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Newbie July 2022 Ontario

Engagement rings for men/proposing to my boyfriend

Iulia, on September 7, 2020 at 15:04 Posted in Before the wedding 0 3

For context, you should know that, while most of our wedding vendors are booked, our proposal got postponed due to Covid. Smiley laugh I don't mind it, since all traditional timelines went out the window this year anyway. So the proposal remains a surprise to me, all I know is that it'll happen before the new year (I hopeXD ).

My partner and I were talking about the double standard that exists in our society that women are expected to wear engagement rings and that men are not. Needless to say, he's a feminist, and I love him even more for it.

Now, for my question to you. I picked an engagement ring for him, which I know he will love and can double as a wedding band after the ceremony if he so wishes, but I have no clue when or how to give it to him. Do I surprise him with it the moment after he proposes and gives me my engagement ring? Or do I wait and give it to him another day? Do I kneel down and propose after he does or at the same time? I'm so excited but so confused. Smiley xd Help!


Latest activity by Hank, on September 7, 2020 at 20:19
  • H
    Master September 2021 Ontario
    Hank ·
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    If you can afford it, I say get him two bands, one as an engagement and another one surprising him during the ceremony. A lot of men's rings are less round-edged and works great when you put them together. If you get them at 4mm each, it won't be too clunky on his hands when together. Or he can have one on each hand.
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  • Amelia
    Master October 2020 New Brunswick
    Amelia ·
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    I would think about how you would want to be proposed to, and do that. If you picture a quiet night in with candles, or a romantic picnic at a favorite spot then do that!
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  • Laura
    Devoted June 2022 Ontario
    Laura ·
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    What a cute idea! I think you should keep your 'proposal' separate. Allow him to do what he had planned for yours and keep it special for you, and then present him with his ring on a separate day and then it can be about him!

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