    We've been together a long time and he is my very best friend and most favourite person. A couple years ago he put in a tremendous amount of effort and courage to make and sustain life altering changes and get and stay sober. He's pretty awesome!
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  • Marissa
    Expert August 2019 Ontario
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    We met through YouTube. He made silly news-style videos in his bedroom back home in Ireland, and I randomly subscribed. I watched and commented on his channel from my dorm room in Ottawa. We talked as friends through Facebook, YouTube, Skype and MSN Messanger (of all things!) for 2 years before I came to visit him in Ireland for the first time. As soon as we met in person, we knew that was it. He's a Canadian permanent resident now and we've officially been together for 8 years. On August 11th, we married each other on the exact day of the start of our relationship together, and we have been best friends for 10 years now.
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  • A
    Super September 2020 Ontario
    Amelia ·
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    The first summer after finishing high school I was working at a day camp for special needs kids and Nick volunteered there for a week or two. I didn't really think twice about him and didn't seem him for awhile after those weeks were up but he found me on Facebook months later and we started chatting and hanging out a bit. I wasn't really interested in dating anyone at that point but he was so persistent that I finally gave in and we made it official in the winter.

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  • Rayanne
    Master June 2022 Ontario
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    I had plans to hang out with one of my best friends. She was pregnant and hormonal and wanting to hang out with her hubby and his friends. I begrudgingly agreed to go and was nasty and rude most of the night. Apparently FH liked me anyway which is nice to know that even at my worst he still interested.
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  • Stephanie
    Frequent user July 2021 Ontario
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    We have actually known each other since high school and we were really close friends.

    It took us 20 years to move past the friendship Smiley smile

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  • Vinod
    Top August 2017 Ontario
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    We met through a online dating chat site of Planet Remeo.

    We chatted through messaging for a month before meeting in person for the first time. Every day since then, he came over and drove back north every morning. We spent a lot of time together doing puzzles and scrapbooking. Christmas time came and I was driven to his home where I met his dog Peanut for the first time. Birthday followed a month after and in the card was a gate card to the campground of his area.

    We were moving along well and moving in together was something he was ready for me to do though it seemed early and was hesitate at the time. Time went by trying to convince me to move in with him. 6 months after, I did finally make the move to live together. Given the time of moving in, he showed me rings he didn't wear since it was small fitting for his fingers. I tried them on and fitted well and comfortable. I took that sign of an engagement considering the manner of verbal. Throughout the relationship, there was talk about marriage though it didn't seem the right time or feeling with arguments or behaviour shown towards the idea. Overtime, things changed for the better and came to the time he was ready to commit and wanting to buy an engagement ring. I didn't want to have him feel he had to go through the trouble since the ring was expensive for what he gave me and accepted as that concept of engagement. 18 months of planning towards the day approaching was building up the excitement. Family and FH then were always giving grief about what is right to do and why so much expense for such purchases or vendors. All obstacles came to an end and worked out for the best to accept our marriage and happiness at the end. Husband at this time was glad he didn't spend the money for the engagement since the wedding bands were a good price and made payment increments given the discounted amount.

    2 years in the marriage, we have walked off the rough patch and in a better place with each other understanding how we can deal with things and communicate better.

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  • Jennifer
    Curious September 2019 Alberta
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    So I was downtown, waiting for some friends that were supposed to meet me for drinks and they were running VERY late, so I was just walking down the road, looking in shops and killing time. I start to come up to this guy, who has the hood of his SUV up on the side of the road, half hanging out of the engine bay, feet dangling off the ground, and I can hear him grumbling and cursing. I walked up behind him and asked if he was doing okay (mostly motivated because that was one FINE booty) and he dropped down to the ground, turned around with a dirt smudged face, and smiled at me. And man, I can't even tell you what happened to my stomach. He said that his vehicle had just quit in the middle of the nearby intersection, and that he was waiting on a tow truck. I proceeded to start asking him a bunch of questions, tinkering around (in a dress and 3 inch heels no less), etc, with his vehicle, and declared what I thought the problem to be, and how he should fix it. He apparently found this endearing instead of annoying, because he asked me to grab coffee while we waited for the tow truck, and I then gave him a ride home (after taking his photo and sending it to a friend in case he "turned out to be a murderer"). 8 hours later I was driving home at 2 am, grinning like an idiot, and now, 6 years later, we are getting married.

    In case you are curious? I was right about the issue with his vehicle Smiley winking

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  • Alix
    Expert June 2021 Saskatchewan
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    Well the short story is we met at the mall.

    The long story is I worked at a kiosk in the mall selling slippers and mitts over Christmas. And some guy that worked at the mall would walk by all the time and say hi. He started saying really quietly so I could barely hear him and after a few weeks he became more clear and eventually added Hi, How are you? to it. But he never stopped to talk to me or introduce himself. After a couple of months he came up to me and asked where the mens moccasins were (even though he had been walking past them for two months haha). He still did not introduce himself.

    After Christmas I was still working at the mall and figured out where he worked. I walked into his store and he started talking to me right away. It was like we actually knew each other. We both had to get to work and he started slowly walking away but still didn't introduce himself. I had to say "I'm Alix by the way" he apologized and said his name was Troy.

    I ended up getting a job at the University here and stopped working at the mall so I didn't see him for a few months. Then one day he happened to be at the University one morning and I ran into him on my way to my office. We had a good conversation but we were both nervous and still didn't get each others numbers.

    I think it was another couple of more months before we found each other on social media. Once we did I had to be the one to talk to him first. But once we started talking we talked almost everyday for a few weeks till we started hanging out. Then we were hanging out for a few weeks before we decided to make it official that we were dating. Then only 11 months later we were engaged. We've now been together for more than two years Smiley heart

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  • Becky
    VIP September 2019 Ontario
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    We met on POF app- we talked about a month and then met in person at a Tim's. We were both long distance and were only able to see eachother due to schedules once a month for a weekend. We talked non stop in between.

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  • Allison
    Master October 2019 Ontario
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    I never get tired of mine, basically because it's the last scenario I thought I'd meet my FH in lol! It's a bit of a long story, but it's our story Smiley xd

    In July 2015, I was dating my then-boyfriend who was roommates with his friend from high school, who is a girl. While he lived with a girl, he got jealous since I was working in a field crew all the time and was the only female (my work required overnight trips), so there was a double standard that I should've seen as a red flag.

    On July 31, 2015, my ex was working until 9:30pm and his roommate (Tay) and I were hanging out (we didn't get along but I made an effort for my ex) baking cookies for my FH's (Kane) coworker (Dre), whom she had a crush on. She lived near the university where Kane and Dre worked as security and I was a student at the time but it was raining heavily that night so she asked if I would drive her over. I accepted, figuring the whole trip would take max. 15 minutes and we'd be back at her house just in time for my ex to get home. We get to the university's security office and Kane was the office worker - the guy Tay had a crush on was working patrol. She introduced me to Kane and we immediately clicked and hit it off. Before we knew it it had been over 2 hours since we first arrived and my ex was blowing up my phone. Before we left, Tay mentioned her birthday party was in a few days and wanted to invite Dre and Kane, who also didn't really get along with Tay, but once I said I was going, he changed his tune and was enthusiastic.

    At the party, Kane and I hung out the whole night since my ex wasn't a bar/party person and being a wallflower. I picked up on the fact that Kane was lightly flirting with me, and my ex picked on it too. A few days after the party, before I was leaving for another field work trip, my ex and I got into a big fight about Kane, he wasn't pleased with his flirting. I went on my field work trip and when I got back, I tried to break up but my ex convinced/manipulated me into staying with him for another month before getting fed up and breaking up successfully. A month after that, Kane asked me out for coffee and 4 years later we're getting married in 50 days!!!

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  • Casey
    Master October 2019 Ontario
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    Loving all of these stories!!

    We knew each other when I was in high school. I honestly can't even remember how that happened. But we hung out once, and lets just say he was a typical guy that only wanted one thing, me being 16 was not into that at all.

    Then when I was 21, I went out with my girlfriends for a Christmas Pub Crawl. We got to the last bar, and he was a bouncer at that place standing right beside a table where they were selling shots in light up shot glasses. We were all standing beside the table and he just made a comment to me about the type of car my dad drove (Clearly a conversation we had years earlier when he picked me up from my house). By the time I had gotten home I had a message on Facebook from him saying how nice it was to see me that night, and a couple nights later we had our first date.

    He still jokes with me that if I would have given him a chance when I was 16 we would have already been married with kids! But everything happens for a reason Smiley smile

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  • Michelle
    Expert October 2021 Nova Scotia
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    We kind of met a few times due to having mutual friends in high school, at a friend's birthday party, in a club meeting, etc.

    The time that really actually stuck though is when we had class together when I was in grade 11 and he was in grade 12. That's also when he fell in love with me he always loves to remind me because it wasn't for a year after that that we actually started dating.

    We've been together for almost 10 years now and he really is my high school sweetheart

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  • Kelsie
    Master July 2021 Ontario
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    We met online through the Bumble app - so I had to message him first. It was so funny because I actually remember the moment we matched when I was on the train going to work.

    We talked and texted for a few weeks and I can't for the life of me remember whether we met in person before or after he had to return to England for a week for his graduation. In any case, we were basically inseparable and I can get sick of someone pretty fast so I figured he must be special!

    We were seeing each other for 2 months before we became exclusive on my birthday! He picked me up from the airport after I returned with a girlfriend from my birthday trip to Vegas and we decided might as well make it official.

    Lots of people probably think we got engaged really fast (after 1.4 months of dating) but when you know, you know.

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  • Madisyn
    Expert February 2020 Ontario
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    I briefly dated this in university and on my 18th birthday my then boyfriend invited his friend Jesse over to my apartment to party. That night Jesse and my friend Katie hooked up. They had a casual fling for a few months, I broke up with the first guy, and started seeing other people. Jesse and I stayed friends and kept in touch, even when things ended with Katie. He would offer to walk me home from parties, fix things I had that were broken, and kept insisting that I would cave one day and be with him. I was sure I would NEVER be with this man. I went home for the summer and we stayed in touch. When I got back to university, he asked me out on a date and I accepted. 5 years later, here we are... About to get married! We never could have anticipated this is where we would end up!
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  • Caitlyn
    Super January 2020 Ontario
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    We met online through Plenty of Fish. He messaged me first and opened up with asking what my favourite Disney movie was and why. Then we started text messaging and playing Trivia Crack. We were a pretty even match.

    The first time we met in person we went to the Keg for dinner. He now jokes that I'm pretty special because he didn't run after I ordered chicken from the Keg. I was so nervous that I barely talked. We shared cheesecake for dessert, which I now look back on and think is so cute. Then we went to the bar down the street to have a few drinks. He asked me on another date, held my hand as he walked me to the subway (and I smiled and blushed so much and squealed). I don't know what he saw in me because I was the most awkward and quiet person ever at that first meeting Smiley xd

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  • Tori
    Top October 2019 Manitoba
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    Well we first met at a game night!

    It all started on Friday, February 24th 2017. Some others at work and I were invited over to my friend Taylor's house for a girls game night. You see, the problem was that now that it was a girl's night - Taylor's husband Brad was the only male in the house. It was time to call for backup to up the amount of testosterone in the room.

    Well...the first guy Brad thought to call just had to be Kael.

    Kael and I seemed to hit it off from the get go - in fact, when it was time to go Kael was ready and willing to offer a ride home to a couple of us. Being the awesome winner I am, I called shotgun and rode up front next to him. Although we were talking and had common interests it still went right over my head as to why he was dropping off my friend first when it would make more sense to drop me off first due to the extra driving he would be doing otherwise. Little did I know that after we were the only ones left in the truck that he would ask if I wanted to stop for a quick bite - this would be our first date!

    We stopped at the drivethrough at McDonalds and pulled into the parking lot to talk some more while we filled our stomachs. By the end of the night when he finally let me go - we exchanged snap chat information to keep in contact.

    That. That is the day that I met Kael. That is the day that I first layed eyes on the man that would turn out to be my boyfriend, bestfriend, fiance, and now husband.

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