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Devoted July 2018 Alberta

Family Issues

Alexa, on May 6, 2018 at 22:45 Posted in Before the wedding 0 9

So.... My mom wont lift the restraining order. My dads extended family has boycotting my wedding because they do not like how my mom is treating my dad in the divorce. I keep asking my moms extended family if they are coming(they have not rsvp yet and the invites went out in January, the deadline is May 21st). Asked one of my aunts if she is going and remind her deadline is soon and her response it she will le me know by the deadline. Should I even tell her don't bother coming at all? I feel she should have already rsvp and how will she know her decision in two weeks when she has known about wedding for over a year. Feel she is deciding to come based on divorce not based on support me and FH.


Latest activity by Marcia, on May 9, 2018 at 15:04
  • Marcia
    Super August 2018 Manitoba
    Marcia ·
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    So sorry you are going through all of this this! Especially at a time, where your wedding/planning should be about you. Its unfortunate that your family can't put their feelings aside for your special day. What I would do is wait until the RSVP deadline before asking or following up with anybody. Once the deadline has passed follow up with everyone who hasn't RSVP'd and if they can't confirm that day, plan as if they will not be attending. Also in regards to your mom it depends on why she has the restraining order, is it from previous physical/mental abuse then I would be understanding, but if it is just in place to make matters worse during the divorce I would not invite her. Hope everything works out for you, and your special day goes as planned Smiley smile.

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  • Holly
    VIP June 2019 Ontario
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    I second this. People have very busy lives these days!
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  • Jen
    VIP June 2018 Ontario
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    Some people have stuff going on in their lives that make it so that they can't RSVP earlier than the actual deadline. We have a family member who still hasn't sent in their invite due to an injury they obtained at work, putting them in a different position for now. They are waiting to hear about going back into their previous position and can't give us an answer until the end of this week, which is a month OVER the date we asked for the RSVPS to be in. Give her until the date that you gave her, as well as all of your other guests. Just because she's an aunt doesn't mean you can be rude to her about not getting hers into you right away. You need to take others lives into consideration.

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  • Courtney
    Super July 2018 Ontario
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    I'm so sorry you're going through this.

    I don't know if you posted elsewhere, but is the restraining order for a legit concern, or is more that the divorce is sour? Is the distance he has to stay enough for him to be at the opposite side of the ceremony at least, to see you get married?

    I personally would probably uninvite my mom, depending on the reason for the restraining order and not thinking about how this will impact you.

    However, your family should be there to support you, even if the situation isn't ideal.

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  • M
    Devoted August 2018 Ontario
    Megis ·
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    The day should be about the wedding not the guests. Its troubling that they can't set it aside for you. Just give them an ultimatum (final offer). It they can't set things aside for you they are only thinking of themselves.

    Going through similar drama but trying not to be too sad or take it personally. Awww Family Smiley xd
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  • Erin
    Master September 2017 Ontario
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    I'm so sorry to hear that you are going through this, especially during a time that is supposed to be revolving around happiness. Have you talked to your mum about how important it is to you that your dad be there for your wedding? I think you should try appealing to her motherly feelings at this point. I hope everything works out for you.

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  • Natasha
    Devoted June 2019 Ontario
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    Girl!!!! Here’s what you do... DO Not followup with anyone additional if they are coming. Wait til May 22 date after the rsvp deadline and then are you has not replied. Then Carey on with your plans. If they are not selfish. They will come if not you don’t need people like that at your wedding anyways. If anyone bring up the restraining order you tell them this is about you and your FH not anyone else! You will have a wonderful day on your wedding day. The people who really love and truly support you will be. I hope everything works out for you.
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  • Alexa
    Devoted July 2018 Alberta
    Alexa ·
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    Its okay! I have come to terms with it! No eloping is not an option for us, we invested this much time and effort for this wedding we aren't the type people to "walk away" haha it is also not fair for our close friends and his family to cancel because people have cancel or rearranged vacations so they can come to our wedding. I am more wondering if I should just tell my aunt if she doesn't know the answer now then don't bother coming because I feel extended family should have rsvp by now.
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  • Holly
    VIP June 2019 Ontario
    Holly ·
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    Oh no! I'm so sorry!! Have you considered cancelling the wedding and just eloping? Truthfully I'd do that if I were in this situation. Your wedding is just going to be hard and stressful and not what a wedding should be with all this drama. I really wish this situation was easier for you. Just remember, this isn't about your's about you and the love of your life getting married. Only people who truely deserve it should be there and unfortunately it seems a few on your mom's side don't deserve it. I really hope your situation starts to see some light soon and gets better.
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